After Great Disasters

Book Description

Great natural disasters are rare, but their aftermath can change the fortunes of a city or region forever. This book and its companion Policy Focus Report identify lessons from different parts of the world to help communities and government leaders better organize for recovery after future disasters. The authors consider the processes and outcomes of community recovery and reconstruction following major disasters in six countries: China, New Zealand, India, Indonesia, Japan, and the United States. Post-disaster reconstruction offers opportunities to improve construction and design standards, renew infrastructure, create new land use arrangements, reinvent economies, and improve governance. If done well, reconstruction can help break the cycle of disaster-related impacts and losses, and improve the resilience of a city or region.

Great Disasters

Book Description

A comprehensive, historical overview of some of the world's greatest natural disasters captures the power of the human spirit as it triumphs over the floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other calamities

The Era of Great Disasters

Book Description

The Era of Great Disasters examines modern disaster response in Japan, from the changing earthquake preparations and regulations, to immediate emergency procedures from the national, prefectural, and city levels, and finally the evolving efforts of rebuilding and preparing for the next great disaster in the hopes of minimizing their tragic effects. This book focuses on three major earthquakes from Japan’s modern history. The first is the 1923 Great Kantō Earthquake, which struck the capital region. The second is the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, affecting the area between Kobe and Osaka. The third is the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the magnitude 9.0 quake that struck off the Pacific coast of the Tōhoku region, causing a devastating tsunami and nuclear accident. While the events of (and around) each of these earthquakes are unique, Professor Iokibe brings his deep expertise and personal experience to each disaster, unveiling not only the disasters themselves but the humanity underneath. In each case, he gives attention and gratitude to those who labored to save lives and restore the communities affected, from the individuals on the scene to government officials and military personnel and emergency responders, in the hope that we might learn from the past and move forward with greater wisdom, knowledge, and common purpose.

Great Disasters

Book Description

Describes some of the great disasters of history, both natural and man-made.

Great Operatic Disasters

Book Description

To its devotees, opera is the most sublime of arts. It is also one of the most accident prone, and when things go wrong, they tend to do so on a grand scale. Great Operatic Disasters records some of the most memorable calamities from opera houses around the world. Most of them are true, some have been embroidered over the years, and a few, well, se non e vero, e ben trovato.

Great Medical Disasters

Book Description

Man's activities have been tainted by disaster ever since the serpent first approached Eve in the garden. And the world of medicine is no exception. In this outrageous and strangely informative book, Richard Gordon explores some of history's more bizarre medical disasters.

The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters

Book Description

Das wohl größte Unglück der modernen Schifffahrt, der Zusammenstoß der Titanic mit einem Eisberg im Nordatlantik im Jahre 1912, ist beispiellos in der Geschichte. Diese Kathastrophe, bei der weit mehr als die Hälfte der Passagiere den Tod fanden, hinterließ Fragen und Zweifel, aber auch ein Apell an Konstrukteure und Kapitäne. Denn wäre etwas weniger Größenwahn und Leichtsinn und mehr Vorsicht und Respekt vor dem Meer und seinen Tücken Antrieb für die Fahrt der Titanic gewesen, sie hätte Amerika planmäßig erreichen können. Das vorliegende Buch von Logan Marshall enthält spannende Geschichten über dieses Unglück wie auch weiterer Schiffsunglücke, welche ungemein packend und authentisch erzählt sind und somit bis heute interessantes Lesematerial darstellen. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine englischsprachige Ausgabe.


Book Description

More than half of the disasters chronicled are natural. These floods, storms, droughts, blizzards, famines and epidemics are fierce reminders that humankind is no match for the devastating force and fury of nature. From the Great Influenza Epidemic of WWI that took nearly 40 million lives to the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, there are numerous accounts of catastrophes that could not be averted, and whose destructive power was beyond imagining.

Great Planning Disasters

Book Description

"Wide-ranging, significant, and readable...It will earn respect in non-academics as well as academic circles. A first-rate job."—Lloyd Rodwin

Great Disasters in History

Book Description

Accompanied by sensational photos and illustrations, the eight chapters of this book present some of the most significant catastrophes in the history of the world.