Guide sur la sécurité et l'assurance de qualité des organes, tissus et cellules

Book Description

Ce guide s'adresse à la transplantation d'organes et de tissus d'origine humaine pratiquée dans une finalité thérapeutique et donne des orientations à toutes les personnes concernées afin de garantir la meilleure qualité possible des organes, tissus et cellules, d'optimiser le taux de réussite des transplantations et de minimiser les risques. Il comprend des normes de sécurité et d'assurance de qualité pour la collecte, la conservation, le traitement de la distribution des organes, tissus et cellules d'origine humaine utilisées aux fins de transplantation.

Guide to Safety and Quality Assurance for the Transplantation of Organs, Tissues and Cells

Book Description

Organ transplantation saves thousands of lives each day but raises some questions of principle. This guide, which is published on a biennial basis, provides guidance for all those involved in transplantation and other clinical applications of organs, tissues and cells, with the aim of optimising quality and reducing risks. The topics covered are: quality management, principles for ensuring the quality of organs, tissues and cells; selection of donors; organ procurement and preservation; tissue and cell procurement; tissue establishment; transplantation practices.

European Yearbook / Annuaire Européen, Volume 58 (2010)

Book Description

The European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the OECD. Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation.

Guide pour la préparation, l'utilisation et l'assurance de qualité des composants sanguins

Book Description

In the absence of substitutes, the use of blood components remains essential in therapy. This guide contains a compendium of measures designed to ensure the safety, efficacy and quality of blood components and is particularly intended for all those working in blood transfusion services. In accordance with the approach recommended by the Council of Europe in this field, it is based on the premise of voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation. It describes the different blood components and gives information on their clinical indications and possible side effects. This guide continues to be the "golden standard" for blood transfusion services and forms the basis for many national guidelines in Europe and around the world. For example, in 2000 Australia mandated the guide in its standard for blood components. The Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components will be of interest to blood transfusion centres, legislators, health personnel and to all those working in the field of blood transfusion.

Annuaire Europeen 2000/European Yearbook 2000

Book Description

The year 2000's most significant international event was, almost certainly, neither political nor military, but scientific - the announcement, in June, that the human genome had been almost totally decoded. Future generations may well see this as a major turning point, opening the way to radical changes in diagnosis, prognosis, and medical treatment. Often compared with the space programme, this vast enterprise still generates misgivings: this new power, which human beings now have, to modify the genetic heritage of living creatures raises fundamentally new ethical questions - and society as a whole will have to find the answers. In fact, the accelerating pace of scientific and technical progress seems to be reviving atavistic anxieties, some rational, others less so. Recent public-health crises, including the mad cow disease' scare, which lasted into 2000, have fuelled these fears. The public's rejection of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) - verging on a crusade in some countries - tells its own story. As regards conflict, 2000 saw the Middle East peace process grind to a halt, and the Intifada resume. In Europe, the situation in Kosovo and Chechnya, both the scenes of fighting in 1999, stayed precarious. Peace and democracy did score some successes, however, particularly in Europe: the centre-left's victory in Croatia, sweeping former President Tudjman's party off the scene, the democratic party's triumph in Bosnia, and the fall of the Milosevic regime in Serbia.

Annuaire Europeen 1999/European Yearbook 1999

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions.

Pathogen Inactivation of Labile Blood Products

Book Description

Methods aimed at inactivation of pathogens in labile blood products have been developed in recent years. Their use raises a number of issues, including efficiency, the damage inflicted to the blood products, the toxicity for patients, and the cost-benefit ratio. In the foreseeable future, national blood transfusion services and health authorities will have to consider the introduction of these methods. The report summarises the current information on these pathogen inactivation procedures.