Hen Bethau Anghofiedig

Book Description

Un noson hir o aeaf, mae dau hen ffrind yn cwrdd ar daith dren. Mae gan Merfyn stori iasoer i'w rhannu, un sy'n dechrau gydag etifeddu clamp o dy ar ol ei fodryb, yr awdures enwog Mona Moffat. Mae ef a'i bartner, Harry, yn breuddwydio am adnewyddu'r hen le ac ymddeol a fywyd gwyllt dinas Llundain... ond wrth i Merfyn godi'r clawr ar orffennol ei deulu mae gwirioneddau erchyll yn bygwth eu rhewi hyd at fer eu hesgyrn. Stori ysbryd iasoer gan un o awduron mwyaf poblogaidd Cymru.

Hen Bethau Anghofiedig

Book Description

Pembrokeshire Folk Tales

Book Description

Pembrokeshire, often referred to as 'Gwlad yr Hud' (the Enchanted Land), is home to a rich and diverse collection of tales – from the ancient saga of the Mabinogion, and stories of Owain Glyndŵr, to accounts of smugglers, haunted vessels and pirates. The village of Brynberian has been tormented by the gigantic and frightful Afanc; fishermen from St Dogmaels have been forewarned of storms by mermaids; and captivating princesses have been kidnapped from Cilgerran Castle. These stories, beautifully illustrated by the author, bring to life the landscape of the county's spectacular coastline and rolling hills. Christine Willison has told stories all over the world since 1982, when she created and ran 'Bookbug', bringing books and stories to schoolchildren across East Anglia. She tells yarns from many traditions in schools, arts centres, stately homes and parks.


Book Description

This book is a timely Welsh antidote to Brexit. It is packed with original materials but is written in a highly accessible style by an author who recently won a Welsh Book of the Year award. It throws a wholly new light on Wales, revealing a country that has long been internationalist in cultural outlook, well prepared to look in directions other than that of England.

Vaughan Roderick

Book Description

Vaughan Roderick yw un o leisiau newyddiadurol pwysicaf a mwyaf awdurdodol Cymru yn y cyfnod modern. Ers diwedd y 1970au, mae Vaughan wedi tystio i nifer o'r digwyddiadau sydd wedi newid Cymru - o brotestiadau Cymdeithas yr Iaith, streic y glowyr, y frwydr dros ddatganoli hyd at y bleidlais Brexit.

Ar Drywydd Llofrudd

Book Description

Nofel dditectif boblogaidd gyfoes a thywyll wedi ei lleoli yn Aberystwyth. Mae'n adleisio storiau dirgelwch a chyfresi teledu Scandi sy'n boblogaidd tu hwnt ar hyn o bryd. Ar ol i gorff gael ei ddarganfod yn y twyni mae ddau dditectif, Taliesin ac MJ, yn mynd ar drywydd y llofrudd.

Am Newid

Book Description

Nofel boblogaidd ffres a chyfoes sy'n hawdd ei darllen sydd yn ceisio mynd i'r afael a'n hagweddau at bobl sydd ddim yn cydymffurfio a'n syniad ni o'r hyn sy'n draddodiadol. Mae Ceri'n dychwelyd i gartref ei phlentyndod, ond erbyn hyn mae'n berson gwahanol iawn.

Theology and Issues of Life and Death

Book Description

he has written studies of Tillich as well as of Kierkegaard.,

Myfi, Iolo

Book Description

Nofel hanesyddol fyrlymus yn dilyn ol-troed un o gymeriadau mwyaf diddorol hanes Cymru, Iolo Morgannwg (Edward Willimas, 1747-1826). Nofel llawn antur, dirgelwch, cariad, gwrthryfel, trais, cyffuriau, angerdd, ysbiwyr a brad.

That Would Be Telyn

Book Description

In the summer of 2012 Delyth Jenkins walked the 186 miles of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path. She carried a small harp with her, giving a series of impromptu path-side concerts. Structured around the 17 days of the walk, this book is an account of her adventures and the people she met and played for along the way.