Gregory the Great on the Song of Songs

Book Description

In his literary corpus, Gregory the Great (+604) encapsulated the best of patristic theology and spirituality, bequeathing a rich legacy to generations of Christians who lived after him. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in his exegesis of the Song of Songs. Gregorys interpretation of this popular Old Testament book not only owes much to Christian exegetes who preceded him, such as Origen, but also profoundly influenced later Western Latin exegetes of the Song, such as Bernard of Clairvaux. Gregory wrote a short commentary on the Song of Songs, and his voluminous writings are filled with interpretations of this biblical book. Later monastic writers combed through his corpus and compiled excerpts in which he interpreted passages from the Song of Songs. This volume includes translations of Gregory the Greats work Exposition on the Song of Songs, as well as the florilegia compiled by Paterius (Gregorys secretary) and the Venerable Bede, and, finally, William of Saint Thierrys Excerpts from the Books of Blessed Gregory on the Song of Songs. It is now the key resource for reading and studying Gregorys interpretation of the Song of Songs.

On the Song of Songs

Book Description

Gregory of Nyssa

Book Description

Gregory of Nyssa’s fifteen Homilies on the Song of Songs offer an important resource for the history of Christian biblical exegesis, as well as for the history of Christian ascetical and spiritual teaching, and stand alongside Origen’s commentary on the Song as a source for the later interpretative tradition. In addition to offering the original text and an English translation of all fifteen homilies, Norris provides an analysis of the characteristic themes of Gregory’s ascetical teaching, emphasizes its connection in his mind with the institution of baptism, and stresses the degree to which Gregory sees the teaching of the Song as addressed not to a special class of believers but to any and all Christians.

Moral Reflections on the Book of Job

Book Description

Gregory the Great was pope from 590 to 604, a time of great turmoil in Italy and in the western Roman Empire generally because of the barbarian invasions.Gregory s experience as prefect of the city of Rome and as apocrisarius of Pope Pelagius fitted him admirably for the new challenges of the papacy. "The Moral Reflections on the Book of Job" were first given to the monks who accompanied Gregory to the embassy in Constantinople. This first volume of the work contains books 1 5, accompanied by an introduction by Mark DelCogliano."

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon

Book Description

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon were all thought by the early church fathers to have derived from the hand of Solomon. To their minds the finest wisdom about the deeper issues of life was to be found in these books. This ACCS volume offers a rich trove of wisdom on Wisdom literature for the enrichment of the church today.

Gregory the Great

Book Description

A group of renowned North American scholars gathered at the University of Notre Dame in 1993 for a symposium on Pope Gregory the Great (550-604). The essays collected in this volume are arranged in the order in which they were delivered, and several additional contributions are included as well. In these essays Gregory emerges as a figure both interpreting and interpreted: interpreting the past, receiving, synthesizing, and developing the teachings of earlier writers, and, by this very process, presenting a persuasive theological and pastoral agenda which itself inspires ongoing projects of interpretation and development in later periods up to and including our own.

The Song of Songs in the Early Middle Ages

Book Description

Hannah Matis examines how a biblical text was read by the most important figures within the ninth-century Carolingian Reform to think about the nature of Christ and the church.

Perspectives on the Song of Songs

Book Description

The collection of essays contains nineteen contributions that aim at locating the Song of Songs in its ancient context as well as addressing problems of interpretation and the reception of this biblical book in later literature. In contrast to previous studies this work devotes considerable attention to parallels from the Greek world without neglecting the Ancient Near East or Egypt. As far as the reception-history is concerned, several contributions deal with the use of the Song in Byzantine, Medieval, German Romantic and modern Greek Literature. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the collection new perspectives and avenues of appraoch are opened.

The Blessing of Blessings

Book Description

Gregory of Narek (c. 945-1003), a monk and a priest, is best know for his poetic works, and one of the few armenian commentators on the Song of Songs, which was so great a focus among western monastic writers of the patristic and medieval periods. Living during a period of cultural and religious renaissance which preceded the Turkish and Mongol invasions of Armenia, and in a period of conflict between the non-Chalcedonian Christians of his native land and their Byzantine neighbors, Grigor worked from the Armenian text of the Song, which is slightly longer than the Septuagint or Hebrew versions and contains passages which vary from them. In his commentary Grigor traces themes and draws on other scriptural books to remind readers that every human person is endowed with an innate love for God which, in his words, 'cannot be sapped'.