Hell's Best Kept Secret

Book Description

How many souls have you won to Christ? How many are still walking with the Lord? All, some, a few? The facts are: Evangelical success is at an all-time low. We’re producing more backsliders than true converts. The fall-away rate—from large crusades to local churches—is between 80 to 90 percent. Why are so many unbelievers turning away from the message of the gospel? Doesn’t the Bible tell us how to bring sinners to true repentance? If so, where have we missed it? The answer may surprise you. One hundred years ago, Satan buried the crucial key needed to unlock the unbeliever’s heart. Now Ray Comfort boldly breaks away from modern tradition and calls for a return to biblical evangelism. If you’re experiencing evangelical frustration over lost souls, unrepentant sinners, and backslidden “believers,” then look no further. This radical approach could be the missing dimension needed to win our generation to Christ.

God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life

Book Description

Why do 9 out of 10 children raised in Christian homes leave the Church? Why do many professing Christians show little or no evidence for their faith? Why do 80-90% of those making decisions for Christ fall away from the faith? For decades, the world's most popular gospel message has been drawing the lost by promising God's wonderful plan for their life. But behind the facade of the "wonderful plan" message is the reality of the trials, temptation, and persecution that Jesus promised. How can we reconcile the two? In this life-changing book, best-selling author Ray Comfort explores whether this common gospel approach aligns with real life--and with Scripture. The vital biblical principles he reveals will force you to reexamine your ideas about the gospel--and will teach you how to reach unbelievers the way God intended. A must-read for all who care about the lost. Over a quarter million copies in print!

The Bible's Four Gospels

Book Description

"I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people" (Luke 2:10). The word gospel means good news--and who couldnt use some good news these days? The first four books of the New Testament, called the Gospels, contain the very best news ever heard: the message of how you can have eternal life. Features: Introduction by Ray Comfort Why Christianity? Common Questions About the Christian Faith Principles for Growth Understanding the Biblical Gospel With commentary adapted from The Evidence Study Bible (a finalist for the Gold Medallion Book Award), this pocket-sized edition is designed to carry in your pocket or purse to give to an unsaved person. In addition to the eyewitness accounts of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth--the greatest Person who ever lived--skeptics can find answers to commonly asked questions such as: How do you know God exists? Who made God? Why do bad things happen? How do you know the Bible is true? How could a loving God create Hell, and more. With a thorough gospel presentation and suggestions for Christian growth, this publication will help readers to understand why the gospel is indeed the very best news ever and how to grow in their new faith.

God Doesn't Believe in Atheists

Book Description

This book proves to atheists that they don't exist, reveals to agnostics their true motives, and strengthens the faith of the believers. This book answers questions such as Who made God? and Where did Cain get his wife? The book uses humor, reason, and logic to send a powerful message. Here are some reactions from atheists who read the book . . .

How to Be Free from the Fear of Death

Book Description

Some people admit to their fear of death while others lie awake at night silently suffering over thoughts of their mortality. In How to Be Free from the Fear of Death, Ray Comfort addresses the subject head-on. Overcome your fear as you · understand why we suffer, age, and die, · recognize God’s power over death, · develop habits to maintain your peace, and · share your newfound joy with others. Rest peacefully knowing that death is not the end but a wonderful beginning.

Faith Is for Weak People

Book Description

Every day that we interact with the world, we are in a battle. At stake is the eternal destiny of the souls of our friends, family members, and coworkers. It is a battle we wage not only in prayer but also in words. When we are faced with objections to the faith we profess, are we ready to respond? Apologist and evangelist Ray Comfort has spent his entire career answering objections to the faith, and he wants you to be equipped to do the same. In this practical book, he shows you how to answer 20 objections to Christianity, including questions such as - What physical proof is there that God even exists? - Why does a "loving" God threaten eternal torture for not believing in him? - If there's an all-powerful God, why is the world so out of control? Don't go into battle unarmed. Let Ray Comfort train you to be ready with an answer, not so you can be right, but so you can help bring people from darkness into light.

The Way of the Master for Kids

Book Description

"Written in two parts, the book first gives 3- to 5-year-olds and understanding of God's love for them. The second part is for 6- to 10-year-olds, and explains how we can know that God is real, who made God, why the Bible is true, how we can know that people didn't come from apes, and why bad things happen."--Cover back.

Made in Heaven

Book Description

Science shamelessly steals from God’s creation, yet refuses to give God the glory! How the glow of a cat’s eyes innovates road reflectors The naturally sticky inspirations for Velcro and barbed wire A fly’s ear, the lizard’s foot, the moth’s eye, and other natural examples are inspiring improvements and new technologies in our lives Engineers and inventors have long examined God’s creation to understand and copy complex, proven mechanics of design in the science known as biomimicry. Much of this inspiration is increasingly drawn from amazing aspects of nature, including insects to plants to man in search of wisdom and insight. We are surrounded daily by scientific advancements that have become everyday items, simply because man is copying from God’s incredible creation, without acknowledging the Creator.

How to Bring Your Children to Christ... and Keep Them There

Book Description

"88% of children raised in evangelical homes leave church at the age of 18 never to return." Nothing is more important than where your kids will spend eternity. As a parent, you don't want to suffer the heartache of your children rebelling against their Christian upbringing. In this practical book, noted author/evangelist Ray Comfort counters the unscriptural belief that a child can be saved merely by "asking Jesus into his heart," and shares time-tested principles to help parents (and children's workers) guide their children to experience genuine salvation and avoid the pitfall of rebellion. Filled with creative ideas for family devotions, tips for safeguarding kids from harmful influences, and great suggestions for helping kids learn God's holy standard, the Ten Commandments.

The Final Curtain

Book Description

"How could any successful, famous person who is rolling in money and who is surrounded by adoring fans be depressed? Happiness comes from what happens to us, and if good things are happening, we should be happy. So why the depression? That is the question that they and we ask ourselves. Why?" The World Health Organization says that 350,000,000 people suffer from depression. God provides answers as to why and how to stop this horrid trend We have been created to be social creatures, and knowing this can help us reach out to those suffering If you are suffering from depression or know someone who is, this book can help you find hope *Bonus Book included in the back "From the Ledge" From his bird’s eye view, he peered into the foggy bay, as if his solution might be out there just beyond his sight. Why was he hesitating to take his life? All he had to do was lean forward from the railing and simply free fall into the treacherous depths below, yet he felt as compelled to stay as he did to jump. Will the bystander approaching him be able to address the man’s true needs and talk him down? Would you be able to offer a ray of hope and some comfort to someone without any? Let this fictional encounter provide a way to reach those who walk on that ledge, needing the hope of God.