Book Description
Griffin, griffon, gryphon, griffun, gryffoune, -own, griffoune, greffon, gryffon, grifon, gryfon, griffion, griffen, gryffen, griffyn, grefyne, grifyn, gryffin, griffon, griffin, griphon, girphinne, Sc. grephoun, griphin, gryphin, gryphen, gryphon.[OF. grifoun, F. griffon (OF. also gripon) = It. grifone, f. L. gryphus (Mela) = gryps (gen. gryphis)]A fabulous animal usually represented as having the head and wings of an eagle and the body and hind quarters of a lion.By the Greeks they were believed to inhabit Scythia, and to keep jealous watch over the gold of that country.You can order also the documentary (DVD) from