Healing Through Chronic Pain

Book Description

Mary Ruth Velicki, a physical therapist and university instructor, endured intense, debilitating pelvic pain for years. Determined to get better, she set aside her initial skepticism and tried a plethora of treatments from the Western, Eastern, and alternative sides of medicine. To her surprise, she underwent incredible healing that extended beyond her physical body to her full person and experienced many direct connections between her body, mind, and spirit. In Healing Through Chronic Pain, Mary Ruth recounts her five-year journey of "healing through the layers" and personal transformation. Along the way, she shares the treatment strategies she used and the support she received from a team of professionals to move past the pain and to heal her whole being.

Healing Through Chronic Pain

Book Description

It is sure that chronic pain is one of the most unpleasant things when it comes to us. It has lingered for a long time and the worst is for the whole life. That's the reason why is so important to learn healing through chronic pain and you may find useful information in this book In this instructive and insightful memoir, the author combines her background as a physical therapist with her personal story of healing through debilitating pelvic pain to provide concrete advice, hope, and inspiration to those who are suffering. The author starts as a skeptical scientific-type, and readers accompany her as she works to heal and gradually discovers the body-mind-spirit connection. The book bridges the gap between traditional and more holistic perceptions of health. It also clearly demonstrates how suffering can become a catalyst for personal transformation.

Chronic Pain

Book Description

It is sure that chronic pain is one of the most unpleasant things when it comes to us. It has lingered for a long time and the worst is for the whole life. That's the reason why is so important to learn healing through chronic pain and you may find useful information in this book In this instructive and insightful memoir, the author combines her background as a physical therapist with her personal story of healing through debilitating pelvic pain to provide concrete advice, hope, and inspiration to those who are suffering. The author starts as a skeptical scientific-type, and readers accompany her as she works to heal and gradually discovers the body-mind-spirit connection. The book bridges the gap between traditional and more holistic perceptions of health. It also clearly demonstrates how suffering can become a catalyst for personal transformation.

Treating Chronic Pain

Book Description

Guide to Healing Chronic Pain

Book Description

Are you trying to get relief from chronic pain without drugs or surgery? Have you been diagnosed with a so-called incurable pain condition such as herniated discs, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, migraine, nerve damage, or fibromyalgia? This unique natural pain relief guide integrates mind, body, and spirit in the healing process, and can help you discover multiple natural pain relief strategies you can use to heal your pain - with or without your doctor's consent; use cutting-edge energy tools to quickly reduce or eliminate pain symptoms within minutes; reduce and reverse the inflammation in your body caused by stress, toxins and trauma; rewire your brain and nervous system in order to reactivate your body's innate healing potential; harness the power of the mind to remove obstacles to healing; and reconnect with your Spirit and Higher Self so that you can experience healing as a joyful journey. "Guide to Healing Chronic Pain is an absolute must-read not only for anyone suffering from chronic pain, but also for anyone wanting to stay perfectly healthy for the rest of his or her life. In the book, Dr. Karen Kan has set a new precedent of health care for Western physicians to follow in the twenty-first century and beyond. Taking the reader on a thorough exploration of drug-free, innovative, and alternative medicine modalities such as infrared nanotechnology patches (acupuncture without needles), grounding, energy healing, nutritional therapy, Qi and nervous system balancing, detoxification, and EMF pollution shielding, Dr. Kan synthesizes ancient Eastern healing techniques with cutting-edge science. Dr. Kan's balanced 'Spirit-Mind-Body' approach to healing chronic pain is not only revolutionary but is exactly what is needed now in Western medicine. Dr. Karen Kan is indeed a role model for the Next Human physician." -Jason Lincoln Jeffers, spiritual teacher and author of The Next Human

Curing Chronic Pain

Book Description

In 2004, Dr. Robert T. Cochran published Understanding Chronic Pain, a ground-breaking work exploring the links between pain, depression, childhood trauma, substance abuse, and bipolar disease. A companion to that work, Curing Chronic Pain demonstrates the advancements Cochran has made in successfully treating patients suffering from pain. He has found that chronic pain, a single core illness, can be alleviated with the careful application of certain drugs, even those in the controversial opiate class. In many cases, Cochran says, miraculous cures have been achieved. Presented in a conversational, anecdotal format, this book examines the specific experiences of chronic pain patients under Cochran's supervision. As a reader you will be struck by Cochran's warmth, compassion, intellect, and willingness to confront the complicated issues surrounding treatment. There is hope in Curing Chronic Pain.

Heal Your Pain Now

Book Description

In Heal Your Pain Now, Dr. Joe Tatta teaches you how to regain control of your life by breaking the cycle of persistent pain. Following Dr. Tatta's program, you learn the role of the brain in pain--and how to use your brain to STOP your pain; how nutrition can eliminate the inflammation in your body, which is exacerbating your pain; and how to overcome Sedentary Syndrome and choose the best movement strategy. Dr. Tatta provides quizzes, self-assessments, meal plans, shopping lists, recipes, and exercises to support you throughout the program. If you struggle with chronic pain from an injury, autoimmune disease, or musculoskeletal pain--or are overweight and have tried everything without success--Heal Your Pain Now provides natural solutions to finally eliminate your pain and return to an active, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Healing Prayers

Book Description

Chronic pain is so complex with many facets; some of which we are just beginning to understand. What makes it even more difficult to understand is that each individual feels pain differently and oftentimes respond to medical treatments and therapies in paradoxical ways (me included!). Prayer and reflection can help quiet the mind, which may otherwise be over stimulated with pain signals that perpetually cycle without ceasing. It can also help provide the guidance to nurture self esteem and relationships with loved ones. Five healing prayers with reflective wisdom that portray different perspectives give insight to the person who lives with pain and to the loved ones who support them. I pray this book provides the solace you need to commune with the Heavenly Father. Share this book with your loved one and peruse the pages together over a cup of warm tea. Discuss the wisdom that unfolds within these pages, and see if you gain a greater understanding of yourselves.

The Faces of Pain

Book Description

As we relate to people every day, one of the questions we ask frequently is, "How are you doing?" And the most common answer is most likely, "I'm fine." But what if, as we looked into people's faces, we paused long enough to explore what was really going on under the surface? So many people struggle with chronic pain and fatigue, but they know if they were to share with complete honesty, the face they'd show wouldn't always be the fine, happy face. The faces that people wear as they walk this daily battle are many. Days, weeks, months and sometimes years of ongoing, relentless symptoms assault their bodies, alter their minds, and sometimes make life feel like a chore. Kimberly shares her personal story of connecting her physical pain with her emotional and spiritual health. She explores how her daily living practices have changed through her journey of emotional healing from trauma and through discovering new ways God spoke into her pain, her limited beliefs and her self-care. She walks through her experiences, symptoms and the many pieces of healing and miracles she found along the way.In addition to Kimberly's experiences, she shares other women's stories to help bring light to the struggles, triumphs, failures, disappointments and hope as we lean into the Father for His care, His voice into our faith, and the future He holds.Her hope is that the vital connections she found along this road may help others who are in this same struggle!Kimberly is a Life Coach, author, speaker and lover of all things people.Her mission in life is to touch the lives of those she encounters with grace, love and compassion.

Dealing With Chronic Pain

Book Description

It is sure that chronic pain is one of the most unpleasant things when it comes to us. It has lingered for a long time and the worst is for the whole life. That's the reason why is so important to learn healing through chronic pain and you may find useful information in this book In this instructive and insightful memoir, the author combines her background as a physical therapist with her personal story of healing through debilitating pelvic pain to provide concrete advice, hope, and inspiration to those who are suffering. The author starts as a skeptical scientific-type, and readers accompany her as she works to heal and gradually discovers the body-mind-spirit connection. The book bridges the gap between traditional and more holistic perceptions of health. It also clearly demonstrates how suffering can become a catalyst for personal transformation.