Hadronic Physics at Jefferson Lab

Book Description

I describe some of the lattice QCD work in support of the hadronic physics program at Jefferson Lab. In particular, there is a strong emphasis on the determination of the excited state hadron spectrum, as well as determining the spin content of nucleons and other hadrons.

Physics Opportunities with the 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Lab

Book Description

We are at the dawn of a new era in the study of hadronic nuclear physics. The non-Abelian nature of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and the resulting strong coupling at low energies represent a significant challenge to nuclear and particle physicists. The last decade has seen the development of new theoretical and experimental tools to quantitatively study the nature of confinement and the structure of hadrons comprised of light quarks and gluons. Together these will allow both the spectrum and the structure of hadrons to be elucidated in unprecedented detail. Exotic mesons that result from excitation of the gluon field will be explored. Multidimensional images of hadrons with great promise to reveal the dynamics of the key underlying degrees of freedom will be produced. In particular, these multidimensional distributions open a new window on the elusive spin content of the nucleon through observables that are directly related to the orbital angular momenta of quarks and gluons. Moreover, computational techniques in Lattice QCD now promise to provide insightful and quantitative predictions that can be meaningfully confronted with, and elucidated by, forthcoming experimental data. In addition, the development of extremely high intensity, highly polarized and extraordinarily stable beams of electrons provides innovative opportunities for probing (and extending) the Standard Model, both through parity violation studies and searches for new particles. Thus the 12 GeV upgrade of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab will enable a new experimental program with substantial discovery potential to address these and other important topics in nuclear, hadronic and electroweak physics.

Sixth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics

Book Description

The aim of the Conference was to discuss recent results and perspectives on the theoretical and experimental investigation of the structure of free hadrons and hadrons in the nuclear medium, as well as the structure of hadronic matter both at normal and extreme conditions. The Volume is a useful update of the subject for theorists and experimentalists working in medium and high energy nuclear physics.

Hypernuclear Physics at Jefferson Lab

Book Description

The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) has been successfully carrying out hadronic physics studies since 1996 at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) in Virginia, USA. The characteristics of this electron beam, together with those of the experimental equipment, offer a unique opportunity to study the electro-production of hypernuclei through the reaction A(e, e[prime]K[sup +])B[sub [Lambda]], where the hypernuclear production is tagged by the detection of the scattered electron in coincidence with the produced kaon. The kaon is a part of the associated strangeness pair production with a [Lambda] hyperon remaining embedded in the nuclear medium to form the hypernucleus. The hypernuclear physics program will cover an important part of the JLab experimental program over the next few years. This short review will focus mainly on a few subjects, and some experimental details of the Hall A experiment, where the authors have primarily responsibilities, will be presented.

Hadronic Multi-Particle Final State Measurements with CLAS at Jefferson Lab

Book Description

Precision measurements in the neutrino sector are becoming increasingly feasible due to the development of relatively high-rate experimental capabilities. These important developments command renewed attention to the systematic corrections needed to interpret the data. Hadronic multi-particle final state measurements made using CLAS at Jefferson Lab, together with a broad theoretical effort that links electro-nucleus and neutrino-nucleus data, will address this problem, and will elucidate long-standing problems in intermediate energy nuclear physics. This new work will ultimately enable precision determinations of fundamental quantities such as the neutrino mixing matrix elements in detailed studies of neutrino oscillations.

Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer IV

Book Description

The Proceedings include talks given at the 4th Workshop on Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA USA, the world's leading facility performing research on nuclear, hadronic and quark-gluon structure of matter. Exclusive reactions are becoming one of the major sources of information about the deep structure of the nucleons and other hadrons. The workshop focused on the application of a variety of exclusive reactions at high momentum transfer, utilizing unpolarized and polarized beams and targets, to obtain information about nucleon ground state and excited state structure at short distances. This is a subject which is central to the programs of current accelerators and especially planned future facilities. The topics include: generalized parton distributions, deeply virtual Compton scattering, deeply virtual meson production (DVMP), transverse structure of hadrons (TMD), hadron form factors ? elastic and transition, quantum chromodynamics (perturbative, non-perturbative, lattice calculations), and physics to study at an Electron Ion Collider.

Perspectives In Hadronic Physics - Proceedings Of The Second International Conference

Book Description

This volume discusses theoretical and experimental activities in the investigation of nucleon and nuclear structure by electromagnetic and hadronic probes at intermediate and high energies. The focus is on laboratory activities, recent progress concerning the structure of hadrons, relativistic many-body approaches, deep inelastic scattering and correlations in nuclei.

Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer IV

Book Description

The Proceedings include talks given at the 4th Workshop on Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, USA, the world''s leading facility performing research on nuclear, hadronic and quark-gluon structure of matter. Exclusive reactions are becoming one of the major sources of information about the deep structure of the nucleons and other hadrons. The workshop focused on the application of a variety of exclusive reactions at high momentum transfer, utilizing unpolarized and polarized beams and targets, to obtain information about nucleon ground state and excited state structure at short distances. This is a subject which is central to the programs of current accelerators and especially planned future facilities. The topics include: generalized parton distributions, deeply virtual Compton scattering, deeply virtual meson production (DVMP), transverse structure of hadrons (TMD), hadron form factors - elastic and transition, quantum chromodynamics (perturbative, non-perturbative, lattice calculations), and physics to study at an Electron Ion Collider.

Exclusive Processes at High Momentum Transfer

Book Description

This book focuses on the physics of exclusive processes at high momentum transfer and their description in terms of generalized parton distributions, perturbative QCD, and relativistic quark models. It covers recent developments in the field, both theoretical and experimental. Contents: Perspectives on Exclusive Processes in QCD (S J Brodsky); High-t Meson Photo- and Electroproduction: A Window on Partonic Structure of Hadrons (J-M Laget); Nucleon Hologram with Exclusive Leptoproduction (A Belitsky & D Muller); QCD Factorization for the Pion Diffractive Dissociation into Two Jets (D Yu Ivanov); GPDs, Form Factors and Compton Scattering (P Kroll); Real Compton Scattering from the Proton (A Nathan); Resonance Exchange Contributions to Wide-Angle Compton Scattering: The D-Term (T Oppermann); Proton-Antiproton Annihilation into Two Photons at Large s (C Weiss); Quark--Hadron Duality Studies at Jefferson Lab; An Overview of New and Exisiting Results (C Keppel); Novel Hard Semiexclusive Processes and Color Singlet Clusters in Hadrons (M Strikman et al.); and other papers. Readership: Theoretical and experimental researchers in nuclear and elementary particle physics.

Jefferson Lab's Journey Into the Nucleus

Book Description

The year 1969 saw the publication of the first results indicating that hard scattering centres exist deep inside protons. A collaboration between the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was using SLAC's new high-energy electron LINAC to pioneer a rich new field in the study of the nucleus--deep inelastic scattering. Their measurements revealed that nucleons are made up of point-like particles, which Richard Feynman dubbed ''partons''. Thirty-five years on, studies of the parton-nature of the nucleus continue, not only at the traditional high-energy centres, but also at lower-energy laboratories, and in particular at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) in Virginia. Jefferson Lab is home to the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF). Its main mission is to explore the atomic nucleus and the fundamental building-blocks of matter. As part of this mission, researchers there study the transition from the picture of the nucleus as a bound state of neutrons and protons to its deeper structure in terms of quarks and gluons--in other words, the transition from the hadronic degrees of freedom of nuclear physics to the quark-gluon degrees of freedom of high-energy physics. In exploring this transition, a wide range of experiments has been performed, from measurements of elastic form factors at large momentum transfers to studies of deep inelastic scattering. An array of spectrometers together with electron-beam energies of up to 5.7 GeV has allowed the laboratory to make significant contributions to this field. This article describes three experiments, each aimed at improving our understanding of a different aspect of the partonic nature of matter. The first, a classic deep inelastic scattering experiment, seeks to further our understanding of the composition of nucleon spin. The second experiment studies the concept of quark-hadron duality--a link between the deep inelastic region and the resonance region. The third experiment uses the atomic nucleus as a laboratory to improve understanding of the propagation and hadronization of quarks. Jefferson Lab's ability to perform this range of measurements is illustrated by the plot from the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) shown on the cover of this magazine, where the hadronic resonance peaks are seen to be washed out as one goes from the delta resonance around 1.2 GeV to higher invariant masses and into the deep inelastic scattering realm of quarks and gluons.