Impact of Heavy Metals on the Environment

Book Description

Highlighted in this compilation of papers is the role and importance of heavy metals in the environment. It provides up-to-date information in a field of active research and progress, where the focus is on effects and interactions between the environment and organisms, as well as contaminant dynamics. Several papers address the impact of heavy metals on our health. The influence of metals on plants is described in an exhaustive study on lichens, which have been widely used as biomonitors for environmental contamination by heavy metals. Metals are also accumulated by animals, as seen in a chapter which focusses on sediment/benthic organism interactions and biomonitoring in fish. Soil interactions are discussed, as well as regional studies of freshwater sediments and the marine environment. The final part of the book addresses a crucial problem: the management of stabilized municipal waste sludges. As a result, the most important and significant recent trends are included, emphasizing interactions with and impacts of heavy metals on humans, animals, plants and soils.

Poisoning in the Modern World

Book Description

Over 400 years ago, Swiss alchemist and physician Paracelsus (1493-1541) cited: "All substances are poisons; there is none that is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy." This is often condensed to: "The dose makes the poison." So, why are we overtly anxious about intoxications?In fact, poisons became a global problem with the industrial revolution. Pesticides, asbestos, occupational chemicals, air pollution, and heavy metal toxicity maintain high priority worldwide, especially in developing countries. Children between 0 and 5 years old are the most vulnerable to both acute and chronic poisonings, while older adults suffer from the chronic effects of chemicals. This book aims to raise awareness about the challenges of poisons, to help clinicians understand current issues in toxicology.

Cellular Effects of Heavy Metals

Book Description

The term “heavy metals” is used as a group name of toxic metals and metalloids (semimetals) causing contaminations and ecotoxicity. In strict chemical sense the density of heavy metals is higher than 5 g/cm3. From biological point of view as microelements they can be divided into two major groups. a. For their physiological function organisms and cells require essential microelements such as iron, chromium (III), cobalt, copper, manganese, molidenium, zinc. b. The other group of heavy metals is toxic to the health or environment. Of highest concern are the emissions of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Tl. The toxicity of heavy metals is well known at organizational level, while less attention has been paid to their cellular effects. This book describes the toxicity of heavy metals on microorganisms, yeast, plant and animal cells. Other chapters of the book deal with their genotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. The toxicity of several metals touch upon the aspects of environmental hazard, ecosystems and human health. Among the cellular responses of heavy metals irregularities in cellular mechanisms such as gene expression, protein folding, stress signaling pathways are among the most important ones. The final chapters deal with biosensors and removal of heavy metals. As everybody is eating, drinking and exposed to heavy metals on a daily basis, the spirit of the book will attract a wide audience.

Heavy Metals

Book Description

In recent years, urbanization and industrialization have produced large amounts of heavy metals, which are highly toxic to both humans and the environment. This book presents a comprehensive overview of heavy metals including their physiochemical properties, toxicity, transfer in the environment, legislation, environmental impacts, and mitigation measures. Written by experts in the field, chapters include scientific research as well as case studies.

Heavy Metal Toxicity in Public Health

Book Description

It is often said that the “dosage” of any substance determines its remedy or poison effect. Heavy metal sources encompass sewage, pesticides, fertilizers, environmental contamination, occupational exposure/contact through inhalation, ingestion, and skin. Before the advent of technology/the industrial revolution, communicable diseases ravaged the human race but this seems to have given way to non-communicable diseases such as cancers, renal failure, hormonal distortion enzymes, inhibition of fetal growth, and DNA damage causing negative health issues due to heavy metals. This book brings to the fore probably the most recent experimental research/review on heavy metal contamination, remediating techniques, cellular tissue damage, and toxicological and antioxidant effects of heavy metals. It is hoped that its contents will make interesting reading for all.

Essentials of Toxicology for Health Protection

Book Description

Essentials of Toxicology for Health Protection is a key handbook and course reader for all health protection professionals. It covers the basics of toxicology and its application to issues of topical concern including contaminated land, water pollution and traditional medicines.

Environmental Biotechnology: For Sustainable Future

Book Description

Environmental sustainability is one of the biggest issues faced by the mankind. Rapid & rampant industrialization has put great pressure on the natural resources. To make our planet a sustainable ecosystem, habitable for future generations & provide equal opportunity for all the living creatures we not only need to make corrections but also remediate the polluted natural resources. The low-input biotechnological techniques involving microbes and plants can provide the solution for resurrecting the ecosystems. Bioremediation and biodegradation can be used to improve the conditions of polluted soil and water bodies. Green energy involving biofuels have to replace the fossil fuels to combat pollution & global warming. Biological alternatives (bioinoculants) have to replace harmful chemicals for maintaining sustainability of agro-ecosystems. The book will cover the latest developments in environmental biotech so as to use in clearing and maintaining the ecosystems for sustainable future.

Water Pollution and Remediation: Heavy Metals

Book Description

Pollution of waters by toxic metals is accelerating worldwide due to industrial and population growth, notably in countries having poor environmental laws, resulting in many diseases such as cancer. Classical remediation techniques are limited. This books reviews new, advanced or improved techniques for metal removal, such as hybrid treatments, nanotechnologies and unconventional adsorbents, e.g. metal-organic frameworks. Contaminants include rare earth elements, arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, copper and effluents from the electronic, textile, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries.

Heavy Metals and Health

Book Description

Heavy metals are persistent in the environment and their elevated emission during longer periods of time can cause contamination of the environment. They are emitted in all environmental media, but can also be easily transported between them due to the atmospheric deposition, water runoff, etc., and thus accumulate in the environment or penetrate the food chains. The main routes of human exposure to heavy metals are through ingestion, inhalation or via dermal contact. Hence, there is a need for better understanding of absorption, distribution and deposition of heavy metals in the human body. This information is of a crucial importance for the evaluation of heavy metal potential health implications. In this book, Chapter One provides an overview of the heavy metal health hazards, presented as a consequence of heavy metal pollution, their availability and cycling between different media in the environment. Chapter Two comprehensively discusses the roles and harmful effects of heavy metals on human health, as well as the sources and techniques of removing heavy metals from the environment. Chapter Three explores the mechanisms of mercury cardiovascular toxicity, with a particular emphasis on its effects toward endothelial cells. Chapter Four focuses on the effects of exposure to soil contaminated by metals. Chapter Five examines antimicrobial functionalized textiles. Chapter Six discusses thallium poisoning. Chapter Seven provides a review of heavy metal pollution, human exposure and public health implications in Nigeria.

Environmental Heavy Metal Pollution and Effects on Child Mental Development

Book Description

Heavy metals can be emitted into environment by both natural and anthropogenic sources, mainly mining and industrial activity. Human exposure occurs through all environmental media. Infants are more susceptible to the adverse effects of exposure. Increasing attention is now being paid to the mental development of children exposed to heavy metals. The purpose of this book is to evaluate the existing knowledge on intellectual impairment in children exposed to heavy metals in their living environment and to identify the research needs in order to obtain a clearer picture of the situation in countries and regions at risk, in which the economy is closely related to metallurgy and heavy metals emission, and to recommend a strategy for human protection. In greater detail the main objectives could be formulated as follows: to review the principal sources of single, and complex mixtures of, heavy metal pollutants in the environment; to identify suitable methodology for chemical analyses in the environment and in humans; to evaluate the existing methods for measuring mental impairment, including their reliability and validity; to recommend a standard testing protocol to be used in future research; to assess the future role of environmental heavy metal pollution in countries and regions at risk and its effects on children’s neurological development; to recommend a prevention strategy for protecting children’s health and development.