Cases on Developing Effective Research Plans for Communications and Information Science

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Different events in communication and information in today’s society have highlighted the significant role that research plays in these two fields of the social sciences. Therefore, it is essential to determine how the efficacy of research can be enhanced at various levels, especially at the academic level. Of primary relevance in this is research connected to communication, both human-to-human and through media, and interactions with information sources. There exists a need for a resource for communications and information science researchers to enhance the effectiveness, impact, and visibility of research. Cases on Developing Effective Research Plans for Communications and Information Science provides relevant frameworks for research in communications and information science. It elaborates on the strategic role of research at different levels of the information and communication society. Covering topics such as audience research, literary reading mediation, and social science theses, this case book is an excellent resource for libraries and librarians, marketing managers, communications professionals, students and educators of higher education, faculty and administration of higher education, government officials, researchers, and academicians.

Innovation and Research

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This book presents the proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Innovation and Research – A Driving Force for Socio-Econo-Technological Development (CI3 2020). CI3 was held on June 18–19, 2020. It was organized by the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Rumiñahui and GDEON, in co-organization with Higher Institutes: Libertad, Bolivariano, Vida Nueva, Espíritu Santo, Sudamericano Loja, Central Técnico and sponsored by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú), the Federal University of Goiás (Brazil) and HOSTOS—Community University of New York (USA). CI3 aims to promote the development of research activities in Higher Education Institutions and the relationship between the productive and scientific sector of Ecuador, supporting the fulfilment of the National Development Plan “Toda una vida 2017-2021”.

Sustainable Rail Transport 5

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Bulletin ...

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Training Readers and Writers for a Multimodal and Multimedia Society: Cognitive Aspects

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Contemporary societies have been advancing gradually towards the construction of a model of a literate population. Significant efforts have been made so that most citizens can access various sources today, using their reading and writing abilities, but are we really prepared to face the information age? Is information literacy being promoted from schools? Are individual capabilities being considered? Do we have a true critical literacy? This article collection aims to show an overview of the most recent research; ranging from the individual to the collective, from the subject's competencies and their beliefs, to the way to develop them from school. There is room in this Research Topic for investigations belonging to the linguistic, psychological, and didactic field. This Research Topic aims to address a pressing problem in contemporary world societies. It is proposed to offer various contributions related to critical literacy, in general, and reading and writing. In this sense, research that addresses analog and digital reading, writing processes, academic literacy, and the use of resources such as non-fiction illustrated books to develop critical thinking, will be welcome. But also, and in a very important way, the cognitive processes of the subject will be considered, not only to deal with access to information, but also in the construction of their mental lexicon, an issue that offers the vision of the world of those who are immersed in literacy and in the post-truth era.

Guía práctica para la elaboración de un trabajo fin de estudios (TFG y TFM) en el ámbito de la educación y la psicología en distintas etapas evolutivas

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Este documento tiene como objetivo principal servir de orientación a estudiantes que se enfrentan a la tarea de diseñar, elaborar y redactar un TFE. Lo que se pretende es servir de ayuda dando instrucciones claras de los pasos a seguir. A lo largo de las páginas de esta guía explicaremos de forma breve y práctica el proceso de elaboración de un Trabajo Fin de Estudios (en adelante TFE), tanto de Grado, como de Máster (TFG/TFM), y aclararemos las pautas para una correcta presentación formal de la investigación. Se explicará la estructura, el formato, los tipos de investigación y sus apartados, en las distintas líneas de investigación de las autoras.

Awareness List

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La Educación

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ACTAS DEL “VI CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE SINESTESIA, CIENCIA Y ARTE + ACTIVIDADES PARALELAS 2018”. Alcalá la Real, Jaén (España). Sedes: Convento de Capuchinos, Palacio Abacial, Teatro Martínez Montañés, Alcalá la Real (Jaén) y Conservatorio Superior de Música Victoria Eugenia, Granada, España. Facultad de Bellas Artes, UGR Granada, España Versión digital, Abril de 2018. Primera Edición/First edition: April 2018 E-book ISBN: 978-84-948665-0-0 Comité editorial: Mª José de Córdoba Serrano; Julia López de la Torre Lucha; Timothy B. Leyden. Diseño imagen, trípticos de promoción y cartel: Víctor Parra ©Editorial: Fundación Internacional Artecittà. Granada. 2018 C/Doctor Medina Olmos nº 44. 18015-Granada, España [email protected] Nota aclaratoria: E-book interactivo. Formato PDF. Todo el material recogido en este libro de Actas está protegido por copyright, ley internacional, y no debe ser reproducido, distribuido, ni publicado sin el permiso expreso solicitado previamente a sus autores/ All materials contained on this Book are protected by International copyright laws and cannot be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcasted without the prior written permission of the publisher. Los textos se presentan como han sido enviados por los congresistas/ investigadores, respetando si han querido publicar sus textos completos o sólo los resúmenes. Comité Organizador/Organization Committee: Comité de dirección: Dra. Mª José de Córdoba. F.I.A.C. y UGR. Coordinador General: Dr. Francisco Toro Ceballos. Jefe de servicio. Técnico de Cultura del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real, Jaén. España. [email protected] Juan M. Martín Afán de Rivera. Técnico de Cultura. Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real, Jaén. España. [email protected] Dirección MuVi5: Dra. Dina Riccò (Univ. Politecnico di Milano) & Dra. María José de Córdoba UGR. Coordinador Internacional: Dr. Sean A Day (IASAS) and Dr. Antón Sidoroff Dorso (Artecitta Ru). Coordinación Interna: Dr.Timothy B Layden y Julia López de la Torre Lucha (Artecittà) Comité Científico: Dr. Edward M. Hubbard (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Dr. Joerg Jewansky; Dr. Markus Zedler; Dr. Sean A Day, Dra. DinaRiccò (Politecnico di Milano) Coordinador interuniversitario: Dr. Juan García Villar (FIAC). Colaboradores / Delegaciones: Dr. Víctor Parra (UPEL, Venezuela); Dr. Wilmer Chávez (UCLA, Venezuela); José Antonio Fernández (Synlogic, FIAC. Asesor psicopedagógico FIAC); Dr. Mohamed Radi Abouarab y Prof. Dr. Maged ABDELTAWAB AHMED ELKEMARY, Rector de la Universidad de Kafrelsheikh, (Egipto). Dra. Helena Melero (Univ. Rey Juan Carlos III. Madrid y FIAC, Madrid); Master Dibujo, Producción y Difusión, Dra. Mari Carmen Hidalgo y Dr. Jesús Pertíñez López. UGR; Ninghui Xiong and Tong Jung Ding (Artecittà China); Dra. Coral Morales, Ciencias de la Educación, UJA. Instituto de Estudios Giennenses (IEG): Dr. Pedro Galera Andreu y Dra. Adela Tarifa Fernández. Concejalía de Cultura, Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real: Sr. D. Juan Francisco Martínez. Ayudante Comunicación Diseño e Imagen Ayto. Alcalá la Real, Jaén Federico Barquero Mesa. Traducción simultánea: Julia López de la Torre, Timothy B Layden (FIAC). y Dr. Víctor Parra, (F.I.A.C). Colaboración especial: Sr. D. Jesús Caicedo Bernabé. Presidente de la F.I.A.C.