Healthy Eating, Healthy Weight for Kids and Teens

Book Description

In a world of fast food, supersized sodas, and televised temptations, this guide shows how to buck the obesity trend currently in the national spotlight--and have fun doing it. Using a family approach, the book describes eight strategies for managing weight; learning to make good, appealing food choices; staying active; and building better long-term habits for a healthy life. Also included are 44 easy recipes to get readers started.

Healthy Weight for Teens

Book Description

The media inundates us with messages about the "epidemic" of overweight and obese Americans, and they make dire predictions about the health of kids and teenagers. Meanwhile nutritionists and doctors often say that kids and teenagers should not diet. Psychologists add that girls should never be told they need to diet or hear negative comments about their size, for fear of adding to the number of teens today starving themselves, choosing unhealthy dieting options, and developing eating disorders. This important book provides young readers with the information they need to sort out these mixed messages and use their critical thinking skills to weigh the data and to understand healthy choices.

The Sierras Weight-Loss Solution for Teens and Kids

Book Description

The renowned Academy of the Sierras has helped hundreds of children—many severely overweight—achieve significant weight loss and keep it off for good. The first year-round weight-loss program for children and teens in the country, AOS teaches students how to make healthy eating and exercise priorities in their lives forever. For AOS students, losing weight not only helps them look and feel better, it fundamentally transforms their lives—encouraging them to build self-esteem, combat depression, and increase their academic performance. In The Sierras Weight-Loss Solution for Teens and Kids, the founders and program leaders of AOS offer parents everywhere a 12-week proven program based on the school's curriculum. The program gives week-by-week meal plans, recipes, and an exercise regimen, as well as crucial advice for getting the whole family involved in maintaining long-term weight loss. And, it helps kids change their thinking about food, and stay focused and committed to a new healthy lifestyle forever. With inspiring stories from AOS graduates throughout, this book provides the most effective blueprint to ensure lasting success. Academy of the Sierras has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, People, the Sacramento Bee, and the Los Angeles Times, as well as on CNN, Dateline, The Dr. Phil Show, and NPR. In addition to their original school near Fresno, California, AOS is opening a second school in Brevard, North Carolina, in the spring of 2007. In 2008, they are opening a school in the northeast. AOS is operated by Healthy Living Academies, which also runs six Wellspring summer weight-loss camps across the country.

Your Child's Weight

Book Description

As much about parenting as feeding, this latest release from renowned childhood feeding expert Ellyn Satter considers the overweight child issue in a new way. Combining scientific research with inspiring anecdotes from her decades of clinical practice, Satter challenges the conventional belief that parents must get overweight children to eat less and exercise more. In the long run, she says, making them go hungry and forcing them to be active makes children preoccupied with food, prone to overeating, turned off to activity, and likely to gain too much weight. Trust is a central theme here: children must be able to trust parents to provide as much food as they need to satisfy their appetites; parents must trust children to eat only as much as they need. Satter provides compelling evidence that, if parents do their jobs with respect to feeding, children are remarkably capable of knowing how much to eat.

Healthy Eating for Life for Children

Book Description

Nourish Your Child for Optimum health and well-being All parents want to do the very best for the long-term health and well-being of their children, and nutrition plays a major role in that process. This book shows you where to start. Drawing on the latest medical and dietary research, Healthy Eating for Life for Children presents a complete and sensible plant-based nutrition program that can help you promote and maintain excellent health and good eating habits for your children throughout their lives. Covering all stages of childhood from birth through adolescence, this book provides detailed nutritional guidelines that have been carefully drafted by an expert panel of Physicians Committee doctors and nutritionists, along with 91 delicious, easy-to-make recipes to help you put these healthy eating principles to work right away. Healthy Eating for Life for Children contains important information on: * Eating for two-nutrition in pregnancy * Worry-free breast- feeding and bottle-feeding options * Nutrition for hyperactivity and attention problems * Eating disorders and body image issues * Achieving healthy weight and fitness levels * Healthy eating for young athletes * And more Whether you are a new or experienced parent, this book will give you the crucial knowledge you need to take charge of your child's diet and health. Also available: Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Cancer (0-471-43597-X) Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Diabetes (0-471-43598-8) Healthy Eating for Life for Women (0-471-43596-1)

The No-Diet Food Plan for Kids and Teens

Book Description

A self-help weight loss workbook for kids ages 12-16 years old. With a focus on body image, self confidence and healthy food choices this book will help kids be successful with reaching a healthy weight. Including worksheets, plans, sample food choices, snacks and ways to reach their goals.

"I'm, Like, SO Fat!"

Book Description

It’s hard to decide which is more frightening--the “food” teenagers enjoy, or the things they say about their bodies. Whether it’s your son’s passion for chips and soda or your daughter’s announcement that she “feels fat,” kids’ attitude about how they look and what they should eat often seem devoid of common sense. In a world where television and school cafeterias push super-sized sandwiches while magazines feature pencil-thin models, many teens feel pressured to starve themselves and others eat way too much. Blending her experience as the mother of four with results from a survey of nearly 5,000 teens, Dr. Diane Neumark-Sztainer shows you how to respond constructively to “fat talk,” counteract negative media messages, and give your kids the straight story about nutrition and calories, the dangers of dieting, and eating right when they’re away from home. Full of examples illustrating the challenges teens face today, this upbeat and insightful book is packed with great ideas that will help kids everywhere feel better about their looks and make healthier choices about eating and exercise.

Children and Teens Afraid to Eat

Book Description

Takes a societal look at the issue of eating disorders and offers ideas on how families and schools can combat the problem.

Healthy Weight Loss For Teens

Book Description

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in Americans since the 1990s.Almost 9 mil ion (15%) children between the ages of 6 and 19 are overweight, and this number is still growing, according to information gathered between 1999 and 2000 (triple the number since 1980). The information has also shown that another 15% of children between the ages of 6 and 19 are at risk of becoming overweight.Obesity is defined as having an excessive accumulation of body fat which will result in the person’s body being about 20% heavier than their ideal body weight.Although teens may have fewer weight related health issues than adults, if they're already overweight, they are more likely to be an overweight or obese adult. Teens who are overweight (in fact people of all ages that are overweight) are at risk from a number of health issues: Heart DiseaseDiabetesHigh Blood PressureStrokeCancer Those teens who are obese may find that they are physically unfit, have a low self esteem, and general unhealthy wellbeing. Many obese people will also tend to have a shorter life expectancy than those who are the right weight for their body size. Plus, it can also lead to social disabilities and unhappiness, which in turn may cause them stress and in some cases, may make them mental y ill.A study in May 2004 suggested that overweight children are more likely to be involved in bullying than those children who are a normal weight. But they can not only be the victims of bullying, they may be the perpetrators as well.The development of their own personal identity and body image is an important goal for any teenager.There are a number of causes for obesity which center around an imbalance in the teens energy they put into their bodies, (calories that they obtain from the food they eat) and the energy they release from their bodies (how good their metabolism is, and how much physical activity they take part in). Often when a teen is overweight, there is a problem with the nutritional value of their diet. It could also be a result of psychological, familial or physiological issues.

Are You Fat?

Book Description

What causes the problem of obesity? Possible solutions are discussed including diets, exercise, and surgery. The benefits and dangers of each method, stressing the importance of moderation and a healthy lifestyle, along with future possibilities for helping people become more successful at controlling their weight are also included.