Gyrokinetic Simulations of Turbulence in the Near-edge of Fusion Plasmas

Book Description

The main purpose of this thesis is the validation of the gyrokinetic method in the near-edge region of L-mode plasmas. Our primary finding is that gyrokinetic simulations are able to match the heat-flux in the near-edge region of an L-mode plasma at = 0.80 and = 0.90 within the combined statistical and systematic uncertainty of the experiment at the 1.6 and 1.3 levels, respectively. At = 0.95, gyrokinetic simulations are able to match the total experimental heat flux with nominal experimental parameters. In the big picture, this successful validation exercise helps push the gyrokinetic validation frontier closer to the L-mode edge region. In the course of this validation study, we make three secondary findings that may be helpful to the fusion community. First, the current heuristic rules for the relevance of multi-scale effects appear to be on the cautious side. Multi-scale simulations at = 0.80 suggest that single-scale simulations can be sufficient in a scenario when multi-scale effects are expected. This is helpful, because it could increase the realm of applicability of single-scale simulations, which are computationally more affordable than multi-scale simulations. Second, the effect of edge E B shear is found to become important already in the near-edge (at = 0.90) rather than at larger radial positions. This was unexpected and is relevant for future simulations in the near-edge. Third, nonlinear simulations at = 0.90 find a hybrid ion temperature gradient (ITG)/ trapped electron mode (TEM) scenario, which was not obvious from linear simulations due to the stability of ITG modes. This could also be an important result for spherical tokamaks, where ITG modes are more often linearly stable than in conventional tokamaks.

Kinetic Simulation of Edge Instability in Fusion Plasmas

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In this work, gyrokinetic simulations in edge plasmas of both tokamaks and field reversed configurations (FRC) have been carried out using the Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code (GTC) and A New Code (ANC) has been formulated for cross-separatrix FRC simulation. In the tokamak edge, turbulent transport in the pedestal of an H-mode DIII-D plasma is studied via simulations of electrostatic driftwaves. Annulus geometry is used and simulations focus on two radial locations corresponding to the pedestal top with mild pressure gradient and steep pressure gradient. A reactive trapped electron instability with typical ballooning mode structure is excited in the pedestal top. At the steep gradient, the electrostatic instability exhibits unusual mode structure, peaking at poloidal angles theta=+- pi/2. Simulations find this unusual mode structure is due to steep pressure gradients in the pedestal but not due to the particular DIII-D magnetic geometry. Realistic DIII-D geometry has a stabilizing effect compared to a simple circular tokamak geometry. Driftwave instability in FRC is studied for the first time using gyrokinetic simulation. GTC is upgraded to treat realistic equilibrium calculated by an MHD equilibrium code. Electrostatic local simulations in outer closed flux surfaces find ion-scale modes are stable due to the large ion gyroradius and that electron drift-interchange modes are excited by electron temperature gradient and bad magnetic curvature. In the scrape-off layer (SOL) ion-scale modes are excited by density gradient and bad curvature. Collisions have weak effects on instabilities both in the core and SOL. Simulation results are consistent with density fluctuation measurements in the C-2 experiment using Doppler backscattering (DBS). The critical density gradients measured by the DBS qualitatively agree with the linear instability threshold calculated by GTC simulations. One outstanding critical issue in the FRC is the interplay between turbulence in the FRC core and SOL regions. While the magnetic flux coordinates used by GTC provide a number of computational advantages, they present unique challenges at the magnetic field separatrix. To address this limitation, a new code, capable of coupled core-SOL simulations, is formulated, implemented, and successfully verified.

On the Edge of Magnetic Fusion Devices

Book Description

This book reviews the current state of understanding concerning edge plasma, which bridges hot fusion plasma, with a temperature of roughly one million degrees Kelvin with plasma-facing materials, which have melting points of only a few thousand degrees Kelvin. In a fact, edge plasma is one of the keys to solution for harnessing fusion energy in magnetic fusion devices. The physics governing the processes at work in the edge plasma involves classical and anomalous transport of multispecies plasma, neutral gas dynamics, atomic physics effects, radiation transport, plasma-material interactions, and even the transport of plasma species within the plasma-facing materials. The book starts with simple physical models, then moves on to rigorous theoretical considerations and state-of-the-art simulation tools that are capable of capturing the most important features of the edge plasma phenomena. The authors compare the conclusions arising from the theoretical and computational analysis with the available experimental data. They also discuss the remaining gaps in their models and make projections for phenomena related to edge plasma in magnetic fusion reactors.

Magnetic Fluctuations in Gyrokinetic Simulations of Tokamak Scrape-Off Layer Turbulence

Book Description

Understanding turbulent transport physics in the tokamak edge and scrape-off layer (SOL) is critical to developing a successful fusion reactor. The dynamics in these regions plays a key role in achieving high fusion performance by determining the edge pedestal that suppresses turbulence in the high-confinement mode (H-mode). Additionally, the survivability of a reactor is set by the heat load to the vessel walls, making it important to understand turbulent spreading of heat as it flows along open magnetic field lines in the SOL. Large-amplitude fluctuations, magnetic X-point geometry, and plasma interactions with material walls make simulating turbulence in the edge/SOL more challenging than in the core region, necessitating specialized gyrokinetic codes. Further, the inclusion of electromagnetic effects in gyrokinetic simulations that can handle the unique challenges of the boundary plasma is critical to the understanding of phenomena such as the pedestal and edge-localized modes, for which electromagnetic dynamics are expected to be important.In this thesis, we develop the first capability to simulate electromagnetic gyrokinetic turbulence on open magnetic field lines. This is an important step towards comprehensive electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulations of the coupled edge/SOL system. By using a continuum full-f approach via an energy-conserving discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization scheme that avoids the Ampere cancellation problem, we show that electromagnetic fluctuations can be handled in a robust, stable, and efficient manner in the gyrokinetic module of the Gkeyll code. We then present results which roughly model the scrape-off layer of the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), and show that electromagnetic effects can affect blob dynamics and transport. We also formulate the gyrokinetic system in field-aligned coordinates for modeling realistic edge and scrape-off layer geometries in experiments. A novel DG algorithm for maintaining positivity of the distribution function while preserving conservation laws is also presented.

Collisional Transport in Magnetized Plasmas

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A graduate level text treating transport theory, an essential element of theoretical plasma physics.

Center for Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations of Turbulent Transport in Burning Plasmas

Book Description

This is the Final Technical Report for University of Colorado's portion of the SciDAC project 'Center for Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Turbulent Transport.' This is funded as a multi-institutional SciDAC Center and W.W. Lee at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is the lead Principal Investigator. Scott Parker is the local Principal Investigator for University of Colorado and Yang Chen is a Co-Principal Investigator. This is Cooperative Agreement DE-FC02-05ER54816. Research personnel include Yang Chen (Senior Research Associate), Jianying Lang (Graduate Research Associate, Ph. D. Physics Student) and Scott Parker (Associate Professor). Research includes core microturbulence studies of NSTX, simulation of trapped electron modes, development of efficient particle-continuum hybrid methods and particle convergence studies of electron temperature gradient driven turbulence simulations. Recently, the particle-continuum method has been extended to five-dimensions in GEM. We find that actually a simple method works quite well for the Cyclone base case with either fully kinetic or adiabatic electrons. Particles are deposited on a 5D phase-space grid using nearest-grid-point interpolation. Then, the value of delta-f is reset, but not the particle's trajectory. This has the effect of occasionally averaging delta-f of nearby (in the phase space) particles. We are currently trying to estimate the dissipation (or effective collision operator). We have been using GEM to study turbulence and transport in NSTX with realistic equilibrium density and temperature profiles, including impurities, magnetic geometry and ExB shear flow. Greg Rewoldt, PPPL, has developed a TRANSP interface for GEM that specifies the equilibrium profiles and parameters needed to run realistic NSTX cases. Results were reported at the American Physical Society - Division of Plasma Physics, and we are currently running convergence studies to ensure physical results. We are also studying the effect of parallel shear flows, which can be quite strong in NSTX. Recent long-time simulations of electron temperature gradient driven turbulence, show that zonal flows slowly grow algebraically via the Rosenbluth-Hinton random walk mechanism. Eventually, the zonal flow gets to a level where it shear suppresses the turbulence. We have demonstrated this behavior with Cyclone base-case parameters, except with a 30% lower temperature gradient. We can demonstrate the same phenomena at higher gradients, but so far, have been unable to get a converged result at the higher temperature gradient. We find that electron ion collisions cause the zonal flows to grow at a slower rate and results in a higher heat flux. So, far all ETG simulations that come to a quasi-steady state show continued build up of zonal flow, see it appears to be a universal phenomena (for ETG). Linear and nonlinear simulations of Collisional and Collisionless trapped electron modes are underway. We find that zonal flow is typically important. We can, however, reproduce the Tannert and Jenko result (that zonal flow is unimportant) using their parameters with the electron temperature three times the ion temperature. For a typical weak gradient core value of density gradient and no temperature gradient, the CTEM is dominant. However, for a steeper density gradient (and still no temperature gradient), representative of the edge, higher k drift-waves are dominant. For the weaker density gradient core case, nonlinear simulations using GEM are routine. For the steeper gradient edge case, the nonlinear fluctuations are very high and a stationary state has not been obtained. This provides motivation for the particle-continuum algorithm. We also note that more physics, e.g. profile variation and equilibrium ExB shear flow should be significantly stabilizing, making such simulations feasible using standard delta-f techniques. This research is ongoing.

Plasma Oscillations with Diffusion in Velocity Space

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A model of plasma oscillations in the presence of small angle collisions is presented which admits of exact analytic solution. Certain features of the true collsion terms are preserved. Namely, the effect of collisions is represented by a diffusion in velocity space, which makes the distribution function tend to the Maxwell distribution, and which conserves the number of particles. In the limit of infrequent collisions the results of Landau are recovered.

Theory of Fusion Plasmas

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The Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas takes place every other year in a place particularly favorable for informal and in depth discussions. Invited and contributed papers present state-of-the art researches in theoretical plasma physics, covering all domains relevant to fusion plasmas. This workshop always allows a fruitful mix of experienced researchers and students, to allow for a better understanding of the key theoretical physics models and applications, such as: Theoretical issues related to burning plasmas; Anomalous Transport (Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Microinstabilities) RF Heating and Current Drive; Macroinstabilities; Plasma-Edge Physics and Divertors; Fast particles instabilities.

Turbulence and Transport Measurements in Alcator C-Mod and Comparisons with Gyrokinetic Simulations

Book Description

Turbulence in tokamak plasmas is the primary means by which energy is transported from the core of the plasma to the edge, where it is lost, and is therefore the main limitation of tokamak plasma performance. Dilution of the main-ion species was found to have a stabilizing effect on ion gyroradius scale turbulence in tokamak plasmas. Dilution of deuterium tokamak plasmas is the reduction of the ratio of the deuterium ion density to the electron density, nD=ne, to less than 1.0 through the introduction of low-Z impurity species into the plasma. Controlled dilution experiments were performed on Alcator C-Mod wherein plasmas at a range of electron density and plasma current were seeded with nitrogen while a cryopump held the electron density fixed. The electron density fluctuations due to turbulence were monitored using a phase contrast imaging (PCI) diagnostic, an absolutely calibrated diagnostic that measures the line-integral of the electron density fluctuations along 32 vertical chords. In these experiments the seeding reduced the PCI density fluctuations, and had a stabilizing effect on the ion energy transport. The seeding also reversed the direction of intrinsic rotation in certain cases. Nonlinear simulations using the gyrokinetic turbulence code GYRO were performed using measured kinetic profiles from the dilution experiments both before and after the nitrogen seeding. The GYRO simulations reproduced the observed reduction in the turbulent ion energy transport with the nitrogen seeding. The GYRO simulated turbulent density fluctuations were compared to the PCI measurements using a synthetic diagnostic, and they were found to be consistent. GYRO simulations were also performed varying only the main ion dilution to explore the theoretical effects of the dilution on energy transport. Through this it was found that the dilution reduced the turbulent ion energy transport in a wide variety of cases, but primarily increased the critical gradient at low densities, and primarily reduced the stiffness of the transport at high densities. This dilution effect is related to observations of reductions in energy transport from seeding on other tokamaks, and will likely have an impact on ITER and future fusion reactors.