Grae - Rom

Book Description

The Grace of Christ, Third Edition

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to communicate as clearly as possible Paul's gospel of God in its depth, from what I have learned over five decades of studying Paul's letters and theology. But, regardless of how much I have gained from teachers past and present, the bottom line is that "the things freely given us by God" in Paul's gospel can only be known by the Spirit of God, through comparing Paul's Spirit-taught words with Spirit-taught words (1 Cor 2:12-13). Luther's grasp of how justification in Christ--and thus faith in Christ--is central, is verified by what Paul says in Rom 1:16-17; that in the gospel, God's saving righteousness is revealed, from Christ's faith to our faith. The message of this book can be summed up as follows: The life of the person in Christ is to be one of trust in Christ for righteousness before God, and, through that faith, obedience to Christ as Lord. This life is possible because Christ believers have died with Christ to the lordship of the Sin and the law, and are alive to God in Christ Jesus--owned by him as Lord, being one spirit with him.

The Aramaic Covenants

Book Description

The Aramaic Covenants and Tanach In Three Volumes The goal of this work is to provide a modern and accurate English translation of the Chumash, Mikra (prophets and Writings) and the Apostolic Writings. The text of this edition of the Aramaic Covenants is a paraphrased translation in idiomatic language . This work is a new edition from translations of the Ancient Aramaic. For example this new edition uses the name of MarYah Eashoa Msheekha (Lord-G-d Yeshua Messiah). It also uses the word (ALLAHA for ELI) (G-d יהוה YHVH 1) and it introduces the Aramaic rendering of Maran as Lord, Along with other Ancient Galilean Aramaic renderings. Due weight was given to the ancient versions as establishing a tradition of interpretation. Out of the four levels of interpretation Parshat, Remez, D'rash, and Sod, the Parshat method was employed, as was Onkelos method of interpretation of the Torah

The Way of Grace

Book Description

This is a clear, concise, well-written book that is chock full of all sorts of information and references. While the text is certainly authoritativeand well researched, the prose is accessible enough that the average reader can easily grasp the book’s concepts and teachings. Anyone whowould like to do a book by book study of grace in the New Testament epistles and the Bible as a whole will find this book immensely helpful.Therefore, I see this book finding a significant audience amongst all sorts of Christians. - Kevin Miller The Way of Grace opens up a whole fresh understanding of the gift of grace revealed through the New Testament epistles. In its concise examples of how grace works to build on our relationship with Jesus Christ, this book will assist many Christians in understanding the full power and extent ofthis infinite gift of God. - John Stanley “And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; ... Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!” (Isaiah 30:18a,c)


Book Description

Transformed by Grace

Book Description

This study contends that the single thread that runs through Romans 6-8 is that of sanctification, which is explained in terms of a life that is transformed by the grace of God. The author argues that a proper understanding of Romans 7 requires that one situate it firmly in the context of the life of freedom from sin in Chapter 6, as well as a life of freedom by the Holy Spirit in Chapter 8. In terms of its contemporary relevance, Paul's view of holiness in Romans 6-8 is grounded in relationship with God, involving separation, commitment, and ethical purity. It is a call to the Roman Christians, and by implication, believers in our present day, to live an alternative lifestyle, to be a model of God's holiness, in order to make him known to the wider society. This conclusion is tested in the Pauline corpus by examining various passages. A picture of Paul's view of holiness that is consonant with the message of Romans 6-8 emerges from this study. For Paul, holiness must not be reduced to theological propositions but is to be understood as a quality to be demonstrated in the lives of those who are called by the name of the Lord.

The New Testament in Color

Book Description

In this one-volume commentary, a multiethnic team of scholars holding orthodox Christian beliefs brings exegetical expertise coupled with a unique interpretive lens to illuminate the ways social location and biblical interpretation work together. These diverse scholars offer a better vantage point for both the academy and the church.

The Concept of Grace

Book Description

The word "grace," already current in classical and Hellenistic Greek, received a great enrichment of meaning in the New Testament. In the course of Christian history, this meaning has frequently been obscured and even debased, though it has never been wholly lost. During the Reformation it was largely rediscovered; in the Evangelical Revival it was reaffirmed, though not without some differences of emphasis; and today, through the revival of biblical theology, it is again coming into its own. In the first chapter, the author examines the use of the term by Saint Paul, who must be regarded as the classic exponent of its Christian meaning. The next three chapters illustrate the variety of ways in which the idea of grace finds expression in New Testament Christianity. The fifth shows how essentially the same idea is embodied in the creedal formulations of the early church--and how it is distorted in some more recent dogmatic pronouncements. The sixth reviews the rise and controversial progress of a specific doctrine of grace, describing its main features as they appear in the work of the Fathers, the Schoolmen, and the Reformers. In the concluding chapter, in which traditional theological language is all but discarded, an attempt is made to consider how far the facts of our human experience justify us in speaking of the reality of grace.