Gramática Coreana para Conversación

Book Description

Archivos de video gratis aquí : La gramática coreana de Song Won para hablar es el texto por excelencia para aprender a hablar y escribir coreano. Como profesor comprobado, apasionado y dedicado, Song Won ha perfeccionado su sistema de aprendizaje de idiomas en el aula. Ahora, finalmente ha puesto esos mismos métodos en un libro de texto informativo y fácil de entender. La gramática coreana para hablar se organiza metódicamente y se divide en unidades separadas. Al principio, los estudiantes construirán una base al aprender a leer, escribir y pronunciar Hangul (el alfabeto coreano). A partir de ahí, los estudiantes aprenderán todo, desde los sistemas de conteo y los verbos en tiempo presente, hasta conceptos gramaticales más complejos y complicados. Dentro de cada unidad, habrá listas de vocabulario, una amplia variedad de problemas de práctica y exámenes de final de unidad. ¡Este completo libro de texto de aprendizaje de idiomas te permitirá hablar, leer y escribir coreano en muy poco tiempo! Junto con la gramática coreana, este libro de texto enseñará palabras importantes de vocabulario que son útiles en muchas situaciones comunes y cotidianas. También destacará la jerga coreana y los coloquiales, también. El método de aprendizaje de idiomas de Song Won es diferente de los libros de texto clásicos y tradicionales. Este libro hará que los estudiantes piensen y respondan orgánicamente en coreano. El objetivo de Korean Grammar for Speaking es hacer que los estudiantes dominen el coreano en un plazo de seis meses. Aunque aprender coreano será un desafío, es un desafío que recompensará a los estudiantes muchas veces.

Análisis de la Conversación

Book Description

Análisis de la Conversación: fundamentos, metodología y alcances ofrece la primera introducción comprehensiva al Análisis de la Conversación (AC) en español y con datos conversacionales disponibles en línea. El libro está organizado en nueve capítulos. En los capítulos iniciales, se presenta el AC como una disciplina y método analítico para el estudio del habla y otras formas de conducta humana en la interacción social, se hace un breve recuento histórico del desarrollo de la perspectiva analítico-conversacional y se introduce a los lectores al sistema de transcripción usado en el AC. Los capítulos siguientes están dedicados a explorar cuatro dominios claves en la organización de la conversación espontánea: la toma de turnos, las secuencias de acciones, la preferencia y la enmienda, destacando la importancia de prácticas del diseño de turno en cada dominio. Seguidamente, se discute la conexión entre organizaciones y prácticas del habla en interacción y contextos sociales e identidades de los participantes en conversación. El libro concluye ofreciendo una serie de sugerencias para la investigación analítico-conversacional en español y señalando su relevancia para la indagación de la interacción en contextos legales, políticos, médicos, tecnológicos, entre otros. Cada capítulo incluye ejemplos tomados de conversaciones auténticas en distintas variedades de español, cuyos audios pueden ser consultados directamente en línea. Con el fin de revisar y profundizar lo aprendido, cada capítulo ofrece un apartado final con preguntas, actividades y lecturas adicionales. Como apéndices al libro, se ofrecen, además, un glosario de términos bidireccional español–inglés y un sumario con las convenciones de transcripción más usadas. Escrito enteramente en español, el libro ofrece una introducción actual, comprehensiva y amigable al AC y sus aplicaciones por lo que constituye una fuente de referencia ideal para estudiantes, instructores e investigadores en lingüística (hispánica), sociología y comunicaciones. Análisis de la Conversación provides the first comprehensive, Spanish-language introduction to the field of Conversation Analysis (CA), utilizing conversational data that is publicly available online. The book is organized in nine chapters. The opening chapters introduce Conversation Analysis as a unique theory and method to study language and other forms of conduct in social interaction. Readers are presented with a history of the development of this framework for analyzing interaction and introduced to the transcription system used in CA. The following chapters explore four key domains of organization within spontaneous conversation—turn-taking, preference, sequence, and repair—highlighting the importance of turn design practices in each. The authors then review the connection of these organizations and practices to social contexts and participant identities, and they conclude by suggesting a range of avenues for future research on Spanish conversation, including its relevance in specific legal, political, medical, and technological settings. Each chapter includes a variety of examples from authentic Spanish conversation, which readers can consult directly online. Each chapter is additionally accompanied by a set of questions and activities that allow readers to check and reinforce their understanding, as well as lists of additional readings for readers interested in more specific topics. Glossaries of technical vocabulary—both Spanish-English and English-Spanish—are included as appendices, along with a summary of transcription system notation. Written entirely in Spanish, this book presents a thorough and engaging introduction to Conversation Analysis and its applications. It is ideal for students, instructors, and researchers in Hispanic Studies, (Spanish) Linguistics, Sociology, and Communication Studies.

Korean Grammar for Speaking 1

Book Description

Free Korean Class available here: Song Won’s Korean Grammar for Speaking is the quintessential text for learning how to speak and write Korean. As a proven, passionate, and dedicated teacher, Song Won has perfected his language learning system in the classroom. Now, he’s finally put those same methods into an informative, easy-to-understand textbook. Korean Grammar for Speaking is methodically organized and broken down into separate units. In the beginning, students will build a foundation by learning how to read, write, and pronounce Hangul (the Korean alphabet). From there, students will learn everything from the counting systems and present tense verbs to more complex and complicated grammatical concepts. Within each unit, there will be vocabulary lists, a wide variety of practice problems, and end-of-unit quizzes. This comprehensive language-learning textbook will have you speaking, reading, and writing Korean in no time! Along with Korean grammar, this textbook will teach students important vocabulary words that are useful in many common, everyday situations. It will also highlight Korean slang and colloquialisms, as well. Song Won’s language learning method is different from classic, traditional textbooks. This book will have students thinking and responding organically in Korean. The goal of Korean Grammar for Speaking is to make students fluent in Korean within six months. Although learning Korean will be a challenge, it’s a challenge that will reward students many times over.

Coreano f?cil para la vida diaria (2.ª edici?n)

Book Description

Esta es la versión en español de uno de los libros que componen la exitosa serie de manuales para autodidactas Korean Made Easy. El presente libro está dirigido a estudiantes de lengua coreana con niveles inicial e intermedio que ya conocen el hangul y los rudimentos básicos de la gramática coreana, para que puedan aprender coreano de manera natural a través de situaciones cotidianas de la vida diaria. El manual consta de dos partes. La primera parte presenta de manera contextualizada cincuenta expresiones de uso cotidiano que se pueden emplear en situaciones habituales en la vida diaria. Por su parte, la segunda parte presenta veinticuatro situaciones conversacionales en las que se presentan y explican contenidos léxicos, fonéticos, gramaticales y culturales. ▪ ¡Manual de comunicación oral en coreano hecho a medida para hispanohablantes autodidactas! Versión en español del exitoso manual para autodidactas Korean Made Easy for everyday life. Esta adaptación al español va dirigida a todos aquellos hispanohablantes interesados en adquirir un nivel de coreano que les permita comunicarse en situaciones cotidianas de manera natural. ▪ ¡Excelente método para mejorar la competencia comunicativa en coreano en situaciones cotidianas de la vida diaria! Ideal para estudiantes de coreano con un nivel A2 o B1 que ya tengan conocimientos básicos del idioma tales como el hangul y la conjugación verbal, ya que con este manual podrán desarrollar su capacidad de comprensión y comunicación orales a través de situaciones sacadas de la realidad cotidiana de los coreanos. Además, los estudiantes pueden desarrollar su competencia comunicativa practicando en parejas y ayudándose de los nuevos contenidos gramaticales y léxicos de las conversaciones que pueden encontrar en los apartados Ensayo de gramática y Ensayo de conversación. ▪ ¡Mejore su comprensión oral escuchando el mismo diálogo, primero, a ritmo pausado y, luego, a velocidad normal! Los diálogos de la Parte 2 de cada capítulo pueden escucharse a dos velocidades: primeramente a un ritmo pausado que permite a los estudiantes entender con claridad todo lo que se dice y posteriormente a la velocidad normal que los coreanos suelen emplear en sus interacciones reales. ▪ ¡Excelente oportunidad para entender de manera amena la cultura y el estilo de vida coreanos! Al final de la Parte 2 de cada capítulo se puede encontrar textos en español en torno a la vida cotidiana y la cultura coreanas, los cuales no ofrecen solo la posibilidad de ampliar su conocimiento general sobre Corea y los coreanos, sino de hacerlo de manera muy amena.

Korean Grammar for Speaking 2

Book Description

Free Korean Lessons available here: The second installment in the Korean Grammar for Speaking series picks up exactly where the first left off, and manages to answer pretty much any question you had left about this challenging and exciting language. Author Song Won has carefully crafted this follow-up course and packed it with highly useful content which will provide you with all of the tools needed in order to build upon the strong foundations set along the course of the first level. The easy-to-understand and to-the-point format has remained unchanged, allowing readers to immediately dive into the good stuff and start expanding their comprehension of Korean Grammar right away. This second level covers a truly wide array of more advanced high usage daily expressions which will definitely come in handy while engaging in conversation, small-talk and even during more formal situations, such as giving a talk or presentation. Apart from presenting these new concepts, the text also aids us in combining them with previously learned conjugations, in a creative, fun and simple building blocks kind of approach. Each unit also includes extensive advanced vocabulary lists, a wide variety of practice problems, and end-of-unit quizzes. You’ll be genuinely amazed at how easy Korean Grammar seems while following Songwon’s tried and tested methods! Korean Grammar for Speaking 2 has been created in order to immensely enhance your understanding of spoken Korean Grammar and finally give you the confidence you seek in order to further progress towards your language learning goals. As if all that wasn’t enough, this valuable book is enhanced with audio lessons which can be accessed at PodBbang, as well as videos that may be viewed on YouTube at no extra cost. Korean Grammar for Speaking 2 is an undoubtedly essential tool for virtually anyone at all who wishes to learn this fascinating language. Free Podcast available here:

Korean Grammar in Use - Beginning (English ver.) (영어판)

Book Description

This book is the culmination of educational know-how and systematic grammar organization acquired by the three authors from their experience actually teaching Korean to foreigners in the classroom. In focusing strictly on Korean grammar, this series represents a departure from most current integrated teaching materials, allowing foreign learners to more easily concentrate on grammar in their study of Korean. The authors have included real dialogues and illustrations to make the study of Korean more interesting, especially for those students who have heretofore felt Koran grammar to be difficult. Further, this series equally serves as a general Korean grammar reference that can be used by Korean language instructors both in Korea and abroad who regularly experience the difficulty of teaching Korean grammar first-hand. 도서에 포함된 MP3(CD) 음원은 다락원 홈페이지(에서 무료 다운로드 가능합니다. 이 책은 한국어 교육 현장에서 실제 외국인 학생들에게 한국어를 가르치고 있는 한국어 강사 세 명의 교육 노하우와 체계적인 문법 정리가 집약된 교재이다. 기존의 대다수를 차지하고 있는 통합 교재와는 달리 한국어 문법만을 대상으로 삼아 외국인들이 보다 문법 공부에 집중할 수 있게 하였다. - TOPIK 1~2급의 문법 총정리! 한국의 대학 기관과 학원에서 가르치고 있는 교재의 1~2급에 나오는 문법들을 총망라해 한 눈에 볼 수 있게 하였다. - 의미가 비슷한 문법들의 차이점, 한 눈에 쏙쏙 정리! 의미나 쓰임, 또는 형태가 비슷하거나 혼동되는 문법을 비교해 놓아 문법 공부에 집중하였고, 문법의 나열식 습득을 넘는 통합적인 문법 학습을 목표로 한다. - 한 가지 상황에 대한 다양한 표현 연습! 상황이나 맥락에 따른 문법의 적절한 사용법과 한국어의 관용적 표현, 문화적 맥락 속에서의 이해 등을 도와 학습자들이 보다 자연스러운 한국어를 사용하도록 한다. - 문법을 활용한 실용 만점의 대화 완성! 학습한 문법을 생생한 실용 문장으로 복습한다. 문법을 위한 형식적인 문장이 아닌 일상생활 에서 실제로 사용하는 생활 밀착형 대화문을 통해 좀 더 친밀한 한국어 학습을 돕는다. Contents Preface How to Use This Book Table of Contents ■ Introduction to the Korean Language 1. Korean Sentence Structure 2. Conjugation of Verbs and Adjectives 3. Connecting Sentences 4. Sentence Types 5. Honorific Expressions ■ Getting Ready 01 이다 (to be) 02 있다 (to exist/be, to have) 03 Numbers 04 Dates and Days of the Week 05 Time Unit 1. Tenses 01 Present Tense A/V-(스)ㅂ니다 02 Present Tense A/V-아/어요 03 Past Tense A/V-았/었어요 04 Future Tense V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 ① 05 Progressive Tense V-고 있다 ① 06 Past Perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어요 Unit 2. Negative Expressions 01 Word Negation 02 안 A/V-아/어요 (A/V-지 않아요) 03 못 V-아/어요 (V-지 못해요) Unit 3. Particles 01 N이/가 02 N은/는 03 N을/를 04 N와/과, N(이)랑, N하고 05 N의 06 N에 ① 07 N에 ② 08 N에서 09 N에서 N까지, N부터 N까지 10 N에게/한테 11 N도 12 N만 13 N밖에 14 N(으)로 15 N(이)나 ① 16 N(이)나 ② 17 N쯤 18 N처럼/N같이 19 N보다 20 N마다 Unit 4. Listing and Contrast 01 A/V-고 02 V-거나 03 A/V-지만 04 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데 ① Unit 5. Time Expressions 01 N 전에, V-기 전에 02 N 후에, V-(으)ㄴ 후에 03 V-고 나서 04 V-아/어서 05 N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 06 V-(으)면서 07 N 중, V-는 중 08 V-자마자 09 N 동안, V-는 동안 10 V-(으)ㄴ 지 Unit 6. Ability and Possibility 01 V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 02 V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations, Permission and Prohibition 01 V-(으)세요 02 V-지 마세요 03 A/V-아/어야 되다/하다 04 A/V-아/어도 되다 05 A/V-(으)면 안 되다 06 A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) Unit 8. Expressions of Hope 01 V-고 싶다 02 A/V-았/었으면 좋겠다 Unit 9. Reasons and Causes 01 A/V-아/어서 ② 02 A/V-(으)니까 ① 03 N 때문에, A/V-기 때문에 Unit 10. Making Requests and Assisting 01 V-아/어 주세요, V-아/어 주시겠어요? 02 V-아/어 줄게요, V-아/어 줄까요? Unit 11. Trying New Things and Experiences 01 V-아/어보다 02 V-(으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 Unit 12. Asking Opinions and Making Suggestions 01 V-(으)ㄹ까요? ① 02 V-(으)ㄹ까요? ② 03 V-(으)ㅂ시다 04 V-(으)시겠어요? 05 V-(으)ㄹ래요? ① Unit 13. Intentions and Plans 01 A/V-겠어요 ① 02 V-(으)ㄹ게요 03 V-(으)ㄹ래요 ② Unit 14. Background Information and Explanations 01 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데 ② 02 V-(으)니까 ② Unit 15. Purpose and Intention 01 V-(으)러 가다/오다 02 V-(으)려고 03 V-(으)려고 하다 04 N을/를 위해(서), V-기 위해(서) 05 V-기로 하다 Unit 16. Conditions and Suppositions 01 A/V-(으)면 02 V-(으)려면 03 A/V-아/어도 Unit 17. Conjecture 01 A/V-겠어요 ② 02 A/V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 ② 03 A/V-(으)ㄹ까요? ③ 04 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것 같다 Unit 18. Changes in Parts of Speech 01 관형형 -(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ N 02 A/V-기 03 A-게 04 A-아/어하다 Unit 19. Expressions of State 01 V-고 있다 ② 02 V-아/어 있다 03 A-아/어지다 04 V-게 되다 Unit 20. Confirming Information 01 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 02 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 03 A/V-지요? Unit 21. Discovery and Surprise 01 A/V-군요/는군요 02 A/V-네요 Unit 22. Additional Endings 01 A-(으)ㄴ가요?, V-나요? 02 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데요 Unit 23. Quotations 01 Direct Quotations 02 Indirect Quotations 03 Indirect Quotation Contracted Forms Unit 24. Irregular Conjugations 01 ‘ㅡ’ 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 02 ‘ㄹ’ 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 03 ‘ㅂ’ 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 04 ‘ㄷ’ 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 05 ‘르’ 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 06 ‘ㅎ’ 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 07 ‘ㅅ’ 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) ■ Appendix Good Things to Know Answer Key Grammar Explanations in Use Korean Grammar Ind

Elementary Korean

Book Description

Elementary Korean offers a complete, systematic and streamlined first-year course in Korean for the English-speaking adult learner.

500 Basic Korean Verbs

Book Description

This is a complete study guide to the most common Korean verbs Korean grammar is notoriously difficult for foreigners to master but is essential for those wishing to learn Korean. Easy-to-use 500 Basic Korean Verbs is the only comprehensive guide to the correct usage of Korean verbs available for English-speaking learners. Each of the 500 most important Korean verbs is presented in a convenient single-page format that gives the verb's meaning and pronunciation and displays the verb's 48 key tenses, speech levels, and moods (all accompanied by romanizations). Also included are a handy guide to the Korean language and verb conjugation and reference tables of basic Korean verb types, along with 3 indexes (Romanized, Hangeul, and English). 500 Basic Korean Verbs Includes: Conjugations by tense, speech levels, and mood. "Model verb" system quickly identifies each verb's pattern. Sample sentences demonstrating the verb's correct usage. Free downloadable audio provides pronunciations for the verbs and 1,000 example sentences. Korean characters (Hangul) as well as romanized pronunciations to help English speakers. Two-color design makes quick reference easy.

Korean Made Simple

Book Description

Korean Made Simple is a book for anyone who wishes to begin learning the Korean language. No matter your age, you can learn how to read, write, speak and understand Korean. Learn the Korean writing system, Korean culture, and even history. Learn over 1,000 vocabulary words and phrases through 20 in-depth and fun lessons, filled with plenty of examples. Additionally, practice sections with answer keys are built into every chapter. This book also contains additional advanced level notes for more skilled Korean speakers looking for a review of basic grammar and concepts, including a full appendix covering sound change rules. Audio files for the book are also available for free download from Start your exciting journey into the Korean language today. Let's learn Korean!