Healing Waters

Book Description

In this first study in the new Faith and Fiction Bible study series, popular Christian fiction author Melody Carlson draws upon her novels in the Inn at Shining Waters trilogy to invite women on an exciting journey toward healing. Using the stories, themes, and characters of the novels as a backdrop, much in the way that Jesus used parables, this 8-week study explores the need for forgiveness and mercy in our lives and the role that second chances and new beginnings play in healing our spirits and our relationships. Although reading the novels is not required to participate in the study, women may choose to read the novels in tandem with the study to enrich the overall experience. Through study of Psalm 103 and other Scriptures, women will: -Gain new understanding and appreciation for God as the Lord who heals -Recognize that God makes the journey with them, inviting them to experience divine love and mercy every step of the way. -Walk the roads of forgiveness and grace, learning how to embrace these gifts for themselves and their relationships. -Learn how to restore broken relationships and live in life-giving community. -Celebrate the God who loves second chances and who is devoted to transforming and blessing us with surprises and new beginnings. The Leader Guide provides 8 session outlines, complete with instructions and leader helps.

Namesake | Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

The core themes of the Namesake study are transformation -the transformation God works in an individual's life-and revelation -how God reveals Himself progressively in Scripture. Each week focuses on the story of a different biblical character or characters: Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Naomi, Daniel, Peter. and the woman caught in adultery. The study's Leader Guide contains six session guides plus leader helps for conducting a successful study.

The Miracles of Jesus - Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

Jesus demonstrated the presence and power of God by performing miracles. He turned water into wine, healed the sick, calmed the storm, opened blind eyes, and raised the dead. While these beloved stories draw our attention to divine power, they also have something else in common: human desperation. Every time we see Jesus performing a miracle, we also get a glimpse into the gift of desperation, a gift that opens us to the dramatic power of God through our desperate need for him. In this six-week Bible study, Jessica LaGrone leads us in a captivating exploration of the miracles of Jesus, helping us to see that our weakness is an invitation for God to work powerfully in our lives and reminding us that we need God on our best days just as much as we do on our worst. Themes and miracle stories include: the gift of desperation (turning water into wine and other signs of God's response of fullness in our times of emptiness) the miracle of abundance (feeding the 5,000 and other abundance stories) miracles on the water (calming the storm, walking on water, the abundant catch) Jesus our healer (5 stories of healing) death and resurrection (Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter) the miracle we all receive (the Incarnation) The Leader Guide contains six session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more—plus leader helps for facilitating a group. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Participant Workbook, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit.

Never Alone - Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

From the time we’re little girls, we long to be loved and accepted—from the playground to the lunchroom to the places where we live and work as grown women. We do our best to prove we’re lovable and to avoid being left all alone. But the truth is that it’s impossible to walk through life without experiencing the pain and loneliness of betrayal, shame, guilt, loss, judgment, or rejection. These wounds can shape our views of ourselves, others, and God and even make us question if we are worthy of love and acceptance. Whether old or new, our heartache can convince us there’s no one who understands or cares. Yet Jesus tells us a different story, promising us that we are never alone. In this six-week study, Tiffany Bluhm reveals the depth and healing power of Jesus’ unconditional love for us through a refreshing look at encounters He had with six shame-filled, hurting women in the Gospels: the woman caught in adultery, the hemorrhaging woman, the woman at the well, the woman who anointed Him, Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of Jesus. Each life-changing encounter reveals a compassionate Redeemer who offers hope, second chances, and grace-giving love—helping us to recognize and embrace our own incredible value as well as our indispensable role in the Kingdom. With powerful teaching and authentic sharing from her own life and the lives of others, Tiffany invites us to find healing for our deepest hurts as we experience the unfailing companionship of Jesus—the Rescuer and Redeemer of broken lives and wounded hearts. This comprehensive leader guide includes full session outlines featuring discussion questions, activities, prayers, leader helps, and more. Other available components, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook with five days of lessons per week, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions (with closed captioning), and boxed Leader Kit containing one of each component.

The Miracles of Jesus - Women's Bible Study Participant Workbook

Book Description

Jesus demonstrated the presence and power of God by performing miracles. He turned water into wine, healed the sick, calmed the storm, opened blind eyes, and raised the dead. While these beloved stories draw our attention to divine power, they also have something else in common: human desperation. Every time we see Jesus performing a miracle, we also get a glimpse into the gift of desperation, a gift that opens us to the dramatic power of God through our desperate need for him. In this six-week Bible study, Jessica LaGrone leads us in a captivating exploration of the miracles of Jesus, helping us to see that our weakness is an invitation for God to work powerfully in our lives and reminding us that we need God on our best days just as much as we do on our worst. Themes and miracle stories include: the gift of desperation (turning water into wine and other signs of God's response of fullness in our times of emptiness) the miracle of abundance (feeding the 5,000 and other abundance stories) miracles on the water (calming the storm, walking on water, the abundant catch) Jesus our healer (5 stories of healing) death and resurrection (Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter) the miracle we all receive (the Incarnation) The participant workbook includes five days of lessons for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Leader Guide, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit.

Her Restless Heart - Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

Based on a novel by acclaimed Christian fiction author Barbara Cameron, Her Restless Heart is the story of an Amish woman caught between the traditions of her faith and the pull of a different life. This six-session Bible study explores the heart’s longing for love and acceptance and the Bible’s answer to this universal human need. The study equips women as they seek to know God’s plan for their lives and find satisfaction and fulfillment. The Leader Guide contains six session guides plus leader helps. Her Restless Heart is the second study in the Faith and Fiction Bible study series that uses Christian fiction as a backdrop for exploring biblical themes.

Healing Hearts, a Bible Study for Women

Book Description

The complete student text, with additional notes, instructions and suggestions for the group leader, and an expanded resources section.

Beautiful Already - Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

“I’m so fat.” “I don’t like my nose.” “I wish I was taller.” Our dissatisfaction with what we see in the mirror is what Barb Roose calls our ugly struggle with beauty. It’s a struggle that negatively affects not only our self-image and self-esteem but also our relationships with God and others. What is the answer? We desperately need to regain God's perspective on beauty. During this six-week Bible study, women will unpack the beliefs or experiences that are holding them hostage. Together they will explore God's truth about beauty throughout the Scriptures, digging into passages in both the Old and New Testaments and applying the truths in their lives. They will move away from over-focusing on unrealistic expectations and perceived flaws toward God’s viewpoint of their hearts, minds, bodies and souls. As women make this journey, they will: Be set free from the trap of comparison and self-ridicule Become comfortable in their own skin Reach beyond themselves to encourage and support other women By learning to see the goodness, blessing, and purpose for their bodies no matter their size, shape, or style, women will overcome discontent and comparison and learn to live fully as the beautifully unique creations God designed them to be. The Leader Guide contains six session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more—plus leader helps for facilitating a group. Other available components, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook with five days of lessons per week, DVD with six 19-28 minute sessions (with closed captioning), and boxed Leader Kit containing one of each component.

Thrive Women's Bible Study Leader Guide

Book Description

Walking in Faith...even when times are tough. In Thrive, author and teacher Jen Cowart helps women develop the habits and attitudes necessary to thrive, whatever their circumstances. Leading readers through the Book of James, a letter written about enduring hardships, she lifts up six characteristics of mature Christians. From endurance and humility to controlling our words, Jen helps participants find the divine and the practical in living faithfully. Jen’s teaching has inspired thousands of women across the country. Her authenticity inspires others to open their hearts and minds. One reviewer wrote, “Her ‘realness’ and her vulnerability just work together to open your heart to dig deeper and deeper.” Through this study, women will find inspiration and tools around six traits: Endurance – Embracing obstacles as a means to maturity. Wisdom – Using a heavenly perspective on earthly issues. Action – Living a life where actions match faith. Control – Taming the tongue. Humility – Developing the attitude of Christ. Prayer – Exercising the power tool of the faith. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the six-week study, including session plans, activities, discussion questions, and multiple format options. Additional components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, are a Leader Guide and six video sessions, 8 to 13 minutes long (with closed captioning).