Hearts and Minds Matter

Book Description

Hearts and Minds Matter: Creating Learning Environments Where All Students Belong is an invaluable resource for all educational stakeholders, including teachers, school administrators, classroom support personnel, students and parents. The work is based on the understanding that human potential, given the right learning conditions, is boundless. In it, authors Jackie Eldridge and Denise McLafferty explore the many positive and necessary attributes of inclusion. To maximize a child’s potential, they must feel they belong to, and are in, a predictable learning environment. Only through inclusion and the creation and sustainability of a safe community can children survive, thrive, and become resilient adults. Grounded in research on human needs and wants, emotional intelligence, brain-compatible learning, and resilience, Hearts and Minds Matter: Creating Learning Environments Where All Students Belong provides educators with the foundation necessary to understand the power of belonging in safe, inclusive classrooms. This work provides a balance of theory and practice, with a wide variety of engaging strategies, tactics, and skills that can be immediately incorporated into the classrooms of today. The approach allows students to maximize their academic and social-emotional skills with trust and confidence. People can and will make a difference in the world, given optimal circumstances. Hearts and Minds Matter: Creating Learning Environments Where All Students Belong is here to help you build and sustain these conditions.

Teaching with the HEART in Mind: A Complete Educator's Guide to Social Emotional Learning

Book Description

Creating better outcomes for your students sometimes means you have to challenge the odds. Academics and standardized assessments aren't enough. You need to educate both their hearts and minds. Strengthen your students' resilience, spark their curiosity for learning, and encourage future success in college, career, and beyond. Be the best teacher you can be and infuse social emotional skills into your teaching of any subject. In Teaching with the HEART in Mind, Dr. Lorea Martínez Pérez provides a comprehensive roadmap to understanding the psychology of emotions, relationships, and adversity in learning, while equipping you to teach SEL skills and develop your own social and emotional intelligence. Full of practical techniques for educators of all subjects, this is your guide for transforming your classroom through essential SEL principles. You'll learn: How to create a safe, supportive school environment that encourages a positive educational mindset and better goal setting. A three-step process to infuse HEART skills into lesson planning for every subject and grade level. A full scope and sequence by grade, along with indicators of mastery for each skill in the HEART in Mind program. Tools for teachers to develop their own social and emotional capacity for a more effective and resilient teaching focus. Over 90 activities to implement SEL into your classroom-even virtually! Empower your students to be their best selves. Get Teaching with the HEART in Mind today and plant the seeds for a more caring, equitable future through education infused with social emotional learning!

Educating Hearts and Minds

Book Description

How do children become eager, motivated learners and caring, responsible citizens? Educating Hearts and Minds, first published in 1995, is a portrait of Japanese preschool and early elementary education which examines these questions. Its thesis - which will surprise many Americans - is that Japanese schools are successful because they meet children's needs for friendship, belonging, and contribution. This book brings to life what actually happens inside Japanese classrooms. What do children learn? How do they learn? What values are emphasised, and how are they taught? In a sharp departure from most previous accounts, this book suggests that Japanese education succeeds because all children - not just the brightest or best-behaved - somehow come to feel like valued members of the school community. Ironically, Japanese teachers credit John Dewey and other progressive Western educators for many of the techniques that make Japanese schools both caring and challenging. This book brings to a wider readership the voices of Japanese classroom teachers - voices that are at once deeply consonant with Western aspirations and deeply provocative.

Mind to Matter

Book Description

Best Health Book of 2018 - American Book Fest. Best Science Books of 2018 - Bookbub. Every creation begins as a thought, from a symphony to a marriage to an ice cream cone to a rocket launch. When we have an intention, a complex chain of events begins in our brains. Thoughts travel as electrical impulses along neural pathways. When neurons fire together they wire together, creating electromagnetic fields. These fields are invisible energy, yet they influence the molecules of matter around us the way a magnet organizes iron filings. In Mind to Matter, award-winning researcher Dawson Church explains the science showing how our minds create matter. Different intentions produce different fields and different material creations. The thoughts and energy fields we cultivate in our minds condition the atoms and molecules around us. We can now trace the science behind each link in chain from thought to thing, showing the surprising ways in which our intentions create the material world. The science in the book is illustrated by many authentic case histories of people who harnessed the extraordinary power of the mind to create. They include: Adeline, whose Stage 4 cancer disappeared after she imagined "healing stars" Raymond Aaron and two of his clients, each of whom manifested $1 million in the same week Elon Musk, who bounced back from devastating tragedy to found Tesla and SpaceX Graham Phillips, who grew the emotional regulation part of his brain by 22.8% in two months Jennifer Graf, whose grandfather's long-dead radio came to life to play love songs the day of her wedding Harold, whose 80% hearing loss reversed in an hour Joe Marana, whose deceased sister comforted him from beyond the grave Rick Geggie, whose clogged arteries cleared up the night before cardiac surgery Matthias Rust, a teen whose "airplane flight for peace" changed the fate of superpowers Wanda Burch, whose dream about cancer told the surgeon exactly where to look for it An MIT freshman student who can precipitate sodium crystals with his mind John, who found himself floating out of his body and returned to find his AIDS healed Dean, whose cortisol levels dropped by 48% in a single hour In Mind to Matter, Dawson Church shows that these outcomes aren't a lucky accident only a few people experience. Neuroscientists have measured a specific brain wave formula that is linked to manifestation. This "flow state" can be learned and applied by anyone. New discoveries in epigenetics, neuroscience, electromagnetism, psychology, vibration, and quantum physics connect each step in the process by which mind creates matter. They show that the whole universe is self-organizing, and when our minds are in a state of flow, they coordinate with nature's emergent intelligence to produce synchronous outcomes. The book contained over 150 photos and illustrations that explain the process, while an "Extended Play" section at the end of each chapter provides additional resources. As Mind to Matter drops each piece of the scientific puzzle into place, it leaves us with a profound understanding of the enormous creative potential of our minds. It also gives us a road map to cultivating these remarkable brain states in our daily lives.

Campaigning for Hearts and Minds

Book Description

It is common knowledge that televised political ads are meant to appeal to voters' emotions, yet little is known about how or if these tactics actually work. Ted Brader's innovative book is the first scientific study to examine the effects that these emotional appeals in political advertising have on voter decision-making. At the heart of this book are ingenious experiments, conducted by Brader during an election, with truly eye-opening results that upset conventional wisdom. They show, for example, that simply changing the music or imagery of ads while retaining the same text provokes completely different responses. He reveals that politically informed citizens are more easily manipulated by emotional appeals than less-involved citizens and that positive "enthusiasm ads" are in fact more polarizing than negative "fear ads." Black-and-white video images are ten times more likely to signal an appeal to fear or anger than one of enthusiasm or pride, and the emotional appeal triumphs over the logical appeal in nearly three-quarters of all political ads. Brader backs up these surprising findings with an unprecedented survey of emotional appeals in contemporary political campaigns. Politicians do set out to campaign for the hearts and minds of voters, and, for better or for worse, it is primarily through hearts that minds are won. Campaigning for Hearts and Minds will be indispensable for anyone wishing to understand how American politics is influenced by advertising today.

Hearts and Minds

Book Description

An electrifying thriller from New York Times bestselling author Dayton Ward, set in the Star Trek: The Next Generation universe. 2031: United States Air Force fighter jets shoot down an unidentified spacecraft and take its crew into custody. Soon, it’s learned that the ship is one of several dispatched across space by an alien species, the Eizand, to search for a new home before their own world becomes uninhabitable. Fearing extraterrestrial invasion, government and military agencies which for more than eighty years have operated in secret swing into action, charged with protecting humanity no matter the cost... 2386: Continuing their exploration of the Odyssean Pass, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise discover what they at first believe is a previously uncharted world, with a civilization still recovering from the effects of global nuclear war. An astonishing priority message from Starfleet Command warns that there’s more to this planet than meets the eye, and Picard soon realizes that the mysteries of this world may well weave through centuries of undisclosed human history...

Make It Matter

Book Description

How do you motivate the disengaged, and further engage the engaged? The answer is to foster meaning at work and give work a greater sense of personal significance, thus making work matter. The startling truth is that 70% of the workforce is disengaged - their bodies may put in long hours, but their hearts and minds never punch in. This is a terrible dilemma for organizations trying to motivate employees to do more with less. Make It Matter is the antidote to crisis levels of disengagement and the first book that serves as a practical, yet inspiring how-to guide for motivating by creating meaning?- the?motivational force of our times. Distilling research, case studies, stories, and interviews with managers at great companies to work for, leadership expert Scott Mautz unveils 7 essential Markers of Meaning that can be triggered to create meaning in and at work. You'll get dozens of tools and learn about the power of: Direction - Reframe work to add meaning and motivation, and help people find a sense of significance and purpose in what they do Discovery - Craft the richest kind of opportunities to learn, grow, and influence, while helping people feel valued Devotion - Cultivate an authentic, caring culture, master meaning-making leadership behaviors, and drive out corrosive behaviors that can unknowingly drain meaning at work When people feel that they matter, they give their all. Channel that power and everyone profits.


Book Description

People want to buy from, work for, and partner with companies that matter. So how do you build a company that matters? Companies and people that matter have successfully become the obvious choice in the hearts and minds of their customers, their employees, and their communities. They elevate themselves by consistently finding ways to solve the most pressing needs their markets face. The result? They create more value year after year and build a sustainable, differentiated organization. In Matter, Peter Sheahan and Julie Williamson show you how to identify the place where you can create the most value—your edge of disruption—at the intersection of old and new, where your existing profits, reach, and reputation enable you to create the markets of the future. This is the place where the most important problems are solved and where the fewest people can solve them. Your edge of disruption is where your opportunity to matter is found. Matter uses extensive case studies of real companies that have successfully become the obvious choice in their markets—from high-profile corporations like Adobe and Burberry to lesser-known brands like Littlefield and BlueShore Financial. Their stories define innovative and impactful approaches to business that you can use to influence and partner with the right customers and clients to win in our radically changing world. Through their journeys, you will find the inspiration and courage to lean in to complexity and solve the higher value problems that matter most. Don't just read this book—use it to identify and act on opportunities to create the most value and accelerate your own journey to becoming a person and a company that matters.

Connecting Hearts and Minds

Book Description

This groundbreaking book uses inspiring stories to integrate the newest findings from the human sciences. By taking an integral approach, it provides the broader perspective needed to manage diversity and build trust. Because much of our cultural conditioning occurs outside of conscious awareness, we are often blind to the ways our identities shape our world views and influence how we speak. As a result, cultural differences can bring out the worst in us, creating stress, misunderstandings, and lost opportunities. By understanding the three-way interaction between cultures, minds, and communication styles, readers can raise their awareness and reduce stress as they learn to better manage differences. Illustrated with detailed examples from a wide range of cultures, this book provides essential insights into the art and science of dealing with diversity. Its true stories inspire and motivate as they demonstrate the skills and best practices needed for intercultural success in the 21st century.

Teaching When the World Is on Fire

Book Description

A timely collection of advice and strategies for creating a just classroom from educators across the country, handpicked by MacArthur Genius and bestselling author Lisa Delpit "A favorite education book of the year." —Greater Good magazine Is it okay to discuss politics in class? What are constructive ways to help young people process the daily news coverage of sexual assault? How can educators engage students around Black Lives Matter? Climate change? Confederate statue controversies? Immigration? Hate speech? In Teaching When the World Is on Fire, Delpit turns to a host of crucial issues facing teachers in these tumultuous times. Delpit's master-teacher wisdom tees up guidance from beloved, well-known educators along with insight from dynamic principals and classroom teachers tackling difficult topics in K–12 schools every day. This cutting-edge collection brings together essential observations on safety from Pedro Noguera and Carla Shalaby; incisive ideas on traversing politics from William Ayers and Mica Pollock; Christopher Emdin's instructive views on respecting and connecting with black and brown students; Hazel Edwards's crucial insight about safe spaces for transgender and gender-nonconforming students; and James W. Loewen's sage suggestions about exploring symbols of the South; as well as timely thoughts from Bill Bigelow on teaching the climate crisis—and on the students and teachers fighting for environmental justice. Teachers everywhere will benefit from what Publishers Weekly called "an urgent and earnest collection [that] will resonate with educators looking to teach 'young people to engage across perspectives' as a means to 'creating a just and caring world.'"