Health Care

Book Description

Developed within the context of the expansion of the Canadian welfare state in the years following the Great Depression, the present organization of Canadian health care delivery is now in serious need of reform. This book documents the causes and effects of changes made in this century to Canada's health care policy. Particular emphasis is placed on the decades following 1940, the years in which Canada moved away from an individualistic entrepreneurial medical care system, first toward a collectivist biomedical model and then to a social model for health care.

Handbook of Rural Health

Book Description

This book integrates the expertise of profession tion available on the various health concerns and als from a broad array of disciplines-anthro subpopulations and by the numerous method pology, health services research, epidemiology, ological complexities in compiling the neces medicine, dentistry, health promotion, and so sary data. Recognition of the nuances within and cial work-in an examination of rural health across rural populations, as recommended here, care and rural health research. This investiga will allow us to provide care more efficiently tion includes an inquiry into issues that are uni and effectively and to prevent disease or ame versal across rural populations, such as public liorate its effects. Reliance on some of the newer health issues and issues of equity in health care. technologies and approaches discussed here, Several chapters explore the health care issues such as distance learning and broad-based, com that confront specified subpopulations includ munity-wide health initiatives, will facilitate ing, for instance, migrant workers and Native disease treatment and prevention in relatively Americans, while others provide a more focused isolated areas. Ultimately, all of us must work approach to diseases that may disproportionately to ensure the availability of adequate health care have an impact on residents of rural areas, such to even the most isolated communities, for "as as specific chronic and infectious diseases.

Mental Health in Rural America

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive overview of mental health in rural America, with the goal of fostering urgently needed research and honest conversations about providing accessible, culturally competent mental health care to rural populations. Grounding the work is an explanation of the history and structure of rural mental health care, the culture of rural living among diverse groups, and the crucial "A’s" and "S": accountability, accessibility, acceptability, affordability, and stigma. The book then examines poverty, disaster mental health, ethics in rural mental health, and school counseling. It ends with practical information and treatments for two of the most common problems, suicide and substance abuse, and a brief exploration of collaborative possibilities in rural mental health care.

Handbook of Rural Mental Health

Book Description

Rural communities are often portrayed or perceived in one of two ways. One is the image of idyllic, bucolic villages located in the midst of beautiful, unspoiled natural environments where everyone knows each other and enjoys slow-paced, carefree living. An alternative perspective is of rural towns as blighted and economically depressed, filled with residents who are hopeless, physically disabled, and trapped while the land, water, and air around them are spoiled and turning toxic. The truth, of course, lies somewhere in the middle. Specifically regarding mental health issues, research has indicated that people living in rural areas have significant mental health problems (e.g., major depression, substance abuse) to the same or a greater extent than people living in urban areas (Gale & Lambert, 2006; Office of Rural Health Policy, n.d.; Sawyer, Gale, & Lambert, 2006). Of note, the suicide rate has been consistently higher in rural areas than in urban settings for decades (Office of Rural Health Policy, n.d.). At the same time, rural residents often have limited availability of mental health service providers and, even if they are available, limited access to these professionals. In general, rural areas do not have specialized mental health service providers available, as evidenced by the fact that the majority of rural residents live in mental health professional shortage areas (Gale & Lambert, 2006). As a result, people living in rural areas tend to rely on informal support networks or their primary care physician rather than mental health specialists to a far greater extent than urban dwellers (Gale & Lambert, 2006; see also Harowski et al., 2006, p. 160). Unfortunately, the research indicates that non-psychiatric physicians are not effective at detecting and treating conditions such as depression (Harowski et al., p. 160), which is not an indictment of the medical doctors but rather a reflection of the reality that they have neither the time nor the training to do a thorough psychological evaluation and intervention for their patients. Rural residents also tend to be poor at identifying mental health problems and knowing what treatment options are available (Gale & Lambert, 2006; Office of Rural Health Policy, n.d.), which leads to them often entering care later and with more severe conditions (Gale & Lambert). Other factors that impede accessibility of mental health specialist providers are the distances rural residents may need to travel to see a mental health service provider (coupled with unreliable transportation and no access to mass transit) and the inability to pay for services even if they can get to the offices (Gale & Lambert, 2006; Office of Rural Health Policy, n.d.). The growing area of telehealth is often mentioned as a possibility to help with accessibility and availability (e.g., Sawyer et al., 2006; ORHP, n.d.) The table of contents was developed based on the issues discussed above and others identified in the literature (e.g., stigma associated with seeking mental health services), consultation with experts (e.g., faculty training students to work in rural areas, members of the American Psychological Association’s Committee on Rural Health), and discussions with rural providers. This book will provide a solid foundation for those new to practice in rural areas as well as offer new information to even seasoned mental and physical health professionals. Table of Contents follows.

Handbook of Rural, Remote, and very Remote Mental Health

Book Description

This Handbook outlines in detail the features and challenges of rural and remote mental health service delivery and pragmatic considerations to address these, to ensure people in less populated areas receive an equivalent quality of service to their city-dwelling counterparts. The scope of the book includes general descriptions of the rural and remote context as well as the professional and ethical considerations involved in working in these areas. The book includes information specific to the professions that contribute to effective and efficient mental health services, as well as addressing specific areas of practice that warrant focused attention because of their importance. In order to cover the field comprehensively, the Handbook has four sections. The first section deals with the general context of rural and remote practice including a description of the general features of the setting and the importance of attention to ethical and professional standards. The second section of the Handbook describes different ways of working in rural and remote contexts. Rural and remote contexts provide many opportunities for innovation and creativity but it is imperative that novel approaches do not compromise the quality and integrity of the service. The third section covers individual professions in detail and the fourth section focuses specifically on particular areas of practice that present challenges for rural and remote areas. Academics will find this Handbook a valuable evidence-based resource to enhance their teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate mental health students. Practitioners will find this book an important reference guide to enrich and broaden their rural and remote experiences. They will be informed of the latest research evidence and will be provided with practical advice and strategies to promote advanced clinical practice in this challenging context.