Grammars of Resurrection

Book Description

This comprehensive study situates Jesus’ resurrection at the center of theological reflection and explores its implications for Christian imagination, discourse, and practice. Drawing upon broad array of theological and philosophical resources, it examines issues related to textual analysis, history, memory, embodiment, violence, forgiveness, aesthetics, and spirituality.


Book Description

Christian faith depends upon the resurrection of Jesus, but the claim about Jesus' resurrection is, nevertheless, disputed. This book, written by a New Testament scholar and a systematic theologian in conjunction, develops the conditions for the claim. It carefully analyzes the relevant texts and their possible interpretations and engages with New Testament scholarship in order to show nuances and different trajectories in the material. The picture emerging is that the New Testament authors themselves tried to come to terms with how to understand the claim that Jesus had been resurrected from the dead. But the book does not stop there: by also asking for the experiential content that gave rise to the belief in the resurrection. Sandnes and Henriksen argue that there is no such thing as an experience of the resurrection reported in the New Testament--only experiences of an empty tomb and appearance of Jesus, interpreted as Jesus resurrected. Hence, resurrection emerges as an interpretative category for post-Easter experiences, and is only understandable in light of the full content of Jesus' ministry and its context.

Augustine's Theology of the Resurrection

Book Description

In this volume, Augustine M. Reisenauer, O.P. provides a comprehensive study of Augustine's theology of the resurrection, the human return from death to life. Contextualizing Augustine within the early Church and the intellectual and religious cultures of the late Roman Empire,he interrogates the development of Augustine's thoughts on the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ, the spiritual resurrection of the soul in time, and the fleshly resurrection of the body at the end of time. Augustine offers profound insights into issues of personal and communal identity, human continuity and transformation, historical and eschatological events, and the God of the resurrection. He also elaborates a biblical paradigm that acknowledges how the resurrected Christ offers an intrinsic participation in his paschal mystery to the souls and bodies of the rest of humanity. Proposing fresh ideas regarding a central topic in Christian theology, Reisenauer's, study also reveals Augustine's defenses of the resurrection against its pagan, philosophical and heretical opponents.

The Resurrected God

Book Description

The Resurrected God is an exciting, innovative examination of the resurrection of Christ and its relationship to the doctrine of the Trinity in the mature work of Karl Barth, particularly across the three parts of Volume IV of Church Dogmatics. John Drury argues that, for Barth, the subject and basis of Christ’s resurrection is the triune God. The volume demonstrates that Barth explicated the doctrine of Christ’s resurrection through a unique Trinitarian grammar and grounds the event of the resurrection in the eternal triune being of God. Closely expositing and analyzing Barth’s deployment of this Trinitarian grammar in the fourth volume, the author turns to a constructive reconsideration of Barth’s earlier doctrine of the Trinity in the first volume, examining that material in light of the concept of God operative in the later work. Thinking with and beyond Barth, the author concludes that resurrection is inextricably linked with the Triune life of the God who raises and is raised.

Resurrection and Moral Imagination

Book Description

Moral life gathers its shape, force and meaning in relation to an underlying sense of reality, imaginatively conceived. Significant contemporary writing in philosophy appeals to the concept of ’transcendence’ to explore what is deepest in our moral experience, but leaves this notion theologically unspecified. This book reflects on the appeal to transcendence in ethics with reference to the Resurrection of Jesus. Bachelard argues that the Resurrection reveals that the ultimate reality in which human life is held is gracious, forgiving and reconciling, a Goodness that is ’for us’. Faith in this testimony transforms the possibilities of moral life, both conceptually and in practice. It invites our participation in a goodness experienced non-dualistically as grace, and so profoundly affects the formation of the moral self, the practice of moral judgement and the shape of moral concepts. From this perspective, contemporary philosophical discussion about 'transcendence' in moral thought is cast in a new light, and debates about the continuity between theological and secular ethics gain a thoroughly new dimension. Bachelard demonstrates that placing the Resurrection at the heart of our ethical reflection resonates with the deepest currents of our lived moral experience and transfigures our approach to moral life and thought.

Work of Love

Book Description

The saints are good company. They are the heroes of the faith who blazed new and creative paths to holiness; they are the witnesses whose testimonies echo throughout the ages in the memory of the Church. Most Christians, and particularly Catholics, are likely to have their own favorite saints, those who inspire and “speak” to believers as they pray and struggle through the challenges of their own lives. Leonard DeLorenzo’s book addresses the idea of the communion of saints, rather than individual saints, with the conviction that what makes the saints holy and what forms them into a communion is one and the same. Work of Love investigates the issue of communication within the communio sanctorum and the fullness of Christian hope in the face of the meaning—or meaninglessness—of death. In an effort to revitalize a theological topic that for much of Catholic history has been an indelible part of the Catholic imaginary, DeLorenzo invokes the ideas of not only many theological figures (Rahner, Ratzinger, Balthasar, and de Lubac, among others) but also historians, philosophers (notably Heidegger and Nietzsche), and literary figures (Rilke and Dante) to create a rich tableau. By working across several disciplines, DeLorenzo argues for a vigorous renewal in the Christian imagination of the theological concept of the communion of saints. He concludes that the embodied witness of the saints themselves, as well as the liturgical and devotional movements of the Church at prayer, testifies to the central importance of the communion of saints as the eschatological hope and fulfillment of the promises of Christ.

Eschatology, Liturgy and Christology

Book Description

"If Christian hope is reduced to the salvation of the soul in a heaven beyond death," wrote Jürgen Moltmann, "it loses its power to renew life and change the world, and its flame is quenched." Thomas Rausch, SJ, agrees, arguing that too often the hoped-for eschaton has been replaced by an almost exclusive emphasis on the "four last things"-death and judgment, heaven and hell. But eschatology cannot be reduced to the individual salvation. In his new book, Rausch explores eschatology's intersections with Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and, perhaps most intriguingly, liturgy. With the early Christians, he sees God's future as a radically social reality, already present initially in Christian worship, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist. This fresh and insightful work of theology engages voices both ancient and contemporary.

Jean-Luc Nancy and Christian Thought

Book Description

Jean-Luc Nancy and Christian Thought explores Nancy’s deconstruction of Christianity via the various bodies of Christ that accumulate in Christian doctrine, specifically the incarnated body, the resurrected body, and the body of Christ the church. The work ties Nancy’s deconstruction to the writings of the early church, demonstrating that the seeds of auto-deconstruction are indeed sown in the doctrines of Western Christianity. It then provides brief sketches of current theological works that touch upon similar deconstructive themes. Thus, the work aims to flesh out Nancy’s deconstruction for the non-theologian, tying his complex scans of Christian thought to early patristics, and also aims to help theologians unfamiliar with deconstruction or with Nancy’s work recognize the value of the deconstructive method for unpacking Christian doctrine and practice. This book will be of interest to philosophers of religion, hermeneutics, and post-Frankfort School critical theory, and theologians interested in current French philosophy of religion.

A Grammar of Christian Faith

Book Description

A Grammar of Christian Faith is a two-volume set that aims to confront the widespread disarray in the language and practices of Christian faith today. As a 'grammar,' it explains how Christian faith provides special ways of speaking and acting that make sense of human life by giving it meaning, practicality, and hope. It advances the thesis that learning how to speak Christian language in worship and life is crucial to learning how to be a Christian. Rather than supposing that Christian language and theology need continual updating in order to be relevant to the world, Jones urges the church to recover anew how Christian concepts and understanding are intended to form Christian life in all its rich depths. Construing theology as confessional theology in the context of the church, Jones understands the church as that liberative and redemptive community called into being by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to witness in word and deed the triune God for the benefit of the world. The full range of doctrinal themes that are deemed essential to the witness of the church are explored, including clear explanations of why they are essential and how they are to be understood. In pursuit of a truthful and beneficial witness of the church, the work centers on a trinitarian understanding of God, in which God freely and lovingly interacts with the world as Creator, Reconciler, and Redeemer. The work throughout affirms the belief that the gracious triune God is the Ultimate Companion who will redeem all creation.

Believing in the Resurrection

Book Description

Gerald O'Collins, SJ, is professor emeritus of the Gregorian University (Rome) and now adjunct professor at Australian Catholic University. An international authority in the area of resurrection studies, he has published seven books and dozens of articles on the resurrection of Jesus.