Book Description

This book is part of our Israelite series. There is much debate in the Christian community about who and where the Israelites are or if they even exist anymore. Here we answer those questions with empirical proof, we also provide irrefutable evidence showing that Africa is where the Biblical land Israel is located. Check out all the books in our series; most are available in the following formats: audiobook, eBook, paperback, and hardcover. "Proof Jesus is Not God" by Jeremiah Israel "The Law vs. Grace" by Jeremiah Israel "Did the White Man Invent Jesus?" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "How We Became Black Hebrew Israelites: A Story of Love" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "The Book of Acts" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "The Tithing Deception" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible: 10th Anniversary Expanded Edition" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "Who Are the Gentiles?" by Jeremiah Israel "The Virgin Mary Deception" by Jeremiah Israel

Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible

Book Description

This book is part of our Israelite series. There is much debate in the Christian community about who and where the Israelites are or if they even exist anymore. Here we answer those questions with empirical proof, we also provide irrefutable evidence showing that Africa is where the Biblical land Israel is located.

The Bible is Black History

Book Description

We live in an age when younger African-American Christians are asking tough questions that previous generations would dare not ask. This generation doesn't hesitate to question the validity of the Scriptures, the efficacy of the church, and even the historicity of Jesus. Young people are becoming increasingly curious about what role, if any, did people of African descent play in biblical history? Or, if the Bible is devoid of Black presence, and is merely a book by Europeans, about Europeans and for Europeans to the exclusion of other races and ethnicities? Dr. Theron D. Williams makes a significant contribution to this conversation by answering the difficult questions this generation fearlessly poses. Dr. Williams uses facts from the Bible, well-respected historians, scientists, and DNA evidence to prove that Black people comprised the biblical Israelite community. He also shares historical images from the ancient catacombs that vividly depict the true likeness of the biblical Israelites. This book does not change the biblical text, but it will change how you understand it.This Second Edition provides updated information and further elucidation of key concepts. Also, at the encouragement of readership, this edition expands some of the ideas and addresses concerns my readership felt pertinent to this topic.


Book Description

A COVER-UP OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS... Centuries ago, English translators perpetrated a fraud in the New Testament, and it’s been purposely hidden and covered up ever since. Your own Bible is probably included in the cover-up! In this book, which includes a study guide for personal or group use, John MacArthur unveils the essential and clarifying revelation that may be keeping you from a fulfilling—and correct—relationship with God. It’s powerful. It’s controversial. And with new eyes you’ll see the riches of your salvation in a radically new way. What does it mean to be a Christian the way Jesus defined it? MacArthur says it all boils down to one word: SLAVE “We have been bought with a price. We belong to Christ. We are His own possession.” Endorsements: "Dr. John MacArthur is never afraid to tell the truth and in this book he does just that. The Christian's great privilege is to be the slave of Christ. Dr. MacArthur makes it clear that this is one of the Bible's most succinct ways of describing our discipleship. This is a powerful exposition of Scripture, a convincing corrective to shallow Christianity, a masterful work of pastoral encouragement...a devotional classic." - Dr. R. Albert Mohler, President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary "John MacArthur expertly and lucidly explains that Jesus frees us from bondage into a royal slavery that we might be His possession. Those who would be His children must, paradoxically, be willing to be His slaves." - Dr. R.C. Sproul "Dr. John MacArthur's teaching on 'slavery' resonates in the deepest recesses of my 'inner-man.' As an African-American pastor, I have been there. That is why the thought of someone writing about slavery as being a 'God-send' was the most ludicrous, unconscionable thing that I could have ever imagined...until I read this book. Now I see that becoming a slave is a biblical command, completely redefining the idea of freedom in Christ. I don't want to simply be a 'follower' or even just a 'servant'...but a 'slave'." - The Rev. Dr. Dallas H. Wilson, Jr., Vicar, St. John's Episcopal Chapel, Charleston, SC

The Black Presence in the Bible

Book Description

SEXUALLY SANCTIFIED DIVORCE ". . . explores the anatomy of marital frac­ture that may result from a believer's sexual cleansing subsequent to getting married." Sex is very powerful, and a strong drive for sex is a foremost motivation for many believers to marry. Believers who formerly were sexually immoral or obsessed usually experience spiritual growth and sexual cleansing in marriage. They cease practicing sexually immoral attitudes, actions, and relations, and they no longer tolerate such thinking and behavior by their mate. The divine transformation may change and disrupt their marital relations, and the sexual dysfunction will stress the marital union. Thus, a believer's sexual sanctification may justifiably, though negatively, impact their mari­tal relationship and result in a breakup.In the perspective of SEXUALLY SANCTIFIED DIVORCE, Christian divorce may not indicate spiritual degeneration. Certain breakups signal a believer's spiritual growth in sexual temperament and conduct. Believers who face the disruptive marital consequences of living a clean sexual life may actually evince a positive response to Church teachings on sexual holiness.Chapters Feature: Christian Divorce, Sexual Passion and Marriage, Sexual Sanctification, Sanctified Divorce

Urban Apologetics

Book Description

Urban Apologetics examines the legitimate issues that Black communities have with Western Christianity and shows how the gospel of Jesus Christ—rather than popular, socioreligious alternatives—restores our identity. African Americans have long confronted the challenge of dignity destruction caused by white supremacy. While many have found meaning and restoration of dignity in the black church, others have found it in ethnocentric socioreligious groups and philosophies. These ideologies have grown and developed deep traction in the black community and beyond. Revisionist history, conspiracy theories, and misinformation about Jesus and Christianity are the order of the day. Many young African Americans are disinterested in Christianity and others are leaving the church in search of what these false religious ideas appear to offer, a spirituality more indigenous to their history and ethnicity. Edited by Dr. Eric Mason and featuring a top-notch lineup of contributors, Urban Apologetics is the first book focused entirely on cults, religious groups, and ethnocentric ideologies prevalent in the black community. The book is divided into three main parts: Discussions on the unique context for urban apologetics so that you can better understand the cultural arguments against Christianity among the Black community. Detailed information on cults, religious groups, and ethnic identity groups that many urban evangelists encounter—such as the Nation of Islam, Kemetic spirituality, African mysticism, Hebrew Israelites, Black nationalism, and atheism. Specific tools for urban apologetics and community outreach. Ultimately, Urban Apologetics applies the gospel to black identity to show that Jesus is the only one who can restore it. This is an essential resource to equip those doing the work of ministry and apology in urban communities with the best available information.

Go Tell My People Who They Are! the True Biblical Identity of Black People

Book Description

Superiority of any race is not a biblical construct; it is a human one – out of one man came every race – Acts 17:26 states, “And He made from one [common origin, one source, one blood] all nations of men to settle on the face of the earth, having definitely determined [their] allotted periods of time and the fixed boundaries of their habitation (their settlements, lands, and abodes) , and this “one common origin and source” is Kushitic or Cushitic. We are all descendents from Adam and Eve, made in the image of God (I Corinthians 14:45). It is from this root that all the peoples of the world developed. It was God who placed each of Noah's sons, Ham, Shem and Japheth's in boundaries that he had established for their habitation, Ham and Shem occupying what we call today Africa and Arabia, and Japheth in the far North. It is God who also allotted each their own periods to dominate and rule in the earth, their very definitive allotment of times, Ham, Shem and now Japheth. I will put forth in this work evidence, biblically, archaeologically, anthropologically, scientific genetic DNA evidence that will clearly delineate the pre-flood inhabitants, and each of the nations of people that came forth after the flood with Noah's sons, Ham, Shem and Japheth; as well as explore the root of racism based on skin color and the ancient biblical landscape and its peoples. We will explore the ancient landscape of Mesopotamia looking at Sumer and Shinar, the dispersion of the people at the Tower and the development of the different tongues and races; then we will look at Japheth's sons and the Age of Discovery, the development of European Imperialism and its resultant racist agenda that led to the African slave trade, the colonization of Africa and the atrocities and horrors that has led to racism based on black skin and religion resulting in the Holocaust. We will explore the biblical truth of the black nations through the lens of God, not man. What does God say about the Ethiopian who He declared could not change his skin color; this truth as the prophet Jeremiah brought forth will also be revealed. Just who are the Kushitic peoples and how did they become the root of all the races. How did Kush get in the Garden of Eden and what does Kush have to do with the development of Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya. This work will explore Egypt and Israel's ancient history and relationship; it will look at the true ethnicity of the Ancient Israelites, the Canaanites, and the Semites, Ethiopians, Assyrians, the Babylonians and the Egyptians, and the prophetic word for them in these last days. Satan is the father and the source for lies and deception, and this work will look at the deep deception and lies that have been put forth to hide the true identity of Ham's black sons and Shem's brown ones. It is a timely look at Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Arabia, and all the rumbling and shakings that are now gripping what we know as the Ancient Biblical Landscape of the Torah, and this impacts its descendents dispersed around the world in the African Diaspora. The truth has been concealed for centuries but God is bringing the true revelation in this book. It is a must read for every human being living today who wants to know the truth and be set free as only God's truth can do.

Blacks in the Bible

Book Description

From Volume I: Abraham and his wife made their African slave a surrogate mother and she bore Abraham a half-black heir. Later, God wished to use Moses and his Ethiopian wife and half-Ethiopian sons to raise up a new race of Jews to replace the twelve tribes of Israel. Let's not forget that the Almighty did not object when Jacob passed "the blessing of Abraham" on to his half-African grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, in North Africa. In light of these facts it's amazing that early Americans wondered if blacks could be saved especially since it was big news to Jews that gentiles (Europeans) could be saved. Prior to the Apostles of Christ's debate about whether Europeans, called gentiles in Scripture, could be saved, Niger and Lucius were black Bible teachers at Antioch (where believers were first called Christians) and an Ethiopian eunuch had been saved and baptized. (Acts 13:1, 15:7) The first king, queen, prince, and princess in the Bible were black. It was an African princess who found Moses floating down the Nile in Africa. Later Esther a dark skinned Jew won a black beauty contest that stretched from India to Ethiopia. Blacks in the Bible Vol. I shows you truths stranger than fiction.

From Every People and Nation

Book Description

With this careful, nuanced exegetical volume in the New Studies in Biblical Theology, J. Daniel Hays provides a clear theological foundation for life in contemporary multiracial cultures and challenges churches to pursue racial unity in Christ.