Handbook of Geometric Analysis

Book Description

Geometric Analysis combines differential equations and differential geometry. An important aspect is to solve geometric problems by studying differential equations. This handbook - the third to be published in the ALM series - provides introductions to and surveys of important topics in geometric analysis and their applications to related fields. It can be used as a reference by graduate students and researchers.

Handbook of Geometric Analysis

Book Description

"Geometric Analysis combines differential equations with differential geometry. An important aspect of geometric analysis is to approach geometric problems by studying differential equations. Besides some known linear differential operators such as the Laplace operator, many differential equations arising from differential geometry are nonlinear. A particularly important example is the Monge-Amperè equation. Applications to geometric problems have also motivated new methods and techniques in differential equations. The field of geometric analysis is broad and has had many striking applications. This handbook of geometric analysis--the first of the two to be published in the ALM series--presents introductions and survey papers treating important topics in geometric analysis, with their applications to related fields. It can be used as a reference by graduate students and by researchers in related areas."--Back cover.


Book Description

著者还有:Peter Li,Richard Schoen,Leon Simon

Geometric Analysis and Function Spaces

Book Description

This book brings into focus the synergistic interaction between analysis and geometry by examining a variety of topics in function theory, real analysis, harmonic analysis, several complex variables, and group actions. Krantz's approach is motivated by examples, both classical and modern, which highlight the symbiotic relationship between analysis and geometry. Creating a synthesis among a host of different topics, this book is useful to researchers in geometry and analysis and may be of interest to physicists, astronomers, and engineers in certain areas. The book is based on lectures presented at an NSF-CBMS Regional Conference held in May 1992.

Geometric Analysis

Book Description

This volume includes expanded versions of the lectures delivered in the Graduate Minicourse portion of the 2013 Park City Mathematics Institute session on Geometric Analysis. The papers give excellent high-level introductions, suitable for graduate students wishing to enter the field and experienced researchers alike, to a range of the most important areas of geometric analysis. These include: the general issue of geometric evolution, with more detailed lectures on Ricci flow and Kähler-Ricci flow, new progress on the analytic aspects of the Willmore equation as well as an introduction to the recent proof of the Willmore conjecture and new directions in min-max theory for geometric variational problems, the current state of the art regarding minimal surfaces in R3, the role of critical metrics in Riemannian geometry, and the modern perspective on the study of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for Laplace–Beltrami operators.

Handbook of Geometric Topology

Book Description

Geometric Topology is a foundational component of modern mathematics, involving the study of spacial properties and invariants of familiar objects such as manifolds and complexes. This volume, which is intended both as an introduction to the subject and as a wide ranging resouce for those already grounded in it, consists of 21 expository surveys written by leading experts and covering active areas of current research. They provide the reader with an up-to-date overview of this flourishing branch of mathematics.

Geometric Analysis

Book Description

This graduate-level text demonstrates the basic techniques for researchers interested in the field of geometric analysis.

Methods of Geometric Analysis in Extension and Trace Problems

Book Description

The book presents a comprehensive exposition of extension results for maps between different geometric objects and of extension-trace results for smooth functions on subsets with no a priori differential structure (Whitney problems). The account covers development of the area from the initial classical works of the first half of the 20th century to the flourishing period of the last decade. Seemingly very specific these problems have been from the very beginning a powerful source of ideas, concepts and methods that essentially influenced and in some cases even transformed considerable areas of analysis. Aside from the material linked by the aforementioned problems the book also is unified by geometric analysis approach used in the proofs of basic results. This requires a variety of geometric tools from convex and combinatorial geometry to geometry of metric space theory to Riemannian and coarse geometry and more. The necessary facts are presented mostly with detailed proofs to make the book accessible to a wide audience.

Methods of Geometric Analysis in Extension and Trace Problems

Book Description

The book presents a comprehensive exposition of extension results for maps between different geometric objects and of extension-trace results for smooth functions on subsets with no a priori differential structure (Whitney problems). The account covers development of the area from the initial classical works of the first half of the 20th century to the flourishing period of the last decade. Seemingly very specific these problems have been from the very beginning a powerful source of ideas, concepts and methods that essentially influenced and in some cases even transformed considerable areas of analysis. Aside from the material linked by the aforementioned problems the book also is unified by geometric analysis approach used in the proofs of basic results. This requires a variety of geometric tools from convex and combinatorial geometry to geometry of metric space theory to Riemannian and coarse geometry and more. The necessary facts are presented mostly with detailed proofs to make the book accessible to a wide audience.

Handbook of the Geometry of Banach Spaces

Book Description

The Handbook presents an overview of most aspects of modernBanach space theory and its applications. The up-to-date surveys, authored by leading research workers in the area, are written to be accessible to a wide audience. In addition to presenting the state of the art of Banach space theory, the surveys discuss the relation of the subject with such areas as harmonic analysis, complex analysis, classical convexity, probability theory, operator theory, combinatorics, logic, geometric measure theory, and partial differential equations. The Handbook begins with a chapter on basic concepts in Banachspace theory which contains all the background needed for reading any other chapter in the Handbook. Each of the twenty one articles in this volume after the basic concepts chapter is devoted to one specific direction of Banach space theory or its applications. Each article contains a motivated introduction as well as an exposition of the main results, methods, and open problems in its specific direction. Most have an extensive bibliography. Many articles contain new proofs of known results as well as expositions of proofs which are hard to locate in the literature or are only outlined in the original research papers. As well as being valuable to experienced researchers in Banach space theory, the Handbook should be an outstanding source for inspiration and information to graduate students and beginning researchers. The Handbook will be useful for mathematicians who want to get an idea of the various developments in Banach space theory.