Training module - How to integrate gender issues in climate-smart agriculture projects

Book Description

The purpose of the training module is to provide learners with a better understanding of what the gender roles in CSA are and their critical impact on project outcomes and sustainability. The training will teach them about different methods and tools to identify, formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate gender-responsive actions and practices in CSA development projects. Through the training, learners will become familiar with the main concepts of gender, climate change and climate-smart agr iculture. They will also understand the relevance of gender dimensions in climate change adaptation and mitigation and in developing gender-responsive CSA interventions. Furthermore, they will learn the steps to take and tools and approaches available for conducting gender analysis and promoting gender mainstreaming in CSA project design, implementation and monitoring. The manual also presents available gender, climate change and CSA guidelines and other relevant materials to support learners in their work in implementing gender-responsive interventions. This training module provides basic information for organizing a short training workshop to develop gender mainstreaming capacities in CSA-related projects, throughout the whole project cycle. The module mainly focuses on activities in the field. It is important to recognize, however, that gender-responsive CSA development also requires actions at the institutional and policy level as well as changes in the existing social and cultura l norms. The module also provides some recommendations for better integration of gender issues in governments’ CSA policies and strategies.

Understanding Climate Change through Gender Relations

Book Description

This book explains how gender, as a power relationship, influences climate change related strategies, and explores the additional pressures that climate change brings to uneven gender relations. It considers the ways in which men and women experience the impacts of these in different economic contexts. The chapters dismantle gender inequality and injustice through a critical appraisal of vulnerability and relative privilege within genders. Part I addresses conceptual frameworks and international themes concerning climate change and gender, and explores emerging ideas concerning the reification of gender relations in climate change policy. Part II offers a wide range of case studies from the Global North and the Global South to illustrate and explain the limitations to gender-blind climate change strategies. This book will be of interest to students, scholars, practitioners and policymakers interested in climate change, environmental science, geography, politics and gender studies.

Training Manual to Support Country-Driven Gender and Climate Change

Book Description

This publication aims to provide trainers, practitioners, and policy makers of environment and gender mainstreaming agencies an understanding of key concepts and approaches to gender-responsive mitigation measures, strategies, and policies. It covers key concepts on gender and climate change and concludes with step-by-step guidelines for policy and decision makers to mainstream gender into climate policies and projects, with practical tools and exercises to support training on gender and climate change. This manual is based on a series of workshops held in Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and Viet Nam and models the Asian Development Bank's operational approach of integrated country-driven climate responses in enabling gender-responsive climate action. It accommodates readers and training participants who are not familiar with climate change issues or gender concepts, and case studies herein can be adjusted to the country context.

Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors

Book Description

This Guide for Trainers, based on workshops in nine countries, provides a complete set of materials for use in training sessions on mainstreaming gender in adaptation planning in the agriculture sectors. It is designed for a trainer or team responsible for delivering a training workshop for stakeholders who are involved in adaptation planning and related budgeting processes in agriculture. The guide presents a mix of interactive activities and presentations, to be used in whole or in part, to improve the individual-level skills and behaviours needed to foster gender-responsive agriculture adaptation plans within a broader capacity development process. The emphasis is on adaptation in agriculture, however the materials can be applied to planning for climate change adaptation in other sectors. In addition to this Guide for trainers, there are companion PowerPoint templates that workshop organizers can tailor to their specific context.

Gender and Climate Change: An Introduction

Book Description

Although climate change affects everybody it is not gender neutral. It has significant social impacts and magnifies existing inequalities such as the disparity between women and men in their vulnerability and ability to cope with this global phenomenon. This new textbook, edited by one of the authors of the seminal Women and the Environment in the Third World: Alliance for the Future (1988) which first exposed the links between environmental degradation and unequal impacts on women, provides a comprehensive introduction to gender aspects of climate change. Over 35 authors have contributed to the book. It starts with a short history of the thinking and practice around gender and sustainable development over the past decades. Next it provides a theoretical framework for analyzing climate change manifestations and policies from the perspective of gender and human security. Drawing on new research, the actual and potential effects of climate change on gender equality and women's vulnerabilities are examined, both in rural and urban contexts. This is illustrated with a rich range of case studies from all over the world and valuable lessons are drawn from these real experiences. Too often women are primarily seen as victims of climate change, and their positive roles as agents of change and contributors to livelihood strategies are neglected. The book disputes this characterization and provides many examples of how women around the world organize and build resilience and adapt to climate change and the role they are playing in climate change mitigation. The final section looks at how far gender mainstreaming in climate mitigation and adaptation has advanced, the policy frameworks in place and how we can move from policy to effective action. Accompanied by a wide range of references and key resources, this book provides students and professionals with an essential, comprehensive introduction to the gender aspects of climate change.

A review of the Nordic implementation of the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan

Book Description

Available online: This report reviews the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Gender Action Plan (UNFCCC GAP) in the Nordic countries. The UNFCCC GAP aims at advancing knowledge and understanding of gender responsive climate action, and includes activities for gender mainstreaming the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The report finds that the Nordic region demonstrates commitment to integrating gender equality perspectives into climate policies, and summarises best case examples on local and national level. It also suggests that by prioritising capacity building of mainstreaming in climate policies, utilising available sex-disaggregated data for gender analysis, and by enhancing coherence in relevant policy frameworks, the Nordic countries can improve their implementation of the UNFCCC GAP and further pave the way for a just transition to a green economy.

Mainstreaming Gender into Climate Mitigation Activities

Book Description

Actively engaging women in climate mitigation activities can yield multiple benefits, including improved jobs, better livelihoods, and more equitable revenue flows. Efforts are moving forward to design climate funding mechanisms to help capture these benefits, but policy makers and other stakeholders need more guidance on designing gender-responsive climate policies and funding proposals. The guidelines in this publication fill this void. It is hoped that these guidelines would equip policy makers with pragmatic advice on how to mainstream gender into climate change mitigation actions and funding proposals. This publication reflects on applications for the guidelines as well as relationships between climate planning and funding proposal.