Handbook of Crystallography

Book Description

This book resulted from a series of frustrations. Analytical electron microscopy requires exactly what its name implies: quantitative information to conduct an analysis. The frustrations arose when I started hunting for specific forms of equations in a form understandable to a non-crystaHographer, for definitions of subtle concepts related to crystallography, for intelligible interpretations of space group symbols and their significance. What I frequently discovered was that such information was buried in a giant tome and couched in terms familiar to crystallographers but not to electron microscopists in general, or it was located in an old reference not available in my library, or it was found in an out-of-print book, or it was in a Russian book no longer available, etc. So to minimize the frustrations, I started a notebook containing the details, particularly after I had found forms of equations useful for quick calculations or equations in a form useful for proving, doing, or extending calculations found in a reference. The resulting notebook grew to a respectable size, requiring some organizing of the contents. Finally, the size became large enough, and has proven useful enough, to produce the notebook as a book.

X-Ray Diffraction Crystallography

Book Description

X-ray diffraction crystallography for powder samples is a well-established and widely used method. It is applied to materials characterization to reveal the atomic scale structure of various substances in a variety of states. The book deals with fundamental properties of X-rays, geometry analysis of crystals, X-ray scattering and diffraction in polycrystalline samples and its application to the determination of the crystal structure. The reciprocal lattice and integrated diffraction intensity from crystals and symmetry analysis of crystals are explained. To learn the method of X-ray diffraction crystallography well and to be able to cope with the given subject, a certain number of exercises is presented in the book to calculate specific values for typical examples. This is particularly important for beginners in X-ray diffraction crystallography. One aim of this book is to offer guidance to solving the problems of 90 typical substances. For further convenience, 100 supplementary exercises are also provided with solutions. Some essential points with basic equations are summarized in each chapter, together with some relevant physical constants and the atomic scattering factors of the elements.

International Tables for Crystallography, Definition and Exchange of Crystallographic Data

Book Description

International Tables for Crystallography Volume G, Definition and exchange of crystallographic data, describes the standard data exchange and archival file format (the Crystallographic Information File, or CIF) used throughout crystallography. It provides in-depth information vital for small-molecule, inorganic and macromolecular crystallographers, mineralogists, chemists, materials scientists, solid-state physicists and others who wish to record or use the results of a single-crystal or powder diffraction experiment. The volume also provides the detailed data ontology necessary for programmers and database managers to design interoperable computer applications. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the CIF dictionaries in machine-readable form and a collection of libraries and utility programs. This volume is an essential guide and reference for programmers of crystallographic software, data managers handling crystal-structure information and practising crystallographers who need to use CIF.

Crystallography and Crystal Defects

Book Description

Crystallography and Crystal Defects Revised Edition A. Kelly, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK G. W. Groves, Exeter College, Oxford, UK and P. Kidd, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK The concepts of crystallography are introduced here in such a way that the physical properties of crystals, including their mechanical behaviour, can be better understood and quantified. A unique approach to the treatment of crystals and their defects is taken in that the often separate disciplines of crystallography, tensor analysis, elasticity and dislocation theory are combined in such a way as to equip materials scientists with knowledge of all the basic principles required to interpret data from their experiments. This is a revised and updated version of the widely acclaimed book by Kelly and Groves that was first published nearly thirty years ago. The material remains timely and relevant and the first edition still holds an unrivalled position at the core of the teaching of crystallography and crystal defects today. Undergraduate readers will acquire a rigorous grounding, from first principles, in the crystal classes and the concept of a lattice and its defects and their descriptions using vectors. Researchers will find here all the theorems of crystal structure upon which to base their work and the equations necessary for calculating interplanar spacings, transformation of indices and manipulations involving the stereographic projection and transformations of tensors and matrices.

Structure of Materials

Book Description

This highly readable, popular textbook for upper undergraduates and graduates comprehensively covers the fundamentals of crystallography and symmetry, applying these concepts to a large range of materials. New to this edition are more streamlined coverage of crystallography, additional coverage of magnetic point group symmetry and updated material on extraterrestrial minerals and rocks. New exercises at the end of chapters, plus over 500 additional exercises available online, allow students to check their understanding of key concepts and put into practice what they have learnt. Over 400 illustrations within the text help students visualise crystal structures and more abstract mathematical objects, supporting more difficult topics like point group symmetries. Historical and biographical sections add colour and interest by giving an insight into those who have contributed significantly to the field. Supplementary online material includes password-protected solutions, over 100 crystal structure data files, and Powerpoints of figures from the book.

Handbook of Polymer Crystallization

Book Description

Polymeric crystals are more complex in nature than other materials' crystal structures due to significant structural disorder present. The only comprehensive reference on polymer crystallization, Handbook of Polymer Crystallization provides readers with a broad, in-depth guide on the subject, covering the numerous problems encountered during crystallization as well as solutions to resolve those problems to achieve the desired result. Edited by leading authorities in the field, topics explored include neat polymers, heterogeneous systems, polymer blends, polymer composites orientation induced crystallization, crystallization in nanocomposites, and crystallization in complex thermal processing conditions.

Springer Handbook of Crystal Growth

Book Description

Over the years, many successful attempts have been chapters in this part describe the well-known processes made to describe the art and science of crystal growth, such as Czochralski, Kyropoulos, Bridgman, and o- and many review articles, monographs, symposium v- ing zone, and focus speci cally on recent advances in umes, and handbooks have been published to present improving these methodologies such as application of comprehensive reviews of the advances made in this magnetic elds, orientation of the growth axis, intro- eld. These publications are testament to the grow- duction of a pedestal, and shaped growth. They also ing interest in both bulk and thin- lm crystals because cover a wide range of materials from silicon and III–V of their electronic, optical, mechanical, microstructural, compounds to oxides and uorides. and other properties, and their diverse scienti c and The third part, Part C of the book, focuses on - technological applications. Indeed, most modern ad- lution growth. The various aspects of hydrothermal vances in semiconductor and optical devices would growth are discussed in two chapters, while three other not have been possible without the development of chapters present an overview of the nonlinear and laser many elemental, binary, ternary, and other compound crystals, KTP and KDP. The knowledge on the effect of crystals of varying properties and large sizes. The gravity on solution growth is presented through a c- literature devoted to basic understanding of growth parison of growth on Earth versus in a microgravity mechanisms, defect formation, and growth processes environment.

Handbook of Nonlinear Optical Crystals

Book Description

Since the invention of the first laser 30 years ago, the frequency conversion of laser radiation in nonlinear optical crystals has become an important technique widely used in quantum electronics and laser physics for solving various scientific and engineering problems. The fundamental physics of three-wave light interactions in nonlinear optical crystals is now largely understood. This has enabled the production of the various harmonic generators, sum and difference frequency generators, and parametric oscillators based on nonlinear crystals that are now commercially available. At the same time, scientists continue an active search for novel high-efficiency optical materials. Therefore, in our opinion, there is a great need for a handbook of nonlinear optical crystals, intended for specialists and practitioners with an engineering background. This book contains a complete description of the properties and applications of all nonlinear crystals reported in the literature up to the beginning of 1990. In addition, it contains the most important equations for calculating the main parameters (such as phase-matching direction, effective non-linearity, and conversion efficiency) of nonlinear frequency converters.

Crystal Structure Refinement

Book Description

Crystal Structure Refinement is a mixture of textbook and tutorial. As A Crystallographers Guide to SHELXL it covers advanced aspects of practical crystal structure refinement, which have not been much addressed by textbooks so far. After an introduction to SHELXL in the first chapter, a brief survey of crystal structure refinement is provided. Chapters three and higher address the various aspects of structure refinement, from the treatment of hydrogen atoms to the assignment of atom types, to disorder, to non-crystallographic symmetry and twinning. One chapter is dedicated to the refinement of macromolecular structures and two short chapters deal with structure validation (one for small molecule structures and one for macromolecules). In each of the chapters the book gives refinement examples, based on the program SHELXL, describing every problem in detail. It comes with a CD-ROM with all files necessary to reproduce the refinements.