Índice griego-hebreo del texto antioqueno en los libros históricos

Book Description

La presente obra se publica en dos volúmenes, incluye un índice griego-hebreo del texto antioqueno de la Biblia griega en los libros históricos (Samuel, Reyes y Crónicas). En el primer volumen figura el índice general de equivalencias, seguido del índice inverso hebreo-griego. En el segundo volumen figura el índice griego-hebreo seguido del índice hebreo-griego de los nombres propios, especialmente importantes en el texto antioqueno, porque reflejan una tradición muy diferente de la del resto de Septuaginta.

In Hebreo

Book Description

In the twentieth century a number of scholars pointed to parallels between the 'in hebreo' or 'secundum hebreos' interpretations in the commentaries of Hugh and Andrew of St. Victor and comments in Latin sources and in twelfth-century Jewish writers of the Northern-French school (Rashi, Joseph Qara, Rashbam, and Beckhor Shor). The scholars suggested various hypotheses on the Victorines' direct or indirect knowledge of the Hebrew text of the Bible and the identity of the Jews on whom the Victorines reportedly drew.00Montse Leyra?s book offers a systematic work of comparative analysis between the Victorines' in hebreo interpretations and their parallels in the Latin and Jewish sources, and between these interpretations and parallel biblical readings in the textual traditions of the Vetus Latina, the Vulgate, and the Hebrew Masoretic Text. 0In her analysis, Montse Leyra discusses parallels that have gone unnoticed by previous scholars, identifies which sources were a direct source for the Victorines and which were transmitted via later, intermediary sources, and determines whether the Victorines took up textual biblical variants coming from the Vetus Latina and the Septuagint as literal translations of the Hebrew Masoretic Text or they were transmitting the Masoretic text itself. Finally, by studying the parallels of content and exegetical method between the 'in hebreo' interpretations of the Victorines and surviving interpretations of Rashi, Rashbam, Joseph Qarah, and Bekhor Shor, she ascertains whether we can actually identify and distinguish the exegetes of the Northern-French school whose works have been transmitted to us as direct sources of Hugh and Andrew from other Jewish exegetes of their time.

The Jews in Genoa

Book Description

These volumes of the "Documentary History of the Jews in Italy," illustrate the history of the Jews in Genoa and surroundings from Antiquity to the French Revolution. The earliest documentary evidence takes the form of letters from King Theodoric. For the Middle Ages the documentation is relatively fragmentary and sporadic. Later there is greater abundance of historical evidence, which portrays chiefly the destinies of the Jews in the Republic from the sixteenth century on, when the presence of the Jews became permanent and a regular community was established also in the capital. The historical records presented illustrate mainly the relationship between the government of the Genoese Republic and the Jews, the latter's economic activities and their communal and social life. Some of the detailed descriptions of the Jewish population in Genoa, their living conditions and occupations, allow for a close examination of the social conditions of this Northern Italian community. For a while Genoa became a haven of refuge for some of the exiles from Spain, including the historian Joseph Hacohen and members of the Abarbanel family. The volumes are provided with an extensive introduction, bibliography, glossary and indexes.

Exile and Creativity

Book Description

Essays that range chronologically from the Renaissance to the 1990s, geographically from the Danube to the Andes, and historically from the Inquisition to the Holocaust, examine the complexities and tensions of exile, focusing particularly on whether exile tends to block, or to enhance, artistic creativity. 16 photos.

Britannica Enciclopedia Moderna

Book Description

The Britannica Enciclopedia Moderna covers all fields of knowledge, including arts, geography, philosophy, science, sports, and much more. Users will enjoy a quick reference of 24,000 entries and 2.5 million words. More then 4,800 images, graphs, and tables further enlighten students and clarify subject matter. The simple A-Z organization and clear descriptions will appeal to both Spanish speakers and students of Spanish.

Hesperia Nº 7 Israel Culturas del Mediterráneo

Book Description

Un análisis riguroso de Israel, desde su rica historia antigua hasta su gran reto ante la modernidad. Un nuevo espacio de reflexión e intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos.

"Let the Wise Listen and add to Their Learning" (Prov 1:5)

Book Description

This Festschrift honours Günter Stemberger on the occasion of his 75th birthday on 7 December 2015 and contains 41 articles from colleagues and students. The studies focus on a variety of subjects pertaining to the history, religion and culture of Judaism – and, to a lesser extent, of Christianity – from late antiquity and the Middle Ages to the modern era.

Profecias en el Pentateuco.

Book Description

En la presente obra te ofrecemos las profecías bíblicas ubicadas en los capítulos que comprenden los primeros cinco libros que conforman la biblia llamados Pentateuco, teniendo en cuenta que desde el mismo comienzo de la Creación Dios anuncia lo que ocurriría en el transcurso de los siglos hasta el mismísimo final de nuestra era; sin embargo, ocurre que el Antiguo Testamento es ignorado, atrayendo entonces un sin número de incógnitas que nunca se llegan a descifrar debido al desconocimiento generalizado. Aquí explicamos al detalle diferentes sistemas que matemáticamente certifican y señalan hacia nuestra Era como la esperada y anunciada por todos los profetas. Ellos son: 'Sistema del 3', Sistema del 5', 'Sistema del 7', y 'Sistema del 14', entre otros análisis importantes.Como libro de estudio es más que nada lo que el Espíritu Santo de Dios ha revelado, y fruto del estudio esforzado de todas las profecías bíblicas--durante veinte años--que señalan indudablemente hacia nuestra era apocalíptica y el comienzo de las promesas eternas establecidas en las Sagradas Escrituras y próximas a revelarse. Es por tanto un libro dirigido a aquellos interesados en escudriñar-como se nos dice en San Juan 5:39-las profecías bíblicas, incluidas dentro del Plan de Dios, dedicándole tiempo, paciencia y mucha oración.Deseamos de todo corazón que las Escrituras proféticas te acerquen más al Creador hallando la Salvación y puerta de entrada a la eternidad a través de nuestro Redentor. Esperamos que te sea de ayuda para seguir velando y estar preparados para los ciertos y duros acontecimientos que se le avecinan a la humanidad en nuestros días. INDICE: -Notas del autor. -Profecías en el Pentateuco. -Libro del Génesis. -Libro del Éxodo. -Libro de Levítico. -Libro de Números. -Libro de Deuteronomio. -Reflexión Intertestamentaria. -Acerca del autor. www.alejandroslibros.com

Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Volume 1: Biblical, Rabbinical, and Medieval Studies

Book Description

169 papers from the Toledo Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, offering a broad, realistic perspective on the advances, achievements and anxieties of Judaic Studies, from the Bible to our days, on the eve of the new millennium.