Gypsy Soul

Book Description

A short, witty compilation of stories and lessons learned by a born and raised Midwestern girl who has battled with weight, love, and truly accepting herself.

Journey of a Gypsy Soul

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Gypsy Souls

Book Description

Emma Whitfield decides to start a new life, far from all things familiar; a small town Missouri girl finds herself in the midst of a quirky Arizona river town. Among strangers she learns that kindred spirits come in all ages and types, but when you find your soulmate, the shape of your life changes forever. What begins as a simple adventure, leads to an epic journey across endless horizons, vast oceans, and the landscape of her heart.

The Gypsy Soul

Book Description

The past never left her and the indelible marks of her traumatic life kept haunting her even as she forayed into a beautiful present and an even more beautiful future. Her thoughts, her actions and her metrics to measure herself were constantly determined by what had been meted out to her in a dark time. Life was now opening up, love was beckoning and yet in the back of her impressionable mind was the shadow of a love story gone wrong and a fairy tale shattered. She wanted to embrace the future with open arms, yet from the corner of her eyes she saw a little girl who held her hands out to rejection and pain.

Gypsy Soul

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Gypsy Soul

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Poems From A Gypsy Soul

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A Gemini with a Gypsy Soul

Book Description

This touching debut transfixes the reader allowing her to resonate deeply with them. The emotions in her work are evocative and ultimately hopeful. The autobiographic approach allows the reader to see her complete life story commencing from her childhood and continuing to her forties. Tanya provides a well-balanced sensitivity along with complete honesty. Her informal approach creates a bond between reader and author as the reader is invited deep into her personal life, from stories of growing up, finding, and losing love. As Tanya travels around the globe, the reader shares moments of unrest, emotion, wit, hope, pain, fearfulness, and honesty. ‘A Gemini with a Gypsy Soul’ is a well-written and touching work worthy of one’s attention. Surviving a mildly dysfunctional but fun childhood, the trials and tribulations of the writer are captured in the need for exciting adventures and a genuinely heartfelt desire to find that perfect someone.

Gypsy Soul

Book Description