Habitat Use and Behavior of Agassiz’s Desert Tortoise (Gopherus Agassizii)

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Roads are widespread features of many landscapes that can negatively affect wildlife, most notably thru animal-vehicle collisions. Concern for the effects of roads on wildlife has led to multiple mitigation strategies. Depending on the species and population in question, management actions may include fencing along roadways to eliminate wildlife mortality. Although fencing may reduce the occurrence of animal-vehicle collisions, there is uncertainty about the degree to which installing fencing may have the intended positive outcomes for many species, including those like desert tortoises that are hard hit by road impacts. Throughout this dissertation, I investigated the impacts of roads and mitigation fencing in an effort to improve the persistence of desert tortoise populations. First, I quantified the road-effect zone, or the observed reduction of tortoise presence near roads, for two of the most prevalent road types in desert systems; county roads and interstate highways. I found that effects of these roads contribute to habitat loss of 5-8 times farther than the road width itself. Next, I used high resolution GPS tracking to study how roads and mitigation fencing can alter the movements, space use, and behavior of nearby tortoises. I found increased carapace temperatures of animals when they were near roads or fencing. Notably, as tortoises paced along mitigation fencing, carapace temperatures approached the species’ critical thermal maximum. In the absence of mitigation fencing, I found evidence that desert tortoises crossed roads less than expected. However, when road crossings occurred, I found that they occurred near washes and at two distinct times of year. Lastly, I developed a Spatially-Explicit Population Model to investigate potential population level responses of desert tortoises to roads, in addition to modeling possible recovery if mitigation fencing was installed along roads to reduce animal mortality. I found that all road types posed some level of threat to tortoise populations, with highways and interstates causing the greatest declines compared to county and rural roads. While the installation of mitigation fencing effectively stopped further decline, tortoise populations were slow to recover. In sum, this dissertation highlights the need for solid conservation practices, and further refinement of mitigation tools to remove the pervasive threats that roads placed on desert tortoise populations.

Desert Tortoise (Gopherus Agassizii)

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Provides an overview of extant desert tortoise literature, summarizing literature on taxonomy, morphology, genetics, and paleontology and paleoecology of the desert tortoise, as well as its general ecology. Literature on desert tortoise ecology encompasses distribution and habitat, burrows and dens, reproduction, growth, physiology, feeding and nutrition, mortality factors, and behavior. Information on habitat deterioration, management of tortoises, their legal status and tortoise husbandry is also included. The manuscript is a complete overview of existing literature, including peer-reviewed literature and other literature. Information was compiled from materials available in 1991.

Desert Tortoises (Gopherus Agassizii) and Translocation

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Translocation of threatened or vulnerable species is a tool increasingly used for conservation and management, and in some species the behavioral and physiological responses to translocation may undermine the success of translocation efforts. For the federally protected desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), translocation is a strategy used to manage declining populations, yet post-translocation responses in this species are poorly understood. Here, we radio tracked 40 tortoises in Fall 2009 and 40 tortoises in Spring 2010 to explore homing ability and movement patterns; we further considered differences in behavior and habitat use between translocated and non-translocated tortoises, and assessed how these differences affected carapace temperatures. Tortoises were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: translocated (displaced 2, 5, or 8 km from their source location), handling control (used to measure the effect of handling tortoises during experimental manipulation) or control (as a control treatment). After translocation, twenty percent of the translocated tortoises were able to navigate to their source location, and translocation distance had an effect on their ability to navigate home, with males and females demonstrating similar homing abilities. We found 44 % of tortoises in the 2 km translocated group returned home, whereas no tortoises in the 8 km translocated group did. We also found that translocated tortoises moved more than the control groups, with some individuals moving> 10 km from the translocation site. These patterns were persistent even accounting for seasonal and sex differences in movement. Further, we found that translocated tortoises exhibited different placement, position and activity patterns within their habitat than nontranslocated tortoises. We also found that while all tortoises showed an association with large shrubs in the landscape, the translocated tortoises showed a significantly closer association to shrubs and showed a stronger affinity to particular shrub species. Although there were no significant carapace temperature differences between translocated and non-translocated tortoises across all ambient temperatures, we found translocated tortoises had significantly higher carapace temperatures when the ambient temperature was>29°C. By identifying homing behaviors and quantifying post-translocation movement patterns and habitat associations in desert tortoises, this in-situ experiment addresses a key data gap that may have limited the efficacy of tortoise translocation efforts.

The Sonoran Desert Tortoise

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One of the most recognizable animals of the Southwest, the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) makes its home in both the Sonoran and Mohave Deserts, as well as in tropical areas to the south in Mexico. Called by Tohono O'odham people "komik'c-ed," or "shell with living thing inside," it is one of the few desert creatures kept as a domestic pet—as well as one of the most studied reptiles in the world. Most of our knowledge of desert tortoises comes from studies of Mohave Desert populations in California and Nevada. However, the ecology, physiology, and behavior of these northern populations are quite different from those of their southern, Sonoran Desert, and tropical cousins, which have been studied much less. Differences in climate and habitat have shaped the evolution of three races of desert tortoises as they have adapted to changes in heat, rainfall, and sources of food and shelter as the deserts developed in the last ten million years. This book presents the first comprehensive summary of the natural history, biology, and conservation of the Sonoran and Sinaloan desert tortoises, reviewing the current state of knowledge of these creatures with appropriate comparisons to Mohave tortoises. It condenses a vast amount of information on population ecology, activity, and behavior based on decades of studying tortoise populations in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico, and also includes important material on the care and protection of tortoises. Thirty-two contributors address such topics as tortoise fossil records, DNA analysis, and the mystery of secretive hatchlings and juveniles. Tortoise health is discussed in chapters on the care of captives, and original data are presented on the diets of wild and captive tortoises, the nutrient content of plant foods, and blood parameters of healthy tortoises. Coverage of conservation issues includes husbandry methods for captive tortoises, an overview of protective measures, and an evaluation of threats to tortoises from introduced grass and wildfires. A final chapter on cultural knowledge presents stories and songs from indigenous peoples and explores their understanding of tortoises. As the only comprehensive book on the desert tortoise, this volume gathers a vast amount of information for scientists, veterinarians, and resource managers while also remaining useful to general readers who keep desert tortoises as backyard pets. It will stand as an enduring reference on this endearing creature for years to come.

The Conservation Biology of Tortoises

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The Catastrophic Decline of Tortoises at a Fenced Natural Area

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Agassiz’s desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), a threatened species of the southwestern United States, has severely declined to the point where 76% of populations in critical habitat (Tortoise Conservation Areas) are below viability. The potential for rapid recovery of wild populations is low because females require 12–20 years to reach reproductive maturity and produce few eggs annually. We report on a 34 year mark recapture study of tortoises initiated in 1979 at the Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area in the western Mojave Desert, California,USA, and provide substantive data on challenges faced by the species. In 1980, the United States Congress designated the Research Natural Area and protected the land from recreational vehicles, livestock grazing, and mining with a wildlife permeable fence. The 7.77 km2 study area, centered on interpretive facilities, included land both within the Natural Area and outside the fence. We expected greater benefits to accrue to the tortoises and habitat inside compared to outside. Our objectives were to conduct a demographic study, analyze and model changes in the tortoise population and habitat, and compare the effectiveness of fencing to protect populations and habitat inside the fence versus outside, where populations and habitat were unprotected. We conducted surveys in spring in each of 7 survey years from 1979, when the fence was under construction, through 2012. We compared populations inside to those outside the fence by survey year for changes in distribution, structure by size and relative age, sex ratios, death rates of adults, and causes of death for all sizes of tortoises. We used a Bayesian implementation of a Jolly Seber model for mark-recapture data. We modeled detection, density, growth and transition of tortoises to larger size-age classes, movements from inside the protective fence to outside and vice versa, and survival. After the second and subsequent survey years, we added surveys to monitor vegetation and habitat changes, conduct health assessments, and collect data on counts of predators and predator sign. At the beginning of the study, counts and densities for all sizes of tortoises were high, but densities were approximately 24% higher inside the fence than outside. By 2002, the low point in densities, densities had declined 90% inside the fence and 95% outside. Between 2002 and 2012, the population inside the fence showed signs of improving with a 54% increase in density. Outside the fence, densities remained low. At the end of the study, when we considered the initial differences in location, densities inside the fence were roughly 2.5 times higher than outside. The pattern of densities was similar for male and female adults. When evaluating survival by blocks of years, survivorship was higher in 1979-1989 than in1989-2002 (the low point) and highest from 2002 to 2012. Recruitment and survival of adult females into the population was important for growing the population, but survival of all sizes, including juveniles, was also critical. Major events and activities driving the decline in populations both inside and outside the fence included illegal collecting, upper respiratory tract disease, and hyperpredation by the common raven (Corvus corax)on juvenile tortoises. Other sources of death were gunshots, vehicles, and predation by mammals. Outside the fence, fragmentation and deterioration of habitat was a critical driver. Between the first and last surveys, 2 different ecosystem processes were underway: recovery of vegetation and soils from grazing and vehicles inside the fence and continued deterioration outside the fence. Habitat outside the fence became increasingly denuded of shrubs and fragmented byroads and trails, and habitat fragments increased 50-fold. Outside the fence, biomass of non-native annual plants was higher and the cover of shrubs was lower, a reflection of ongoing deterioration. These changes and losses of habitat resulted in loss of shrub cover and sites for burrows, reduction in preferred food plants, and greater exposure to predators and extremes in temperature. Overall, the tortoise population and habitat inside the fence appeared to benefit from protection and showed signs of recovery at the end of the study. Fencing, control of vehicular access, and removal of livestock grazing were among several recommended management actions for critical habitat in the first recovery plan in 1994. At the end of the study, the Natural Area remained as 1 of 2 fenced, official protected areas for the species in the geographic range. We attribute fencing to continuing higher densities of adults inside the fence compared with outside the fence and promising signs of recovery. Densities of adults at the Natural Area also were 2.3 to 5.5 times higher than in 16 of the 17 Tortoise Conservation Areas (critical habitat units) within the geographic range.

Interpretation and Implications of Variability in Ecological Systems

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Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain the dynamics in abundance of individual species, how species interact, how communities assemble, and how interactions between biotic and abiotic processes shape ecosystem stability. Many if not most of these hypotheses find some degree of support, but often only within relatively narrow spatial and temporal ranges. This is because conditions vary over time and from place to place, and so the strength and extent of processes that were the focus of a given a hypothesis become altered by other forces. Ecologists have confronted variability from two perspectives; conceptual and statistical. Conceptually, spatial and temporal variability are now recognized as being scale dependent and hierarchical. Statistically, there are many models that ecologists readily use that account for the hierarchical and scale-dependence of variability present in many datasets. But linking the two perspectives into a meaningful understanding of what variability means in real systems has been much less successful. For example, it is common to see studies where the fixed effects of a generalized linear mixed model are reported, but very often random effects are completely ignored or, at best, given scant attention. The likelihood of this being a significant problem increases greatly in what are rapidly becoming more common studies that utilize datasets spanning long temporal and/or large spatial scales, or when extreme and often unpredictable events (gray and black swans) occur.