Grandpa is a Flyer

Book Description

Anne's grandfather tells how he became interested in flying in the early days of flight when barnstorming was popular.

Grandpa's Airplane

Book Description

Whenever Kirk would fly DeHavilland Otter N6868B his adult children would say to their kids, "There goes Grandpa," as he would fly by. It wasn't long before the kids would hear an airplane and immediately look to see if it was "Grandpa's Plane." The story came about as Kirk heard accounts of his grandchildren getting excited as his airplane would fly overhead and hearing the grandkids say, "We saw you fly by today Grandpa." Constant requests for rides from the grandkids cemented the storyline.

Saluting Grandpa

Book Description

Andrew wants nothing more than to see his great-grandfather honored for World War II. He learns about Honor Flights, a program that flies veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit a memorial dedicated to them, but his great-grandfather refuses to go. Andrew becomes determined to inspire him to celebrate his bravery and dedication to his country. Children and adults will appreciate this patriotic, endearing tale.

Grandpas Stories

Book Description

Great-grandfather has witnessed so much change in his life. When he was a boy the horse and buggy was the mode of transportation. He has lived to see aviation progress from a few barnstorming pilots hop-scotching across the country to jet aircraft thundering across the sky. And he was sitting there that day, in front of the television, when men walked on the moon. All the years and hard work have taken their toll but when he is seated in his favorite rocking chair, great-grandchildren scattered at his feet, his eyes sparkle as lively as they must have in his youth. He exuberantly recounts the past, painting vivid pictures of his life on the western frontier as a pioneer, miner, freighter, stage driver, Indian fighter, trapper, homesteader, logger, buckaroo .... The story over, he waits, and then a small voice implores, 'Grandpa, tell us another story, please.' Grandpa grins, 'Well, all right. Once a long, looong, looooong time ago....'

Skeeter's First Flight

Book Description

For ages 9-12. A radio-controlled plane runs away from home only to find out there is no place like home. In its attempt to return home, the hero of this story has a few bad breaks but never gives up.

Is Kentucky in the Sky?

Book Description

A young girl learns about distance and traveling when her Grandpa flies in an airplane from Kentucky to Oklahoma. In this book Allyson learns about airplanes, and abstract ideas like time and distance in a fun and entertaining way. This is an Early Concept Book for early readers. Early Concept Books come complete with discussion questions in the appendix to help parents guide their children in getting the most from each book before, during, and after reading. Linda M. Penn holds a Masters Degree and Rank I Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Louisville. She taught Kindergarten through third grade for 21 years in public schools. During her teaching career and as a mother, she learned what kinds of books children love to read. Her goal is to write books that children will read over and over again--books that stir their imagination. Is Kentucky in the Sky? was the first book written by Penn and published by Racing to Joy Press. Her next books, Hunter and the FastCar Trophy Race, and Clayton Makes New Friends, will be released by Racing to Joy Press in 2012.

Let's Go Fly An Airplane

Book Description

This is the first book in the LET'S GO FLY series of six picture books that follows the aviation adventures of a boy and his Grandpa. For children aged two and older, the series tells the adventures of Billy and Grandpa in an airplane, a helicopter, a glider, a hot air balloon, a seaplane, and a twin-engine airplane. Grandpa is the pilot, and he explains the art of flying to Billy, and he often gives his grandson copilot duties. They are joined by a colorful cartoon bird named Loop Skyhopper who acts as a guide, helps with explaining the details of each story, and adds to the fun from a bird's point of view.Each story is told in twenty-two colorful panels that will spark the curiosity and imagination of eager young pilots. Every adventure is available individually, or the entire series can be obtained in a single edition.LET'S GO FLY AN AIRPLANE is the first book in the adventure series. It follows Billy and Grandpa as they inspect the airplane together. Billy discovers wonderful things like wings, a propeller, a rudder, and all kinds of gages and radios.After the thrill of lift off, Billy discovers the fun of seeing his town from the air. Later they see fishermen on the river, and then fly in circles over Billy's house where his Mom waves to them from below.When their flight is over, Grandpa a Billy share a soda together and talk about their flying fun and the best part of the trip. LET'S GO FLY A HELICOPTER is the second book in the series. Upon lift off, Grandpa and Billy stand still in a hover, and then Grandpa shows him how to fly forward, backward, sideways, and spin in circles. Later, they fly low over the trees and town, and then Grandpa takes them to Billy's home where his Mom waves to them as they hover outside.LET'S GO FLY A GLIDER is the third book in the series. Billy discovers that gliders have very long wings to help them stay in the air longer. After they reach the proper altitude, Grandpa and Billy release from the tow plane, and soon encounter strong lift that carries them so high they soar with a falcon and another sailplane. And they go even higher where they find cool air and see the dark blue color of the sky at high altitude. LET'S GO FLY A BALLOON is the fourth book in the series. Billy gets to go inside the balloon while he and Grandpa join the ground crew in filling the balloon and preparing it for launch. Drifting along with the wind, Billy chats with a boy on the ground, and he is thrilled when they drop down to a few inches above the surface of a lake. Later, he is excited when he spots a herd of deer scampering into the woods. There is more fun when they coast over a river bridge, and he is thrilled when they climb to a dizzying height above the clouds.LET'S GO FLY A SEAPLANE is the fifth book in the series. Billy and Grandpa inspect a floatplane from the dock of a seaplane base. With the windows open they scoot across the water in an exciting launch. Once airborne, the explorers decide to land on a river, where they see men fishing from the pontoons of another seaplane. The river is a tight spot for their next takeoff, so Grandpa lifts off on one float for a quicker takeoff, and then he steers them under a bridge on the rousing climb out.LET'S GO FLY A TWIN is the sixth book in the series. Grandpa is planning to use a twin-engine airplane for a business trip and invites Billy to come, too. Billy learns the speedy twin has retractable landing gear, and computerized flight instruments.On their way to the next town, Billy combines sightseeing with his copilot duties. He admires the clouds as they fly high over them for better speed, and he sees a train crossing a trestle far below them. It looks like a toy train.

Flying Magazine

Book Description

Warbird Air Show!!!, Behind the Scenes at an Air Show

Book Description

This is another one of my Grandpa Bud----Indiana Birdman----- Aviation Stories, and this one takes the reader behind the scenes at an air show.....learn about how many people there are behind the scenes, to make everything run smoothly at the Annual Gathering of Warbirds Air Show, in Madera, California, USA.Photographs by the author.