The Anthropology of St Gregory Palamas

Book Description

How are we to regard our body? As a prison, an enemy, or, maybe, an ally? Is it something bad that needs to be humiliated and extinguished, or should one see it as a huge blessing, that deserves attention and care? Is the body an impediment to human experience of God? Or, rather, does the body have a crucial role in this very experience? Alexandros Chouliaras' book The Anthropology of St Gregory Palamas: The Image of God, the Spiritual Senses, and the Human Body argues that the fourteenth-century monk, theologian, and bishop Gregory Palamas has interesting and persuasive answers to offer to all these questions, and that his anthropology has a great deal to offer to Christian life and theology today. Amongst this book's contributions are these: for Palamas, the human is superior to the angels concerning the image of God for specific reasons, all linked to his corporeality. Secondly, the spiritual senses refer not only to the soul, but also to the body. However, in Paradise the body will be absorbed by the spirit, and acquire a totally spiritual aspect. But this does not at all entail a devaluing of the body. On the contrary, St Gregory ascribes a high value to the human body. Finally, central to Palamas' theology is a strong emphasis on the human potentiality for union with God, ?theosis: that is, the passage from image to likeness. And herein lies, perhaps, his most important gift to the anthropological concerns of our epoch.

In the Beginning was the Spirit

Book Description

This title provides an astonishing synthesis of humankind's understanding of the Great Spirit that energizes and runs through all creation.

Theological Anthropology

Book Description

"Treated thematically under the headings 'The Gnostic Movement,' 'Christian Platonism,' and 'Fourth Century Developments,' it is possible to see how different ideas of humanity could lead to varieties of theological interpretation."--Donald Skyes

Platonism and Mystical Theology

Book Description

"In this seminal and classic work, Jean Daniélou examines the mystical theology of St Gregory of Nyssa and its relationship to non-Christian, especially Platonic, thought. He strikes a balanced view, asserting that Gregory's vision is fundamentally Christian, though he articulates himself in Platonic terminology and categories. In fact, Nyssen turns many classical Greek notions on their head, and posits a dynamic and inspiring vision of the spiritual life as an infinite pursuit of the infinite God. He articulates a vision of mystical theology that proved foundational for later thinkers and writers"--

Apophatic Anthropology

Book Description

The project of an Apophatic Anthropology (1952) was one of the most significant philosophical concerns of Andre Scrima. Pascalian in essence, the approach departs from the Augustinian roots of Western Christian theology and develops a Christian anthropology based on Eastern Orthodoxy. The endeavor of a human being to understand oneself does not lead, as in the case of Pascal, to identification with Jesus Christ's suffering, but further, to an attempt of deification, theosis, in which the main concept is Incarnation. This attempt opens to man the possibility to conceive himself as interior to God. Man becomes therefore the physical and metaphysical bridge between creation and the uncreated, the only creature that bears the image of God. His mysterious inner being thus forms his unity that is transcendent to nature. Scrima's perspective is nourished by the great sources of Eastern spirituality, from Gregory of Nyssa to Maximus the Confessor. Here, philosophy becomes a chapter of Christology. Scrima believed that, by conceiving the person of the Savior, all problems of human nature and human thought have already been asked. In having both divine and human nature, Christ is the paradigm for any human person. The two natures of Christ which, according to the Council of Chalcedon, are unmixed, unchanged, undivided, and inseparable, represent also the encounter between uncreated grace and human nature in the depths of a deified being. An apophatic anthropology is deeply connected with the trials of the modern world. Scrima considers ontological theocentrism to be the only philosophical attitude that is capable to render the dynamic and fertile element of mystery to a human being. This perspective restores a man in the anagogical tension of profound knowledge and brings him back home. Scrima believes also that ignoring this mystery leads to the tragedy of "losing" the image of God in us, which ends in the separation of the paradoxical unity that is essential to any creature."

A Theological Anthropology

Book Description

Drawing upon contemporary philosophy and patristic writings, this book discusses a theological anthropology that deals with man as a being who is open to transcendence.

Theological Anthropology Redefined

Book Description

The tension between theology and science regarding human nature has concerned theologians for centuries. This tension is founded upon the conflict between Hellenic dualist and Semitic 'seemingly' monist models of theological outlooks that have influenced faith and science throughout human history. However, such conflict belies a hidden undercurrent that connects both viewpoints. A discussion of theology which does not think in radical Christological terms could easily identify Gregory of Nyssa as a dualist and Ephrem the Syrian as a monist. A careful examination and synthesis, however, of their interpretations of Genesis 3:21 proves that Christianity is not so limited as to fail to provide an answer to the age old inquiry regarding the nature of humanity in a unitary Christocentric model. While the role of Christian theology is to answer the 'why' and not the 'how', in addition to addressing the 'why', this book also proposes a novel way for science to think about the 'how'. The analysis of the theological works of these two ancient Christian authors regarding creation, the image and likeness, the fall, the 'garments of skin' and the incarnation of the Word will show that in Christ, humanity is not only returning to a protological point but also being invited to fulfill its teleological invitation to partake of divine nature.