Grit is a 4-Letter Word

Book Description

Pioneer your own journey. Part guidebook, part self-help manual, Grit is a 4-Letter Word covers mental preparedness for living with only the gear on your back and a nimble mind. But it isn’t a “how to” set of instructions, mostly because there are as many ways of enjoying the wilderness as there are backcountry travelers. The beauty of wilderness travel is discovering what works for you. Ann Gimpel is a clinical psychologist. She’s also a mountaineer and a vagabond. The wilderness has played a huge role in her life. Stories speak to us at a bone-deep level, so this book is packed full of stories from the author as well as others. Read them with an open heart. It’s how they were written. Appendices covering gear and backcountry kitchen ideas have been added, along with a resource guide, but this is only a starting point. Read. Absorb. Ask questions. Live your dreams.

Wolf Clan Shifters, Books 1-3

Book Description

Bundled for the first time. Three red-hot reverse harem shifter romances. With a few intriguing twists. Alice's Alphas A poor route choice strands Alice - lost, hungry, and scared - next to Lon Chaney's cabin the Sierra Nevada Mountains. When Jed melts out of the shadowed darkness, she adds him to her list of problems. At first, she declines his offer of help, but he keeps talking until she ends up inside a cozy log cabin in front of a roaring fire. His skilled hands and a shot of whiskey heat her blood to molten, and her carefully tended world explodes into desperate hunger. Megan's Mates After witnessing what might have been a murder, Megan is frantic to escape the Garden of Eden cult, so she catches the night train north out of town. Her lifetime commitment to the cult may be a death sentence, but she's not sticking around to let them frame her. Wolf shifters, Les and Karl, eke out a primitive existence on the flanks of the Canadian Rockies. Between hunters who want to kill them and a wildfire raging out of control, they're glad when Jed, their clan leader, shows up. And even more delighted when they see who's in his car. Sophie's Shifters The winds of change are blowing as shifters gather in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for a war powwow. Tempers run high as they argue their next move. An unexpected attack forces their hand, and Blake, alpha for the coyote clan, fights alongside his brothers. He's grimly pleased when every single one of their enemies is finally dead, the bodies chucked into glacial crevasses. Sophie Laughing Wolf tracked her hated brother into the mountains. Gifted with foreseeing, she wants to make certain he ends up just as dead as he was in her vision. When the large group of men he's with are set upon by shifters, mythical dual-natured beings who can take animal forms, she hides, calling on earth power to shield her.

Dragon Lore, Books 1&2

Book Description

A wee bit of mist, a splash of magic, heart bending romance, and DRAGONS! Bundled together for the first time! Grab the first two Dragon Lore books at an extremely attractive price Highland Secrets Furious and weary, Angus Shea wants out, but he can’t stop the magic powering his visions. The Celts kidnapped him when he wasn’t much more than a boy. He’s sick of them and their endless assignments, but they erased his memories, and he has no idea where he came from. Arianrhod prefers to work alone and guards her privacy for the best of reasons. She’s not exactly a virgin, and she’d be laughed out of the Pantheon if the truth surfaced. Despite the complications of leading a double life, she’s never found a lover who tempted her to walk away from the Celtic gods. Dragon shifters are disappearing from the Scottish Highlands. The Celtic Council sends Angus and Arianrhod to Fire Mountain, the dragons’ home world. Attraction ignites, so urgent Arianrhod’s carefully balanced life teeters on the brink of discovery. Can they risk everything? Will they? If they do, can they live with the consequences? To Love a Highland Dragon A dragon shifter stirs and wakens deep in the Scottish Highlands. His cave is the same and his hoard intact, yet something’s badly amiss. Lachlan ventures above ground—and wishes he hadn’t. His castle is gone, replaced by ungainly row houses. Men aren’t wearing plaids, and women scarcely wear anything at all, particularly the woman who accosts him with unseemly banter. What manner of wench is she to dress so provocatively? In Inverness for a year on a psychiatry fellowship, Dr. Maggie Hibbins watches an oddly dressed man pick his way out of a thicket. He looks so lost—and so unbelievably, knock-out gorgeous—she takes a chance and stands him a meal. Lachlan’s shock when he picks up a local newspaper is so palpable, Maggie jumps in with both feet. The hard-to-accept truth bashes gaping holes in her equilibrium. He looks odd, sounds odd, acts odd because he’s a refugee from another era. Born of powerful witches, Maggie runs headlong into the myth and magic that are her birthright.

Alive, Surviving Modern Oncology

Book Description

Cancer is a bitch of a disease. Every single person who’s experienced being diagnosed and treated is a hero. There are a lot of cancer books out there. What’s different about this one? Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot. I’m a psychologist by trade. About fifteen years back, I started writing novels. Unfortunately, there’s not a scrap of fiction in Alive. There are also no dragons, unicorns, or magical worlds. This book was tough to write. In places, it will be equally tough to read. In addition to my personal saga, it includes stories from other brave souls who volunteered to be part of this project. There are also chapters about the etiology of cancer, cancer as big business in America (and elsewhere), avoiding scams, and integrative oncology. Like most, I started my cancer journey believing the MDs had my best interests at heart. A few did, but to so many others I was nothing but a number, a statistic, many steps removed from a human being. My hope for Alive is it will empower others to stand up for themselves, to ask questions, to do their own research. Ultimately, everyone’s life is precious and worth the effort of self-advocacy.

Untamed Reaper

Book Description

I did it! I’m free. Well sort of. Freedom isn’t as cut and dried as the word implies. In this case, I’m at the top of Death’s Worst Reaper Ever list. What it signifies remains to be seen. I broke free from Death because there wasn’t any other way out of Reaping Vampires. She refused to let me off the hook or consider other arrangements. I’d have been content leaving it at that, but word about my choice got out. Other Reapers clamored for independence too. Death’s fury expanded another notch with every defection until nowhere is far enough away for me to run to. If I was only fighting her, it might be manageable. Toss in Vampires who hate my guts, a phalanx of dark gods who want my hide, and a bunch of bigoted mortals who’ve decided magic is holding them back. Pah. Humans are their own worst enemy, but they’re the least of my problems. It’s been a rocky journey. Along the way I’ve uncovered allies and even a man who loves me. Will we be enough to slam the gates and send darkness packing? We have to be. No prisoners. No choices.

Harsh Line

Book Description

My very existence is under attack. I’ve kept a low profile, told myself the craziness sweeping the world would pass me by. Yeah, it was wishful thinking, actually an outright lie, but it’s kept me sane. I’ve been hiding out forever in one guise or another. Currently, I run a nightclub. Ascent is an “ask me no questions, and I’ll tell you no lies” haven. For everybody. I’m a Vampire. Far be it from me to judge. My closest ally is a shapeshifting dire wolf. I adopted him when he was a scrawny puppy, but I’m getting ahead of my tale. The fragile détente between supernaturals and humans has crashed and burned. I can’t avoid the truth any longer. Lucky for me, mortals don’t know exactly what I am. When I moved to Seattle, some vampiric sixth sense urged me to play my cards close to my vest, but I’m done burying my secrets. And my power. It’s past time for supernaturals to get over their stupid infighting. Meh. So what if Witches hate Druids? Or Fae never deal with Sorcerers? We have to pull together, or we’ll have no chance at all. Not that it’s likely, but if any mortals see the light and sign up for our side, we’d damn well better welcome them. I’m Ariana Hawke. No more skulking in the shadows for me.


Book Description

Magic runs strong in me, but power isn’t enough. Magic confers an unnatural beauty on everyone with talent. Everyone except me, that is. I’m a witch, to be sure. No doubt about my birthright. When I was young, Mother hid me away until I was old enough to hold a glamour to conceal my flaws. And hold it I did for many a long year until I grew sick of siphoning off that amount of magic on something stupid. I was a valued Coven member. Surely, they’d accept me. And my wolfie familiar. All witches have them, except most are cats or birds. Something small, manageable. Eh. Getting off track here. The unpleasant truth was the moment I sloughed my glamour, the council held an emergency meeting. The next day, I was out on the streets. They booted wolfie along with me. No more home. No more sisterhood. Hah. What a joke all those of years of bonhomie turned out to be. If I sound bitter, darned right I am. Bitter and moving forward. I’ll show them if it’s the last thing I do.

Broken Line

Book Description

In all my years as a Vampire, hundreds of them, I never imagined humans would be anything other than food. Rich, pure, delectable blood. Prey that fought back never posed a problem. Mortals couldn’t stand against those of us with supernatural ability. That world still exists, but it’s taken a backseat to humans who’ve joined forces with turncoat mages. Mortals were never meant to wield power. Over the long haul, they’re sure to be very sorry for the choices they’ve made. Meanwhile, they’re a huge pain in the rear and a threat to every type of mage, not only Vampires. Some days, I just want to go back to running my nightclub. Ascent is a “don’t ask, don’t tell” establishment. I never cared who frequented my bar, so long as they brought plenty of money and a powerful thirst for booze. Maybe someday I’ll be a humble innkeeper again, but it’s so far in the future I can’t even think about it. Nope. For now, all I see is blood. Rivers of it, and not running down my gullet, either. On the plus side, I have good friends, powerful allies, and a Vampire who loves me. We have to come through this unscathed. Have to. I’m Ariana Hawke, and I take care of what’s mine.


Book Description

I’m one of the old ones. I’ve lived many lives, done many things. I’ve been called sorceress, witch, and far worse. Mortals have hung me, burned me, staked me out, and left me to die. What a pack of fools. I’m immortal, and their petty attempts were laughable. So were they when I stopped their puny, pathetic hearts. The thrill of ending someone never gets old, no matter how unbalanced the contest. When I want a break from everything, Dorcha—my bondmate—and I bide with the Circle of Assassins. I never mean to stay long, but the years have a way of slipping by. While I find peace within the Circle, Dorcha becomes restive. She never used to mind being the only unicorn, but she’s grown silent, withdrawn. The place within me where I feel her energy is often empty. We need a nice juicy assignment to get things back on track, a mission worthy of our skill. Excited by the prospect of free-flowing blood and the crusty stench of battle, I searched for her, but she was gone. Worse than gone, my link with her was buried beneath layers of unicorn enchantment. Could I find her? Sure, but she didn’t wish to be found.

Cracked Line

Book Description

Vampires don’t fall in love. Except I did. Not the best decision of my long life. I definitely cracked an unspoken line, but Ariana trounced me as far as line-crossing went. Very few acts constitute crimes in Vampire circles. Hers was the worst. I fled to the Old Country to buy myself thinking time. I still loved her, but what she’d done was so vile I couldn’t set it aside. The world is a very different place from when I went into stasis. I woke to wars on every side. Vampires are scarcely strangers to battle. No one’s ever accepted us, but they’ve mostly let us be. It’s different this time. Very different. Mortals won’t rest until they’ve wiped out magic. Normally, their efforts would be laughable, but they’ve coopted help from mages. Ones they’ve imprisoned and systematically stripped of power until the poor sods would agree to anything in exchange for their freedom—and their magic. We face huge problems, but I’m tackling them one by one. I’ll return to Ariana’s side, but perhaps only as her comrade-in-arms. Time will tell if we can be more to each other. Time and circumstances. In a world without magic, Vampires will wither along with every other magic-wielder. I cannot let that happen.