Gurps Religion

Book Description


Book Description

-- A popular roleplaying setting not available in other sourcebooks. -- Well-researched guide to both Egyptian history and mythology.

Gurps Fantasy

Book Description


GURPS Traveller Alien Races 1

Book Description

-- Describes two of the most important alien races in the popular GURPS Travellers series. -- Includes deck plans of four alien ships. -- By top GURPS writer David Pulver.

Gurps Banestorm

Book Description

Welcome to the land of Yrth, a magical realm of incredibly varied races and monsters - including people snatched from our Earth and other worlds by the cataclysmic Banestorm! Whole villages were transported - from such diverse locales as medieval England, France, Germany, and the Far East. Now humans struggle with dwarves, elves, and each other. The Crusades aren't ancient history here - they're current events! Characters can journey from the windswept plains of the Nomad Lands - where fierce Nordic warriors seek a valiant death to earn a seat in Valhalla - to Megalos, the ancient empire where magic and political intrigue go hand in hand. Or trek south to the Muslim lands of al-Wazif and al-Haz to explore the forbidden city of Geb'al-Din. This book updates the original Yrth of GURPS Third Edition Fantasy and Fantasy Adventures. It provides GMs with a complete world background - history, religion, culture, politics, races, and a detailed map - everything needed to start a GURPS campaign. Phil Masters (Discworld and Hellboy RPGs) and Jonathan Woodward (Hellboy and GURPS Ogre) have added new peoples, places, and plots, as well as lots more on magic and mysticism, all of which conforms to GURPS Fantasy and GURPS Magic. So prepare to make your own mark on Yrth. Plunder elven ruins while evading the desert natives. Play a peasant-born hero . . . an orcish pirate . . . a Muslim double agent commanded to infiltrate the Hospitallers. Yrth awaits the legend of you!

Gurps Voodoo

Book Description

GURPS Voodoo: The Shadow War takes the myths of the mystical religions known as Voudoun and Santeria and gives them a twist, placing the believers and practitioners of Voodoo in the middle of a cosmic struggle. Voodoo priests and the shamans of many ancients cultures have unique views in how they can shape the world; this supplement includes a magic system to replicate those beliefs. The Shadow War is a conflict fought on many fronts. Voodoo Initiates contend with the Lodges, which consist of European magicians who have kept their occult power hidden and consider themselves the secret masters of the Western world. Beneath that struggle, some Initiates have begun to realize, lies a battle between Humankind and beings that have no use for power or wealth - only destruction. Unlike many "dark" RPGs, Voodoo is not about enduring horror, but fighting it. Human Spirit Warriors, monstrous In-Betweener renegades, and even ghosts can join forces and stop the manipulators and deceivers. The world of the Shadow War needs heroes, however frail or flawed they may be. Your characters may just be those heroes.

Gurps New Sun

Book Description

-- Gene Wolfe's science fiction is acclaimed for literary excellence. -- Cover by award-winning science fiction and fantasy artist Don Maitz. -- Includes maps and a comprehensive glossary of the "New Sun" background...a valuable resource for any Wolfe fan, gamer or not!

Gurps Greece

Book Description

The land we call Greece was the home of one of the greatest cultures the world has ever known. With GURPS Greece, you can experience the challenges of the heroes of myth: Contend with the love and the wrath of the gods as you set out on epic quests. Fight for loot and honor, or earn a bitter death on the plain before the gates of fabled Troy. Win prestige as a statesman in the city Assembly - or lose everything as the people turn against you and send you into exile. GURPS Greece includes detailed timelines and maps describing the world as the Greeks knew it, information on their religion, rules for the magic of the Hellenic myths, and a Bestiary describing the monsters and animal foes faced by Greek heroes.


Book Description

Gurps Illuminati

Book Description

The Secret Masters have denied all knowledge of the various conspiracy theories put forth in GURPS Illuminati. "To begin with, we don't even exist," said a spokesman. "The Illuminati are a myth." He went on to deny specifically that: Everything you read in the tabloids is true! Aliens regularly visit Earth, and are in contact with high government officials. The Men in Black are everywhere, and will snatch you from your home if you ask too many questions or just see something you shouldn't see. Orbital Mind Control satellites cruise the skies, influencing international politics and deciding the fates of billions. The Gnomes of Zurich control the world's monetary supply, and manipulate it to fit their own sinister plans. The world is such a complex web of secrets, mysteries and conspiracies that nobody really knows what is happening. But everyone in power lies . . . all the time. The only real way to protect yourself is to join the conspiracy. But even then, you'll never know who is pulling your strings. Everything you know is a lie. Everything you suspect is true. The world is a very strange place. Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia! The publishers of GURPS Illuminati, Steve Jackson Games, admitted that it was a work of fiction, but added, "It's all true anyway! Just look at the book. It's closer than you think."