Harmonic Analysis and Special Functions on Symmetric Spaces

Book Description

The two parts of this sharply focused book, Hypergeometric and Special Functions and Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Symmetric Spaces, are derived from lecture notes for the European School of Group Theory, a forum providing high-level courses on recent developments in group theory. The authors provide students and researchers with a thorough and thoughtful overview, elaborating on the topic with clear statements of definitions and theorems and augmenting these withtime-saving examples. An extensive set of notes supplements the text. Heckman and Schlichtkrull extend the ideas of harmonic analysis on semisimple symmetric spaces to embrace the theory of hypergeometric and spherical functions and show that the K-variant Eisenstein integrals for G/H are hypergeometric functions under this theory. They lead readers from the fundamentals of semisimple symmetric spaces of G/H to the frontier, including generalization, to the Riemannian case. This volume will interest harmonic analysts, those working on or applying the theory of symmetric spaces; it will also appeal to those with an interest in special functions. Extends ideas of harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces First treatment of the theory to include hypergeometric and spherical functions Links algebraic, analytic, and geometric methods

Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces and Applications II

Book Description

Well, finally, here it is-the long-promised "Revenge of the Higher Rank Symmetric Spaces and Their Fundamental Domains." When I began work on it in 1977, I would probably have stopped immediately if someone had told me that ten years would pass before I would declare it "finished." Yes, I am declaring it finished-though certainly not perfected. There is a large amount of work going on at the moment as the piles of preprints reach the ceiling. Nevertheless, it is summer and the ocean calls. So I am not going to spend another ten years revising and polishing. But, gentle reader, do send me your corrections and even your preprints. Thanks to your work, there is an Appendix at the end of this volume with corrections to Volume I. I said it all in the Preface to Volume I. So I will try not to repeat myself here. Yes, the "recent trends" mentioned in that Preface are still just as recent.

Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces and Applications I

Book Description

Since its beginnings with Fourier (and as far back as the Babylonian astron omers), harmonic analysis has been developed with the goal of unraveling the mysteries of the physical world of quasars, brain tumors, and so forth, as well as the mysteries of the nonphysical, but no less concrete, world of prime numbers, diophantine equations, and zeta functions. Quoting Courant and Hilbert, in the preface to the first German edition of Methods of Mathematical Physics: "Recent trends and fashions have, however, weakened the connection between mathematics and physics. " Such trends are still in evidence, harmful though they may be. My main motivation in writing these notes has been a desire to counteract this tendency towards specialization and describe appli cations of harmonic analysis in such diverse areas as number theory (which happens to be my specialty), statistics, medicine, geophysics, and quantum physics. I remember being quite surprised to learn that the subject is useful. My graduate eduation was that of the 1960s. The standard mathematics graduate course proceeded from Definition 1. 1. 1 to Corollary 14. 5. 59, with no room in between for applications, motivation, history, or references to related work. My aim has been to write a set of notes for a very different sort of course.

Hyperfunctions and Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces

Book Description

This book gives an introductory exposition of the theory of hyperfunctions and regular singularities. This first English introduction to hyperfunctions brings readers to the forefront of research in the theory of harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces. A substantial bibliography is also included. This volume is based on a paper which was awarded the 1983 University of Copenhagen Gold Medal Prize.

Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces and Applications I

Book Description

Since its beginnings with Fourier (and as far back as the Babylonian astron omers), harmonic analysis has been developed with the goal of unraveling the mysteries of the physical world of quasars, brain tumors, and so forth, as well as the mysteries of the nonphysical, but no less concrete, world of prime numbers, diophantine equations, and zeta functions. Quoting Courant and Hilbert, in the preface to the first German edition of Methods of Mathematical Physics: "Recent trends and fashions have, however, weakened the connection between mathematics and physics." Such trends are still in evidence, harmful though they may be. My main motivation in writing these notes has been a desire to counteract this tendency towards specialization and describe appli cations of harmonic analysis in such diverse areas as number theory (which happens to be my specialty), statistics, medicine, geophysics, and quantum physics. I remember being quite surprised to learn that the subject is useful. My graduate education was that of the 1960s. The standard mathematics graduate course proceeded from Definition 1. 1. 1 to Corollary 14. 5. 59, with no room in between for applications, motivation, history, or references to related work. My aim has been to write a set of notes for a very different sort of course.

Harmonic Analysis of Spherical Functions on Real Reductive Groups

Book Description

Analysis on Symmetric spaces, or more generally, on homogeneous spaces of semisimple Lie groups, is a subject that has undergone a vigorous development in recent years, and has become a central part of contemporary mathematics. This is only to be expected, since homogeneous spaces and group representations arise naturally in diverse contexts ranging from Number theory and Geometry to Particle Physics and Polymer Chemistry. Its explosive growth sometimes makes it difficult to realize that it is actually relatively young as mathematical theories go. The early ideas in the subject (as is the case with many others) go back to Elie Cart an and Hermann Weyl who studied the compact symmetric spaces in the 1930's. However its full development did not begin until the 1950's when Gel'fand and Harish Chandra dared to dream of a theory of representations that included all semisimple Lie groups. Harish-Chandra's theory of spherical functions was essentially complete in the late 1950's, and was to prove to be the forerunner of his monumental work on harmonic analysis on reductive groups that has inspired a whole generation of mathematicians. It is the harmonic analysis of spherical functions on symmetric spaces, that is at the focus of this book. The fundamental questions of harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces involve an interplay of the geometric, analytical, and algebraic aspects of these spaces. They have therefore attracted a great deal of attention, and there have been many excellent expositions of the themes that are characteristic of this subject.

Causal Symmetric Spaces

Book Description

This book is intended to introduce researchers and graduate students to the concepts of causal symmetric spaces. To date, results of recent studies considered standard by specialists have not been widely published. This book seeks to bring this information to students and researchers in geometry and analysis on causal symmetric spaces. Includes the newest results in harmonic analysis including Spherical functions on ordered symmetric space and the holmorphic discrete series and Hardy spaces on compactly casual symmetric spaces Deals with the infinitesimal situation, coverings of symmetric spaces, classification of causal symmetric pairs and invariant cone fields Presents basic geometric properties of semi-simple symmetric spaces Includes appendices on Lie algebras and Lie groups, Bounded symmetric domains (Cayley transforms), Antiholomorphic Involutions on Bounded Domains and Para-Hermitian Symmetric Spaces

Harmonic Analysis of Mean Periodic Functions on Symmetric Spaces and the Heisenberg Group

Book Description

The theory of mean periodic functions is a subject which goes back to works of Littlewood, Delsarte, John and that has undergone a vigorous development in recent years. There has been much progress in a number of problems concerning local - pects of spectral analysis and spectral synthesis on homogeneous spaces. The study oftheseproblemsturnsouttobecloselyrelatedtoavarietyofquestionsinharmonic analysis, complex analysis, partial differential equations, integral geometry, appr- imation theory, and other branches of contemporary mathematics. The present book describes recent advances in this direction of research. Symmetric spaces and the Heisenberg group are an active ?eld of investigation at 2 the moment. The simplest examples of symmetric spaces, the classical 2-sphere S 2 and the hyperbolic plane H , play familiar roles in many areas in mathematics. The n Heisenberg groupH is a principal model for nilpotent groups, and results obtained n forH may suggest results that hold more generally for this important class of Lie groups. The purpose of this book is to develop harmonic analysis of mean periodic functions on the above spaces.

Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces—Euclidean Space, the Sphere, and the Poincaré Upper Half-Plane

Book Description

This unique text is an introduction to harmonic analysis on the simplest symmetric spaces, namely Euclidean space, the sphere, and the Poincaré upper half plane. This book is intended for beginning graduate students in mathematics or researchers in physics or engineering. Written with an informal style, the book places an emphasis on motivation, concrete examples, history, and, above all, applications in mathematics, statistics, physics, and engineering. Many corrections and updates have been incorporated in this new edition. Updates include discussions of P. Sarnak and others' work on quantum chaos, the work of T. Sunada, Marie-France Vignéras, Carolyn Gordon, and others on Mark Kac's question "Can you hear the shape of a drum?", A. Lubotzky, R. Phillips and P. Sarnak's examples of Ramanujan graphs, and, finally, the author's comparisons of continuous theory with the finite analogues. Topics featured throughout the text include inversion formulas for Fourier transforms, central limit theorems, Poisson's summation formula and applications in crystallography and number theory, applications of spherical harmonic analysis to the hydrogen atom, the Radon transform, non-Euclidean geometry on the Poincaré upper half plane H or unit disc and applications to microwave engineering, fundamental domains in H for discrete groups Γ, tessellations of H from such discrete group actions, automorphic forms, and the Selberg trace formula and its applications in spectral theory as well as number theory.