Harper's Weekly

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Goethe in English

Book Description

This bibliography was commissioned by the English Goethe Society as a contribution to the celebration in 1999 of the 250th anniversary of Goethes birth. It sets out to record translations of his works into English that have been published in the twentieth century, up to and including material published in that anniversary year. It aims to serve as wide a constituency as possible, be it as a simple reference tool for tracing a translation of a given work or as a documentary source for specialized studies of Goethe reception in the English-speaking world. The work records publications during the century, not merely translations that originated during this period. It includes numerous reprintings of older material, as well as some belated first publications of translations from the nineteenth century. It shows how frequent and how long enduring was the recourse of publishers and anthologists to a Goethe Victorian in diction, a signal factor in perceptions and misperceptions. Derek Glass was putting the finishing touches to the bibliography at the time of his sudden death in March 2004. Colleagues at Kings College London have edited the final manuscript, which is now published jointly by the English Goethe Society and the Modern Humanities Research Association both as a worthy commemoration of Goethes anniversary and as a tribute to Derek himself.

Sounds of Poetry

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Writing America

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Angels of the Americlypse: An Anthology of New Latin@ Writing

Book Description

The contemporary literary moment the anthology Angels of the Americlypse: New Latin@ Writing attempts to capture is one defined by diversity, various points of view, literary styles and voices, topical concerns, and senses of self. Not only have these writers widened the field, they have forged new inquiry into their own experiences of the world, as they live in it and understand it. Writing in forms of lyric, short short fiction, nonfictional prose, and in various degrees and forms of experimentation, this collection represents one of the first efforts, in years, to include a critical introduction to the writers’ poetry or prose, their literary work, and their own aesthetic statements meant to express their distinct literary presence in American letters.

Evening Street Review Number 3

Book Description

Evening Street Review is centered on the belief that all men and women are created equal, that they have a natural claim to certain inalienable rights, and that among these are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With this center, and an emphasis on writing that has both clarity and depth, it practices the widest eclecticism. Evening Street Review reads submissions of poetry (free verse, formal verse, and prose poetry) and prose (short stories and creative nonfiction) year round. Submit 3-6 poems or 1-2 prose pieces at a time. Payment is one contributor’s copy. Copyright reverts to author upon publication. Response time is 3-6 months. Please address submissions to Editors, 2881 Wright St, Sacramento, CA 95821-5232. Email submissions are also acceptable; send to the following address as Microsoft Word or rich text files (.rtf): [email protected].

Journal of Education

Book Description