Harmony & Discord

Book Description

An enthralling new biography of a great composer, linking the life and music as never before.

From Discord to Harmony

Book Description

Conflicts happen, and the workplace can be a cacophony for competing interests. Consider that organizational culture is an ensemble of shared values, beliefs, assumptions, perceptions, and norms. Organizations are not solos. They are an accompaniment of individuals, departments, and divisions, and each is competing for scarce resources. Measure in a little power imbalance and organizational political posturing. Then, scale in the fact that today’s managers are faced with diversity and cultural issues ranging from race and gender to individual ethnicity, principles, and philosophies, about which employees are more vocal. All this discord can strike a sharp note of dissonance. However, effective resolutions can change this discord to harmony. Consider that music is not a single note. Rather, it is the silence between the notes that makes beautiful music, and conflict is that silence. Unfortunately, conflict has a bad reputation, and it is often labeled as disagreement, fighting, or arguing that leads to stress, retaliation, and resentment. Some managers spend a disproportionate amount of their workdays dealing with conflicts. They have not learned what causes conflicts or how to productively manage them. As a result, they often avoid or force outcomes causing discord, fractured relationships, loss of productivity, and even lawsuits. Learning to fine tune inevitable conflicts will help managers orchestrate a more harmonious workplace. From Discord to Harmony: Making the Workplace Hum is largely evidence-based, and many of the chapters contain cutting-edge research by experts in their respective fields.

Harmony and Discord

Book Description

This text explores the development of Russian musical life during the 19th and early 20th centuries. At the heart of this cultural history lies the Russian Musical Society, as both a driving force behind the institutionalization of music and a representative of the growing importance of voluntary associations in public life.

Discord is the Harmony of the Universe

Book Description

The Power of Discord

Book Description

How can we create more meaningful and intimate connections with our loved ones? By using moments of discord to strengthen our relationships, explains this original, deeply researched book. You might think that perfect harmony is the defining characteristic of healthy relationships, but the truth is that human interactions are messy, complicated, and confusing. And according to renowned psychologist Ed Tronick and paediatrician Claudia Gold, that is not only okay, but crucial to our social and emotional development. In The Power of Discord they show how working through the inevitable dissonance of human connection is the path to better relationships with romantic partners, family, friends, and colleagues. Dr. Tronick was one of the first researchers to show, via ‘The Still-Face Experiment’, that babies are profoundly affected by their parents’ emotions and behaviour. His work, which brought about a foundational shift in our understanding of human development, shows that our highly evolved sense of self makes us separate, yet our survival depends on connection. Working through the volley of mismatch and repair in everyday life helps us form deep, lasting, trusting relationships, resilience in times of stress and trauma, and a solid sense of self in the world. Drawing on Dr Tronick’s research and Dr Gold’s clinical experience, The Power of Discord is a refreshing and original look at our ability to relate to others and to ourselves.

Shakespeare and the Moving Image

Book Description

Towards the end of the 1980s it looked as if television had displaced cinema as the photographic medium for bringing Shakespeare to the modern audience. In recent years there has been a renaissance of Shakespearian cinema, including Kenneth Branagh's Henry V and Much Ado About Nothing, Franco Zeffirelli's Hamlet, Peter Greenaway's Prospero's Books and Christine Edzard's As You Like It. In this volume a range of writers study the best known and most entertaining film, television and video versions of Shakespeare's plays. Particular attention is given to the work of Olivier, Zeffirelli and Kurosawa, and to the BBC Television series. In addition the volume includes a survey of previous scholarship and an invaluable filmography.

The Language of God

Book Description

Dr Francis S. Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, is one of the world's leading scientists, working at the cutting edge of the study of DNA, the code of life. Yet he is also a man of unshakable faith in God. How does he reconcile the seemingly unreconcilable? In THE LANGUAGE OF GOD he explains his own journey from atheism to faith, and then takes the reader on a stunning tour of modern science to show that physics, chemistry and biology -- indeed, reason itself -- are not incompatible with belief. His book is essential reading for anyone who wonders about the deepest questions of all: why are we here? How did we get here? And what does life mean?

From Discord to Harmony

Book Description

The purpose of this book is about personal, local, and global transformation toward understanding the root causes of our problems, living in harmony with our-self, one another, and the planet. And more specifically, it is about freedom from all our habits and concepts which bring inner and outer ill feelings, hatred, conflicts, and wars. It is about developing new habits and concepts which bring inner and outer justice, harmony, and peace, and discovering how to solve our personal, local, and global problems more justly, cooperatively, peacefully, and intelligently. The visible and invisible light, love, and life in the universe are the sources of my inspirations. During my life journey, the interactions of my light with nature and humans generated many images. The eyes of my soul captured these images. And the tongue of my soul expressed them with philosophical, scientific, and poetic words in this volume, FROM DISCORD TO HARMONY: A Personal, Local, and Global Journey. This journey is about transformation of the human race into harmony with one another and with the natural world. This journey takes you through Valley of Discord, Valley of Concepts, Valley of Conditioning, Valley of Discovery, Valley of Understanding, Valley of Awareness, and Valley of Harmony. In each valley you see wild flowers, thorns, birds, bushes, trees, broken branches, springs, and jewels. I hope this journey brings joy to your heart. I hope that, as you walk through these valleys, you find one or two jewels. And I especially hope that this book helps you to discover your own Jewels.