Growing Younger

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Growing Younger

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Epigenetics of Aging

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Recent studies have indicated that epigenetic processes may play a major role in both cellular and organismal aging. These epigenetic processes include not only DNA methylation and histone modifications, but also extend to many other epigenetic mediators such as the polycomb group proteins, chromosomal position effects, and noncoding RNA. The topics of this book range from fundamental changes in DNA methylation in aging to the most recent research on intervention into epigenetic modifications to modulate the aging process. The major topics of epigenetics and aging covered in this book are: 1) DNA methylation and histone modifications in aging; 2) Other epigenetic processes and aging; 3) Impact of epigenetics on aging; 4) Epigenetics of age-related diseases; 5) Epigenetic interventions and aging: and 6) Future directions in epigenetic aging research. The most studied of epigenetic processes, DNA methylation, has been associated with cellular aging and aging of organisms for many years. It is now apparent that both global and gene-specific alterations occur not only in DNA methylation during aging, but also in several histone alterations. Many epigenetic alterations can have an impact on aging processes such as stem cell aging, control of telomerase, modifications of telomeres, and epigenetic drift can impact the aging process as evident in the recent studies of aging monozygotic twins. Numerous age-related diseases are affected by epigenetic mechanisms. For example, recent studies have shown that DNA methylation is altered in Alzheimer’s disease and autoimmunity. Other prevalent diseases that have been associated with age-related epigenetic changes include cancer and diabetes. Paternal age and epigenetic changes appear to have an effect on schizophrenia and epigenetic silencing has been associated with several of the progeroid syndromes of premature aging. Moreover, the impact of dietary or drug intervention into epigenetic processes as they affect normal aging or age-related diseases is becoming increasingly feasible.


Book Description

How Young Do You Want to Feel? Your calendar age is just a number. What really matters is how you look, how you feel and how much energy you bring to your day. Your biological age— your Bio-Age— is what counts. You can't make yourself younger chronologically (be honest now, do you really want to be 15 again?) but you can change your Bio-Age. We all know people who look and perform like someone 10 years older than the age on their birth certificate. We also know others who seem to be at least 10 years younger. What are their secrets? Brad King and Dr. Michael Schmidt shed some light on that question. The authors of Bio-Age have brought together the most up-to-date research on how the human body works and how it ages— a complex subject that has exploded with new discoveries in recent years. They explain what is actually happening to your body. Eight other experts, invited to contribute their news and views on aging-related topics, will tell you about specific anti-aging strategies. Then the authors take it to the next level with a 10-step plan to help you change your own aging process and promote healthy longevity. Read the book. Make the lifestyle choices that will keep you on the move and on the ball. Don't let your birth certificate fool you— how young do you want to feel?

Reset Your Body

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Feel you've done irreparable damage to your body with unhealthy food choices? No matter how much junk food you've eaten, how many exercise routines you've skipped, or how old you are, you can reverse the detrimental effects on your body by 'Reseting.' Yes. You can reset your body's clock and live a healthier, happier life. Think you're too set in your ways to change? You're not. Habits can be changed. By laying out everything in sections, from understanding the harmful chemicals we put in our bodies, to following a series of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly challenges, You'll learn how you can gradually change your lifestyle for the better. This is no quick fix. It's a way of life, but there's no pressure or time constraints. Simply follow this handbook and take things at your own pace.

Age in Reverse

Book Description

Do you experience reduced mobility and energy level recently? You fear the threats of aging like more illness, wrinkles, weaker body and a generally reduced quality of life? Aging doesn't have to mean you have to get old in the process. There is a method to avoid losing attractiveness, your healthy looking skin and your health overall. This book is a thorough anti-aging guide that offers the essential tactics to help you turn back the clock and look and feel younger each day. Scientific studies revealed human body is coded to self-destruction as we age. But it also has been proven that the speed at which it self-destructs is up to us. What if you discovered that your lack of mobility and constant fatigue isn't due to your age, but your routines? Change how you move to change how you feel - regardless of your age. This book offers a comprehensive toolkit based on scientifically designed techniques on how to maintain the energy level of your youth, repair your cells. Healthy cells prevent muscle loss, keep you energized and active. Control your weight, increase your energy, improve your, strength, flexibility and mobility by following a few simple rules. In this book, you will find tools for all ages from thirty upward that reveal what you need to do to look and feel younger. Reverse father time and grow younger, not older. Alongside Schuster's tips, you'll read the stories, experiences, and advice of experts who made research on the topic of aging all their life. You'll also read about people who've used the principles presented in the book and exercises for years. Thanks to these practices they regained their strength, flexibility, and mobility, No matter how old you are, what's your physical condition, start the change where you are right now. Everybody can find useful information in this book from 30 upward. Change your movements, change your life. -Complex, scientific reasons why exercises will not only make you feel and look younger but also prolong your lifespan -learn how to keep yourself in shape without getting injured -three blocks of exercises which improve your balance, posture, cardiovascular system function and digestion -- Will teach you how to move for healthy feet, improved balance, and activities of daily life You are what you eat - at least on the outside. -Learn which is one of the best anti-aging diets -the best and the worst anti-aging foods -the biological background of healthy - and unhealthy - nutrition -a week-long sample menu including breakfast, lunch, dinner and a daily detox drink If you adopt the tips in this book, you'll feel less pain, you'll have lower blood sugar, better circulation, more oxygen in your body, more energy, better focus, better memory, reduced risk of dementia, Alzheimer's, diabetes, even cancer. Maintain your brain and muscles cells and stay young longer. You won't get any younger than you are now. Unless you hit the buy now button at the top right corner of this page and read the secrets of the wellspring of youth.

Change Your Age

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In this guide, Dr. Frank Wildman offers the program he's been developing with students and clients for over thirty years. Based on the principles of the pioneering Feldenkrais Method, the Change Your Age Program teaches you how to return to the exploratory, creative movements of your youth, engaging your brain and body to maximize your agility, strength, and vitality as you age.

Younger in 8 Weeks

Book Description

"We have proof that aging doesn't have to be a downward slope. There's your chronological age-what the calendar says-and then there's your biological age, which is a measure of how well your body and brain are holding up for your chronological age. And there's mounting evidence that a healthy lifestyle can actually lower your biological age from the inside out. These healthy lifestyle changes-to your diet, exercise, and sleep habits and to how your deal with stress-are totally accessible to anyone and bring amazing results. How do we know? We combed the latest science and consulted with a dream team of advisors in health, fitness, nutrition and beauty to roll our findings into a simple Younger in 8 Weeks Plan. Then we tested it on 21 women ages 36 to 66 who'd been struggling with weight gain, lack of energy, loss of luster, and other common age-related issues."-