Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 2

Book Description

Their happiness was interrupted.Though it was deep into the night......Satou hadn't come home.Beset with worry......Shio was gently lead by the hand......of a long-haired phantom woman. Even if you cry.Scream.Cover your ears.Or close your eyes.The phantom......will not fade.

Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 10

Book Description

Once alone, now together. Deceive. We learned warmth...and sweetness. Betray. These feelings that were born... Steal. …in the cage only we remember— Kill. They’re not lies. For Love. ​Or so I believed.

Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 3

Book Description

At the end of a long night... You must pay... ...Satou takes back her angel. ...for the sins... There's nothing to fear now. ...you commit. Not a thing. Not one... You must...So what is this uneasiness? ...be punished.What is this bitterness piercing her tongue?

Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 1

Book Description

Lies. Crime.Theft.Murder.Anything goes.To be with her. This must be what love is.That is what she thought.In order to protect this feeling......she would do anything.

Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 8

Book Description

Eternal… Veil, lifted. …love’s… Rings, exchanged. …oath… Eyes, closed. …needs no… And then, a kiss. …witness.

Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 6

Book Description

I know it's for me......that you try so hard.But is it really......for my sake?The one reflected in your eyes......is it me, or is it you? Don't dare......to call......one-sided......love......love.

Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 4

Book Description

To me......it seemed like a demon.It was so terrifying.To me......it was like a monster.It was too kind. What will you......give up on?Friendship?Desire?Or love?

Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 5

Book Description

If you love someone... ...you want to eat sweets with them. You want to bathe with them. You want to hold them. To kiss them. You want to be with them tomorrow and the next day. Isn't that how everybody feels? Does it exist... ...in this world? Love... ...that's not... ...arrogant?

Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 7

Book Description

FORCING...FORCING...The past Shio left behind....LOVE...The past Satou left behind....TO LIVE.The two girls are so close......and yet their tales remain hidden in their hearts....LONELY.

Happy Sugar Life, Vol. 9

Book Description

Doubt, delusion, division… Embrace …it all blends together in the end. …logic. The body in the room. The pursuer fast approaching. For a life… Time is running out. …without… Use your head. Cheat if you can. …death. ​Aim for the blind spot of the goddess of fate.