Growth and Development in the Global Economy

Book Description

What are the forces behind the increasing globalization of economic life? How does globalization affect the functioning of national economies? What difficulties confront government policymakers in dealing with the global economy? These issues are addressed in this volume by leading specialists. The contributors present a range of unique and varied perspectives from which they consider aspects of the increasing integration of economic life, exploring implications for the functioning of domestic markets in a rapidly changing global economy. The result is a collection of insights that provide a framework for understanding globalization as an economic phenomenon.

Growth in a Time of Change

Book Description

Growth in a Time of Change: Global and Country Perspectives on a New Agenda is the first of a two-book research project that addresses new issues and challenges for economic growth arising from ongoing significant change in the world economy, focusing especially on technological transformation. The project is a collaboration between the Brookings Institution and the Korea Development Institute. Part I of the book looks at key elements of change from a global perspective. It analyzes how technological change, shifts in investment, and demographic transition are affecting potential economic growth globally and across major groups of economies. The contributors explore possible scenarios for the global economy as the digital revolution drives rapid technological change, including impacts on growth, jobs, income distribution, trade balances, and capital flows. Technology is changing the global configuration of comparative advantage and globalization increasingly has a digital dimension. The implications of these developments for the future of sectors such as manufacturing and for international trade are assessed. Part II of the book addresses new issues in the growth agenda from the perspective of an individual major economy: South Korea. The chapters in this section analyze how macroeconomic developments and technological change are influencing the behavior of households and firms in terms of their decisions to consume, save, and invest. Rising income and wealth inequalities are a major concern globally. Against this backdrop, trends in the labor income share and wage inequalities in South Korea are analyzed in terms of the role played by technology, industrial concentration, shifts in labor demand and supply, and other factors. Throughout the book, the contributors, in their analysis of both global and Korea-specific trends and prospects, place emphasis on drawing implications for policy.

The Growth Report

Book Description

The result of two years work by 19 experienced policymakers and two Nobel prize-winning economists, 'The Growth Report' is the most complete analysis to date of the ingredients which, if used in the right country-specific recipe, can deliver growth and help lift populations out of poverty.

Global Productivity

Book Description

The COVID-19 pandemic struck the global economy after a decade that featured a broad-based slowdown in productivity growth. Global Productivity: Trends, Drivers, and Policies presents the first comprehensive analysis of the evolution and drivers of productivity growth, examines the effects of COVID-19 on productivity, and discusses a wide range of policies needed to rekindle productivity growth. The book also provides a far-reaching data set of multiple measures of productivity for up to 164 advanced economies and emerging market and developing economies, and it introduces a new sectoral database of productivity. The World Bank has created an extraordinary book on productivity, covering a large group of countries and using a wide variety of data sources. There is an emphasis on emerging and developing economies, whereas the prior literature has concentrated on developed economies. The book seeks to understand growth patterns and quantify the role of (among other things) the reallocation of factors, technological change, and the impact of natural disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic. This book is must-reading for specialists in emerging economies but also provides deep insights for anyone interested in economic growth and productivity. Martin Neil Baily Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution Former Chair, U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisers This is an important book at a critical time. As the book notes, global productivity growth had already been slowing prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and collapses with the pandemic. If we want an effective recovery, we have to understand what was driving these long-run trends. The book presents a novel global approach to examining the levels, growth rates, and drivers of productivity growth. For anyone wanting to understand or influence productivity growth, this is an essential read. Nicholas Bloom William D. Eberle Professor of Economics, Stanford University The COVID-19 pandemic hit a global economy that was already struggling with an adverse pre-existing condition—slow productivity growth. This extraordinarily valuable and timely book brings considerable new evidence that shows the broad-based, long-standing nature of the slowdown. It is comprehensive, with an exceptional focus on emerging market and developing economies. Importantly, it shows how severe disasters (of which COVID-19 is just the latest) typically harm productivity. There are no silver bullets, but the book suggests sensible strategies to improve growth prospects. John Fernald Schroders Chaired Professor of European Competitiveness and Reform and Professor of Economics, INSEAD

Growth Poles of the Global Economy: Emergence, Changes and Future Perspectives

Book Description

The book presents the best contributions from the international scientific conference “Growth Poles of the Global Economy: Emergence, Changes and Future,” which was organized by the Institute of Scientific Communications (Volgograd, Russia) together with the universities of Kyrgyzstan and various other cities in Russia. The 143 papers selected, focus on spatial and sectorial structures of the modern global economy according to the theory of growth poles. It is intended for representatives of the academic community: university and college staff developing study guides on socio-humanitarian disciplines in connection with the theory of growth poles, researchers, and undergraduates, masters, and postgraduates who are interested in the recent inventions and developments in the field. It is also a valuable resource for expert practitioners managing entrepreneurial structures in the existing and prospective growth poles of the global economy as well as those at international institutes that regulate growth poles. The first part of the book investigates the factors and conditions affecting the emergence of the growth poles of the modern global economy. The second part then discusses transformation processes in the traditional growth poles of the global economy under the influence of the technological progress. The third part examines how social factors affect the formation of new growth poles of the modern global economy. Lastly, the fourth part offers perspectives on the future growth of the global economy on the basis of the digital economy and Industry 4.0.

Development Centre Seminars Growth and Competition in the New Global Economy

Book Description

This publication offers a stimulating, well-informed tour of the issues which policy makers will have to resolve if the integration of the NEEs into the world economy is to be facilitated

At Your Service?

Book Description

Manufacturing-led development has provided the traditional model for creating jobs and prosperity. But in the past three decades the conventional pattern of structural transformation has changed, with the services sector growing faster than the manufacturing sector. This raises critical questions about the ability of developing economies to close productivity gaps with advanced economies and to create good jobs for more people. At Your Service? The Promise of Services-Led Development ( assesses the scope of a services-driven development model and policy directions that can maximize the model’s potential.

The Development Dimension Fostering Development in a Global Economy A Whole of Government Perspective

Book Description

What does policy coherence for development mean? Increasing global integration through trade, capital and labour mobility brings increasing mutual responsibilities and mutual policy repercussions. These realities call for greater coherence between ...

Perspectives on Global Development 2019 Rethinking Development Strategies

Book Description

In 2008, the weight of developing and emerging economies in the global economy tipped over the 50% mark for the first time. Since then, Perspectives on Global Development has been tracking the shift in global wealth and its impact on developing countries. How much longer can the dividends of ...

Development & Growth: Economic Impacts of Globalization

Book Description

The growth paradigm or the economic growth generally been presented as a positive, limitless and good for social problems. The term was hardly touched in pre-capitalism by any academic research. With the rise of capitalism and industrial revolution it became an important tool to measure production quantitatively and qualitatively. Industrialisation also encouraged the expansion of trade and gradual breakdown of the pre-capitalist order in 18th century in Britain. The spread of market had facilitated the specialisation, encouraging division of labour. Whilst for The Classical Political Economists; Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus; economic growth is self-reinforcing. Marx pointed out importance of forces and relations of production and significance of social classes within it (Marx, 1863). Smith, Ricardo and Malthus were writing at a time when capitalist development was expanding fast and growth was a central in the process. The gradual impact of the West on the rest of world became part of a wider process of change in the World Economy. European capital increased its domination of the world trade through expansionist commercial policies (Wallerstein, 1979). The economic growth encouraged commerce. The necessity to export, and other technological changes formed part of the reason for the decline of feudalism. This transition from feudalism to capitalism began in the West and soon made an impact on the rest of the World. T Farhang Morady, Hakan Kapucu, Ömer Yalçınkaya (Development & Growth: Economic Impacts of Globalization) 12 In 1932 Simon Kuznets, the US economist identified Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to measure the national output of a country within a period. It has continued to be an important indicator to measure economic growth, but it has also been under considerable criticisms. For example; GDP treats resources as income without excluding depletion or depression of the resources. Moreover, GDP has been criticised for disregarding income distribution. Despite all the criticism, GDP has been the most significant indicator of growth and development. With the Post War-II reconstruction of devastated countries and in order to kick-start the World Economy, the state in both developed and developing counties became the important agency to facilitate economic growth. The establishment of the Bretton Woods institutions, the Keynesian model of government intervention and the US implementation of “New Deal” facilitated growth. This was deliberate strategy to reconstruct and create networks of international cooperation. This was pointed out by President Truman in 1949: A program of development based on the concepts of democratic fair-dealing. All countries, including our own, will greatly benefit from a constructive program for the better use of the World's human and natural resources (Truman, 1949). This meant the reinforcement and need to distribute the 'Benefits' of capitalist form of development, more widely, against the planned economy sustained by the Soviet Union. The economist such as Joseph Schumpeter pointed to the possibility that capitalist growth, if it is sustained, could abolish poverty (Schumpeter, 1954, pp66-68). Whilst development meant rapid industrialisation, GDP became a key policy objective for the policy makers and governments around the world, not just in the Soviet Union but the Western Capitalist World, to set targets for their Growth Rate. The end of the Cold War in the 1980s, for some, meant triumph of Neoliberal Capitalism. The others talked of trade liberalization; free movement of capital and the development of information technology, facilitating the relocation of businesses across the world. (Ohmae, 1995). Friedman suggested that globalization is the Inevitable; Integration of markets, nation-states and technologies ... enabling individuals, corporations and nation-states, to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper and cheaper than ever before (Friedman, 1999). Development & Growth: Economic Impact of Globalization (Edited by: Farhang Morady, Hakan Kapucu, Ömer Yalçınkaya) 13 Francis Fukuyama (1992) suggested the new era as ‘The End of History’ through which the ‘Liberal Idea’ triumphed, leading to a new global hegemony. For Fukuyama the only route to modernity, growth and development is the Neo-liberal Democratic path under Global Capitalism. This optimism was not shared by all academics, as Globalization produced poor growth and polarization of wealth: what Collier terms the ‘Bottom one Billion’ (2008). As a result, there has been major criticism of the World Bank and the International Monetary Funds in the second half of the 1990s, especially with the Asian financial and economic crises. The response from these institutions has been vigorous. They continued to believe that liberalization, deregulation, and privatization represent the best way forward for growth and development. With 2008 world recession the World Economy has faced a new challenge. The emergence of powerful economies such as; China, India and Brazil; helped the world economy to grow, at least for now. However, the unevenness of the world economy continues to cause difficulties especially the US as they feeling the threat of their competitors such as China, Germany and even India. The victory of Donald Trump as the S President has represented an ideological shift from free trade advocator of global capitalism to a mixture of right-wing populism. Before and after the presidential election, he called for the revival of the American economy, which has been under considerable pressure since 2008 World Recession. In order to prove growth rate Trump has a huge challenge ahead, not least to deal with the competition from South East Asian economies, especially China. It remains to be seen whether the new US administration will continue with their populist rhetoric In this book, “Economic Impacts of Globalization: Growth & Development”, several academicians provide different analysis of economic growth and economic development. The scientific ethics and responsibility of the works in the book belong to the authors / writers. The book compromises of 15 chapters focusing on economic growth and economic development in the era of globalisation. By taking different angles, they demonstrate different problems and solutions.