Cómo elaborar y defender un trabajo académico en humanidades. Del trabajo de fin de grado al trabajo de fin de máster

Book Description

Si el propósito del lector es embarcarse en la realización de un trabajo académico, ya sea un Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG), un Trabajo de Fin de Máster (TFM), un Trabajo de Investigación (TI), incluso una Tesis Doctoral (TD), el presente libro le facilitará comprender la forma del trabajo, detallar la estructura, hacer un correcto acopio de información, darle consistencia y rigor, y defenderlo ante un tribunal con garantías de éxito. Si el lector ya es profesor, entonces puede leer este manual desde el principio hasta el final y tenerlo a mano para poder consultar algunos detalles. Si el lector es tutor o director de un TFG, de un TFM o de alguna TD, este libro le será muy útil para aconsejar a sus graduados, masterandos, investigadores y doctorandos en determinadas técnicas y herramientas de forma que puedan terminar con éxito la investigación o el trabajo acometido

Guía para la elaboración de trabajos fin de grado en el área de Ciencias Sociales

Book Description

La elaboración de un trabajo fin de grado puede resultar una tarea novedosa y compleja. Por ello, esta guía busca acercar al alumnado de ciencias sociales al reto que constituye la elaboración de un trabajo de estas características. Este manual, que no pretende ser un libro de instrucciones, aporta ideas y recomendaciones que pueden resultar de utilidad en la primera toma de contacto con la asignatura. Preguntas como, qué es un trabajo fin de grado, qué y cómo puedo investigar, cómo debo redactarlo o dónde puedo buscar información quedan resueltas.

Cases on Developing Effective Research Plans for Communications and Information Science

Book Description

Different events in communication and information in today’s society have highlighted the significant role that research plays in these two fields of the social sciences. Therefore, it is essential to determine how the efficacy of research can be enhanced at various levels, especially at the academic level. Of primary relevance in this is research connected to communication, both human-to-human and through media, and interactions with information sources. There exists a need for a resource for communications and information science researchers to enhance the effectiveness, impact, and visibility of research. Cases on Developing Effective Research Plans for Communications and Information Science provides relevant frameworks for research in communications and information science. It elaborates on the strategic role of research at different levels of the information and communication society. Covering topics such as audience research, literary reading mediation, and social science theses, this case book is an excellent resource for libraries and librarians, marketing managers, communications professionals, students and educators of higher education, faculty and administration of higher education, government officials, researchers, and academicians.

Training Readers and Writers for a Multimodal and Multimedia Society: Cognitive Aspects

Book Description

Contemporary societies have been advancing gradually towards the construction of a model of a literate population. Significant efforts have been made so that most citizens can access various sources today, using their reading and writing abilities, but are we really prepared to face the information age? Is information literacy being promoted from schools? Are individual capabilities being considered? Do we have a true critical literacy? This article collection aims to show an overview of the most recent research; ranging from the individual to the collective, from the subject's competencies and their beliefs, to the way to develop them from school. There is room in this Research Topic for investigations belonging to the linguistic, psychological, and didactic field. This Research Topic aims to address a pressing problem in contemporary world societies. It is proposed to offer various contributions related to critical literacy, in general, and reading and writing. In this sense, research that addresses analog and digital reading, writing processes, academic literacy, and the use of resources such as non-fiction illustrated books to develop critical thinking, will be welcome. But also, and in a very important way, the cognitive processes of the subject will be considered, not only to deal with access to information, but also in the construction of their mental lexicon, an issue that offers the vision of the world of those who are immersed in literacy and in the post-truth era.


Book Description

Technological infrastructure - Standards for interworking - Human-computer interaction - Knowledge representation - Information management - Decision support - Electronic patient records - Health information systems - Patient care aspects/telematics.

Applied Linear Algebra

Book Description

This classic volume applies linear algebra to a variety of disciplines-engineering, the physical sciences, social sciences, and business. It motivates the reader with illustrative examples. This is a competitor to Strang.

The Real ACT (CD) 3rd Edition

Book Description

The Real ACT Prep Guide with CD is the only book with insider test-taking tips and strategy, practice, and insight from the makers of the ACT. This is the only guide that includes 5 previously administered, full-length ACT tests written by the actual test maker (including 2 NEW practice tests). Also included is ACT content and procedures you'll follow when actually taking the test, along with in-depth review of the optional Writing Test and how it is scored; examples of all the question types; and suggestions on how you might approach the questions. The supplemental CD features a complete electronic copy of Peterson's Cool Colleges 101 and additional online college planning resources from Peterson's. The only guide that includes 5 previously administered, full-length ACT tests written by the actual test maker (including 2 NEW practice tests) ACT content and procedures you'll follow when actually taking the test Valuable information about tuition payment plans All the question types you can expect to find on the ACT Suggestions on how you might approach the questions and Peterson's tried-and-true test-taking strategies and tips