Health Care In Peru

Book Description

This book examines an important aspect of health care in Peru in considerable depth, based on intensive analysis of data from Peruvian sources. It offers a number of recommendations that can help bring the allocation of health sector resources into line with the country's health care policy. .


Book Description

"The Peruvian health sector has recovered rapidly after collapsing in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a result of hyperinflation and terrorism. Total public and private spending on health rose by over 50% in real terms in the three years after 1994. The supply of health services increased sharply,... Health outcomes have also improved rapidly in recent years..."Several reforms were attempted during the health sector's recuperative years. Some were successful, others failed. To increase the chances for success in the future, policymakers in Peru must face three key challenges: • continue to reduce the large gap between the health status of the poor and that of the nonpoor; • increase the resources assigned to provide care for the poor; • increase the efficiency in the use of these resources. This report is meant to help the Government continue to develop its agenda to improve health care for the poor. Its focus is on poverty, and particularly on ways to improve the Ministry of Health's primary health subprogram, rather than on sector-wide reforms, to increase efficiency. The report emphasizes that there is much to be gained by sustaining and deepening the reforms directed toward improving health care for the poor while using the shift in focus and responding to the key challenges. The executive summary and introduction are provided in both English and Spanish.

Health Care in Peru

Book Description

This book examines an important aspect of health care in Peru in considerable depth, based on intensive analysis of data from Peruvian sources. It offers a number of recommendations that can help bring the allocation of health sector resources into line with the country's health care policy. .

OECD Reviews of Health Systems Monitoring Health System Performance in Peru Data and Statistics

Book Description

This report assesses the status and availability of Peru’s routinely reported health sector data and statistics and the underlying infrastructure. It offers recommendations to improve the health information system and strengthen data coverage and comparability as the health care system develops.

OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Peru 2017

Book Description

This is the OECD’s first Health System Review of Peru. It seeks to support Peru’s policy goal to attain universal health coverage by 2021, and build a high-performing health system with continuously improving accessibility, quality, efficiency and sustainability.

Unintended Effects From the Expansion of the Non-Contributory Health System in Peru

Book Description

Over the last two decades, the Peruvian government has made great efforts to improve access to health care by significantly augmenting the coverage of the non-contributory public health care system Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS). This expansion has a positive impact on welfare and public health indicators, as it limits the risk of catastrophic health-related costs for previously uninsured individuals and allows for the appropriate treatment of illnesses. However, it also entails some unintended consequences for informality, tax revenues, and GDP, since a few formal agents are paying for a service that the majority of (informal) agents receive for free. In this paper, we use a general equilibrium model calibrated for Peru to simulate the expansion of SIS to quantify the unintended effects. We find that overall welfare increases, but informality rises by 2.7 percent, while tax revenues and output decrease by roughly 0.1 percent. Given the extent of the expansion in eligibility, the economic relevance of these results seems negligible. However, this occurs because the expansion of coverage was mostly funded by reducing the spending per-insured person. In fact, we find larger costs if public spending is increased to improve the quality of service given universal coverage.

The Return of Epidemics

Book Description

Historians have long recognized epidemics to be a significant, though sometimes hidden, factor in the fortunes of societies and civilizations. The study of epidemics heightens our understanding of relationships between economic systems and living conditions. It illuminates the ideologies and religious beliefs of the affected community and illustrates the efforts and inadequacies of public health systems. This investigation of the history of epidemics in various parts of Peru during the twentieth century opens up a new field for Latin American studies to include health and disease. These are important areas of the past that enable us to understand better the living conditions of people, the role of state authority and the dynamics of social movement. Marcos Cueto examines five series of epidemics: the bubonic plague of 1903-1930; the fever epidemic of 1919-1922; the typhus and small pox epidemics in the Andes; attempts to control and eradicate malaria, and the cholera epidemics of 1991. In each case he studies the biological and ecological factors that caused the outbreak, and the techniques and policies applied to fight it, together with the response of the affected society. The experience of epidemics in Peru has been cyclical. Poverty breeds disease which in turn results in further poverty. One of the aims of this study is to highlight areas of success and failure in the fight against epidemics in the hope that such awareness may help break this vicious circle.

Peru: a primary health care case study in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Book Description

This case study examines country-level primary health care (PHC) systems in Peru. The case study is part of a collection of case studies providing critical insights into key PHC strengths, challenges and lessons learned using the Astana PHC framework, which considers integrated health services, multisectoral policy and action, and people and communities. Led by in-country research teams, the case studies update and extend the Primary Health Care Systems (PRIMASYS) case studies commissioned by the Alliance in 2015.

Crossing the Global Quality Chasm

Book Description

In 2015, building on the advances of the Millennium Development Goals, the United Nations adopted Sustainable Development Goals that include an explicit commitment to achieve universal health coverage by 2030. However, enormous gaps remain between what is achievable in human health and where global health stands today, and progress has been both incomplete and unevenly distributed. In order to meet this goal, a deliberate and comprehensive effort is needed to improve the quality of health care services globally. Crossing the Global Quality Chasm: Improving Health Care Worldwide focuses on one particular shortfall in health care affecting global populations: defects in the quality of care. This study reviews the available evidence on the quality of care worldwide and makes recommendations to improve health care quality globally while expanding access to preventive and therapeutic services, with a focus in low-resource areas. Crossing the Global Quality Chasm emphasizes the organization and delivery of safe and effective care at the patient/provider interface. This study explores issues of access to services and commodities, effectiveness, safety, efficiency, and equity. Focusing on front line service delivery that can directly impact health outcomes for individuals and populations, this book will be an essential guide for key stakeholders, governments, donors, health systems, and others involved in health care.