Impaired-driving Program Assessments: a Summary of Recommendations (1991 to 2003).

Book Description

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) developed an assessment process that gives States an opportunity to conduct a review of their efforts to control impaired driving by an outside team of nationally recognized experts. Each assessment examines a State's overall program and presents recommendations to improve or enhance it. NHTSA reviewed 38 State assessment reports and found 2,982 individual recommendations, including 852 that were identified as priority recommendations by the teams. Most of the recommendations fit into 10 thematic areas: (1) increasing deterrence by prioritizing enforcement efforts and enhancing the arrest, prosecution, and adjudication process; (2) improving public information and education efforts related to prevention and deterrence; (3) remedying problems involving DUI data and records (reporting requirements, offender tracking systems, data linkages, uniform traffic citations); (4) enacting new laws or revising existing laws aimed at increasing the deterrence and/or prevention of DUI; (5) enhancing training for law enforcement, prosecution, and judicial personnel; (6) evaluating programs and activities to combat impaired driving; (7) providing sufficient resources for treatment and rehabilitation; (8) improving inter/intra-governmental coordination and cooperation; (9) providing funding (including self-sufficiency) to provide for adequate resources (personnel, equipment); and (10) developing or increasing task forces and/or community involvement.

Driving With Care:Education and Treatment of the Impaired Driving Offender-Strategies for Responsible Living

Book Description

This is a three-level education and treatment program for persons convicted of driving while impaired (DWI). Clients learn that change in behavior is made by changing their thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. The books presents a comprehensive overview of cognitive behavioral treatment for impaired driving offenders; a thorough review theory and practice related to client evaluation; legal and cultural considerations; as well as operational procedures for assessing and matching DWI offenders to appropriate levels of education and treatment services. Guidelines are provided for developing individualized treatment plans, and implementing appropriate education and treatment curriculum protocol whereby clients relate and apply the lesson and session material to their own unique circumstances and situations.

Driving With Care: Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Impaired Driving Offender Treatment-Strategies for Responsible Living

Book Description

This is a 12-session, 24-hour education program for impaired driving offenders who have at least minimal indicators of past problems associated with AOD use or misuse and whose arrest BAC was at the impaired driving level. Level II Education helps clients to understand how problem behaviors are learned and how those behaviors are strengthened. They develop a good understanding of their involvement in impaired driving and how their state laws apply to that involvement. Clients learn how their own AOD use fits clinically identified patterns and cycles of AOD use and misuse. They develop strategies and skills to prevent future problems of use and misuse and involvement in DWI behavior: relapse and recidivism prevention.

Federal Register

Book Description

Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving

Book Description

Driving with Care: Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving Safety Education-Strategies for Responsible Living

Book Description

This is a 12-session, 24-hour education program for impaired driving offenders who have at least minimal indicators of past problems associated with AOD use or misuse and whose arrest BAC was at the impaired driving level. Level II Education helps clients to understand how problem behaviors are learned and how those behaviors are strengthened. They develop a good understanding of their involvement in impaired driving and how their state laws apply to that involvement. Clients learn how their own AOD use fits clinically identified patterns and cycles of AOD use and misuse. They develop strategies and skills to prevent future problems of use and misuse and involvement in DWI behavior: relapse and recidivism prevention.