Groundwater Governance and Agricultural Sustainability

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Climate change has exacerbated groundwater depletion globally, and policymakers have struggled to effectively manage groundwater resources. California enacted the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in 2014 to restore groundwater to sustainable levels. The first paper of this thesis examines the drivers associated with uptake of groundwater conservation practices in agriculture. While a rich body of research has explored farmers' conservation practice adoption, understanding of groundwater conservation practices is more limited. This study explores how information sources influence the actual and intended adoption of groundwater management practices in California. Using survey data from farmers (n = 553) in three largely agricultural counties of California, we examine the extent to which farmers' preferred and actual sources for information related to SGMA are associated with adoption of groundwater conservation practices while controlling for farm and farmer attributes. We find that farmer trust in groundwater policy information from informal sources such as other farmers, social media, and popular media is negatively associated with both current adoption and intended future adoption of groundwater conservation practices. These findings suggest that policymakers and extension agents seeking to spread conservation information could tap into peer-to-peer networks and partner with a diverse range of organizations to ensure that they send trusted information to farmers. The second paper of this thesis assesses local variation in SGMA implementation. The legislation is implemented by local Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (or "Agencies"), which can be formed from different kinds of public institutions. Some types of Agencies, such as irrigation and reclamation districts, primarily represent the water interests of farmers, whereas others such as county and municipal governments represent a broader array of interests. We hypothesize that farmers in Agencies governed by farmer-oriented entities are on average more likely to participate in SGMA implementation and have more favorable perceptions of SGMA implementation and dispute resolution options via Agencies. We use mail survey data (n = 424) in three California counties and publicly available geospatial data from the US Department of Agriculture Cropland Data Layer to control for the prevalence of agriculture in an Agency or county. We run three ordered logistic regressions and find that Agency type is not significantly associated with farmer participation in SGMA implementation or perceptions of SGMA implementation or dispute resolution via Agencies. However, whether the farmer is a member of their local Farm Bureau does appear to be a significant positive predictor of participation in and favorable perceptions of SGMA implementation. This suggests that better-connected farmers may be more likely to participate in and benefit from SGMA implementation. Thus, policymakers should consider inequities in political capital both across and within stakeholder groups.

Water Governance for Sustainable Development

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Good management of water resources - universally identified as a key aspect of poverty reduction, agriculture and food security - has proven, in practice, as difficult to achieve as it is eagerly sought. This book, edited and authored by leading authorities on water resource management, examines the recent changes in governance, institutions, economics and policies of water, covering developing, transitional and developed countries, with special emphasis on southern African case studies. The book examines how water policies, institutions and governance have shifted in recent years from supply-driven, quantitative, centrally controlled management to more demand-sensitive, decentralized, participatory approaches. Such a move often also implies cost recovery principles, resource allocation among competing sectors, and privatization. The case studies demonstrate that the new policies and legal frameworks have been difficult to implement and often fall short of initial expectations. Using an accessible multidisciplinary approach that integrates economics, sociology, geography and policy analysis, the book untangles the issues and presents best practices for policy- and decision-makers, governments and regulators, NGOs and user groups, service providers, and researchers. The overall aim is to show how good water governance structures can be developed and implemented for the benefit of all.

Advances in Groundwater Governance

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This book addresses groundwater governance, a subject internationally recognized as crucial and topical for enhancing and safeguarding the benefits of groundwater and groundwater-dependent ecosystems to humanity, while ensuring water and food security under global change. The multiple and complex dimensions of groundwater governance are captured in 28 chapters, written by a team of leading experts from different parts of the world and with a variety of relevant professional backgrounds. The book aims to describe the state-of-the-art and latest developments regarding each of the themes addressed, paying attention to the wide variation of conditions observed around the globe. The book consists of four parts. The first part sets the stage by defining groundwater governance, exploring its emergence and evolution, framing it through a socio-ecological lens and describing groundwater policy and planning approaches. The second part discusses selected key aspects of groundwater governance. The third part zooms in on the increasingly important linkages between groundwater and other resources or sectors, and between local groundwater systems and phenomena or actions at the international or even global level. The fourth part, finally, presents a number of interesting case studies that illustrate contemporary practice in groundwater governance. In one volume, this highly accessible text not only familiarizes water professionals, decision-makers and local stakeholders with groundwater governance, but also provides them with ideas and inspiration for improving groundwater governance in their own environment.

Water Management, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Economies

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India is a fast developing economy whose natural resource base, comprising land and water supporting agricultural production, are not only under enormous stress, but also complex and not amenable to a uniform strategy. This book addresses strategies for food security and sustainable agriculture in India, including lessons to be learned in other developing economies across the world.

Combining and crafting institutional tools for groundwater governance

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How could having farmers play experiential games contribute to improving groundwater governance? These games are an example of an innovative procedure, a policy instrument or institutional tool, which those involved in improving groundwater governance could use to understand their problems and opportunities; consider and possibly agree on norms or rules that might avoid aquifer depletion, and create shared gains that use water more productively. Institutional tools for groundwater governance could help deal with complex nexus linkages and achieve gains such as transitions to solar-powered pumping, aquifer recharge and storage to buffer against drought, and protecting and regenerating ecosystems. The concept of a groundwater governance toolbox offers a metaphor for thinking about the variety of policy instruments available and how they might be chosen, combined, and adapted to create customized toolkits to solve problems and achieve gains in specific contexts. New policies are typically layered on top of existing sets of institutions that govern relationships between people and water. This makes it crucial to understand existing knowledge and institutions and how those may interact with institutional changes. The thesis of the paper is that institutional tools need to be combined and crafted to fit contexts, including political economy constraints, opportunities, and solutions.

Natural Resource Governance in Light of the 2030 Agenda

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This study analyses a complex social-ecological system (SES), the case of competition for groundwater in Azraq, in the light of the 2030 Agenda. Building on the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework (IAD) and the concept of Networks of Adjacent Action Situations (NAAS) it assess the complex governance system in a consistent and systematic manner. It includes aspects of power through the political economy concept of the social contract. It furthermore assesses the performance of the investigated SES against the 2030 Agenda's core principles 'leaving no one behind', 'interconnectedness and indivisibility', 'multi-stakeholder partnerships', and 'inclusiveness'. The study finds that in Azraq, agricultural, domestic and environmental water users compete for shrinking groundwater resources. The core of the conflict lies between a heterogeneous group of farmers, who use groundwater for irrigation agriculture supported by a strong political lobby, and the water authorities, which rely on the aquifer for domestic water supply at national level. Water, agricultural, environmental, energy, and land governance, but also high-level decision-making and the monarchy's underlying social contract and the informal concept of wasta influence the outcomes on the ground. As a result, groundwater governance in Jordan hardly does justice to the 2030 Agenda's core principles. The study shows that no panacea exists, but that systems thinking may help identify a range of intervention points, some more sensitive than others, that could support a social-ecological transformation towards sustainability.

Governance of Water-Related Conflicts in Agriculture

Book Description

This book deals with voluntary approaches between farmers and water suppliers as an instrument to meet environmental standards, impacted by agricultural activities, more economically efficient and environmentally effective than by exclusive application of alternative instruments including command-and-control approaches. The book is based largely on the results of the research project 'Co-operative Agreements in Agriculture as an Instrument to Improve the Economic Efficiency and Economic Effectiveness of the European Water Policy', which was supplemented for specific issues by key experts. The research was partly funded by the European Commission under the Specific RTD Programme in the Field of Environment and Climate (Contract No. ENV4-CT98-0782) and partly by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries in the Netherlands, the Environment Agency in England and Wales, the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and the Government of the German Bundesland North Rhine Westphalia. Additional funds for preparing the book were obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries in the Netherlands. The financial and technical support received from the different organisations is gratefully acknowledged. The editors appreciate very much the efforts the authors have made in preparing their contributions for the book and for the secretarial assistance provided by Mrs. Tessa van Dongen from LEI who took responsibility for guiding the publication process and preparing the chapters of the book. We also appreciate the support given by Mrs. Henny Hoogervorst and Mrs. Gloria Verhey (Kluwer Academic Publishers).