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No one creates any money to repay the debt, so we have to borrow and go deeper in debt. In real life the banksters have made us all debt slaves waiting hopefully for liberation from our bondage.

5G. Everything you Need to Know

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5G is a large scale leap, a new paradigm, a revolution. Everything from the washing machine to baby diapers will be connected to the Internet, and everyone on the planet will have instant access to each other and to everything. Each one of our interactions will remain as an indelible mark. But for this to happen, a new infrastructure with a much denser network is required. 5G uses high-frequency millimeter-waves that allow a huge amount of data to be processed with minimal latency, but since these waves are shorter, and have a shorter reach and many more antennas are needed compared to the previous technology. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the process, it is estimated that millions of new 5G base stations on Earth and over 200.000 new space satellites will connect with 200 billion objects that will be part of the Internet of Things in the beginning. According to 5G International Appeal: "No person, no animal, no insect and no plant on Earth will be able to avoid exposure, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to new levels of radiofrequency radiation ". If this is detrimental to health? Now you can draw your own conclusions.

Dangers of 5G Technology In A Nutshell

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You may have heard of 5G and want to understand what 5G technology is; and what dangers it poses. There are various reasons 5G technology and networks are being introduced. The primary reason which we are told is that this technology will make life better. Such as, increased data transmission speeds and greater network reliability. But this may not be the ultimate reason. 5G will bring about an exponential increase in the exposure of humans and animals to electromagnetic radiation, and worse of all, at frequencies that have never been seen or used in consumer applications.Since 5G safety studies have not been conducted on either the short- or long-term health effects, we do not yet know the result of the impact of the radiation of 5G on humans. However, it is known that there are no safe EMF radiation levels.The next-generation networks will be implemented without proper testing and no appropriate update to the security standards. Citizens are concerned 5G will require thousands of small cell towers, which will be placed in every nook and cranny of a city for the network to work. Due to receptors in every corner, residents have no choice but to be significantly exposed to electromagnetic fields for extended periods.When considering the health risks of the 5G networks to children, increased exposure to the EMF is of significant concern. While children absorb more radiation, they are even more susceptible to the various health effects as a result of interaction in their bodies and systems that are still developingIn this guide explore why 5G technology could be ushered into society and how millimeter waves can be to be weaponized using the Active Denial System (ADS).

The Dangers of 5G

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5G has not been proven safe! The telecommunications industry and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) say there's no studies that prove the dangers of 5G. There are plenty of studies! This book presents scientific studies that show a connection between 5G millimeter waves (MMW), mixed electromagnetic fields (EMF) and negative health and environmental effects . It demonstrates the toxic relationship between the cellular industry and the FCC, tasked with the responsibility of keeping the American public safe. It gives you the tools you need to make an informed decision on the safety of 5G for yourself.


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The dangers of electromagnetic fields are real--and now a renowned health authority reveals exactly what they are and how you can protect yourself. The hazards of electronic pollution may once have been the stuff of science fiction, but now we know they're all too real. And with the advent of 5G ultra-wideband technology, the danger is greater than ever. Dr. Joseph Mercola, one of the world's foremost authorities on alternative health, has mined the scientific literature to offer a radical new understanding of how electromagnetic fields impact your body and mind. In this first-of-its-kind guide, he reveals: What EMFs (electromagnetic fields) actually are, where you find them in your daily life, and how they affect you The toll that EMFs have been proven to take in conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and neuropsychiatric illnesses Why you've been largely kept in the dark about this threat to your health How you can actually repair the damage done by EMFs at a cellular level Practical strategies to protect yourself and your loved ones from EMFs at home, at work, and out in the world The coming 5G technology will be pervasive and powerful. It will also be one of the largest public-health experiments in history-with no way of opting out. That's why you need to read this book. Now.

The Great Power-line Cover-up

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Book Description

What dangers are hidden in the technological objects that invade our lives? What precautions should we follow in order to minimize our exposure to them? Discover them and protect yourself better with this book. Keep reading. Nowadays, humans live in an extremely modern world. Compared to just 30 or 40 years ago, technology has made great strides, bringing a lot of innovation as well as many hidden dangers, invisible to human eyes. Electromagnetic fields are one of those hidden dangers that interact with our bodies in several ways. EMF frequencies are classified as non-ionizing radiation. They are considered safe if compared to ionizing X-ray radiation. But this is not always true, since they are both harmful. The world is like a large electrical circuit that affects humans, animals and plants. Most people do not know that the human body is already electrically charged. This principle is used in the medical world for diagnosis and treatments: electrocardiograms for the heart, electroencephalograms for the brain and magnetic resonances are used for medical diagnoses. Countless scientific studies state the dangerous biological implications of electromagnetic fields, largely ignored by governments. The large telecommunications industry and the governments are refusing to acknowledge these proven dangers. ✓ Here is what you will find inside this book: What are electromagnetic fields (EMF)? How do they affect the human body? The rise of G5 and its side effects The risks of G5 on children's health How to decrease exposure to electromagnetic fields How to protect yourself from electromagnetic pollution Many useful advices to use every day ... and much more Face this problem in the best way by protecting yourself and the people around you. In order to protect yourself better, you need to understand the problem, and this book will help you with it. Ready to get started? Click "Buy Now"!


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Have you ever wondered about the safety or dangers of: Cell Phones Smartphone Addiction Cell Tower Radiation WiFi, Bluetooth High-Voltage Power Lines Smart Devices 5G Mobile Networks Baby Monitors Cordless Phone Bases Microwave Oven Radiation . . . Just to name a few of the topics in "EXPOSED: The Electronic Sickening of America and How to Protect Yourself." There's a hidden danger pulsating in the airways and buzzing behind the walls of millions of American homes, schools, and businesses. Our families, co-workers, even our pets, are exposed to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) almost continually, 24/7. Few people want to address this topic because they don't know what to do. They are frustrated and overwhelmed by the scattered and conflicting information that's out there. And they fear that they will have to give up their electronic necessities. I felt that way as well--until I learned that the great news is that you CAN take control of your exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation and learn how to use your electronic devices more safely. First, some background: A disturbing correlation has been discovered between electro-pollution and a host of diseases and disorders. These include cancer, neurological diseases, respiratory diseases, behavioral disorders, chronic fatigue, ADHD, insomnia, depression, headaches, muscle/joint pain, chronic inflammation, and many more. The report "BioInitiative 2012," collates research from around the world on the bio-effects and health hazards of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic radition: from wires and wireless technologies. It represents more than 3,800 scientific, peer-reviewed studies done by PhDs and MDs on the potential health effects of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation. And the research continues to grow. Electromagnetic radiation is the tobacco of the Digital Age. And, like tobacco, it can kill you. The widespread rollout of 5G will only exacerbate the problem. We don't really know how this is all going to turn out. We are all "guinea pigs" in a huge, highly lucrative, disorganized experiment. The telecommunications industry doesn't have to win the scientific argument about safety; it only has to keep the argument going. We need to research the research and follow the dollars. Most people don't have the time to do that. That's why I wrote this book. To put you at ease, I want to say that I am not anti-technology. I use it on a daily basis. I have a smartphone and computer, and use social media. This book is about how to use your electronic devices more safely. It is about how to guard yourself and the people you love against the unintended consequences of the digital age. This book has been written to be accessible to the person who has little or no technical background in electronics or physics. It has many practical solutions that can be accomplished by just about anyone in one minute, and often without cost. EXPOSED gives you the "back story" and provides information so you can discern the facts from fiction regarding the safety of wireless technology and dirty electricity. Most importantly, this book provides solutions. There are good, better, and best ways to use technology in order to minimize your exposure to harmful radiation. Read it. Do it. Share it.


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"As [Disconnect] shows, cell phones may actually be doing damage to far more than our attention spans-and could, in fact, be killing us." Since the invention of radar, cell phone radiation was assumed to be harmless because it wasn't like X-rays. But a sea change is now occurring in the way scientists think about it. The latest research ties this kind of radiation to lowered sperm counts, an increased risk of Alzheimer's, and even cancer. In Disconnect, National Book Award finalist Devra Davis tells the story of the dangers that the cell phone industry is knowingly exposing us-and our children-to in the pursuit of profit. More than five billion cell phones are currently in use, and that number increases every day. Synthesizing the findings and cautionary advice of leading experts in bioelectricalmagnetics and neuroscience, Davis explains simple safety measures that no one can afford to ignore.