Hierarchical Optimization and Mathematical Physics

Book Description

This book should be considered as an introduction to a special dass of hierarchical systems of optimal control, where subsystems are described by partial differential equations of various types. Optimization is carried out by means of a two-level scheme, where the center optimizes coordination for the upper level and subsystems find the optimal solutions for independent local problems. The main algorithm is a method of iterative aggregation. The coordinator solves the problern with macrovariables, whose number is less than the number of initial variables. This problern is often very simple. On the lower level, we have the usual optimal control problems of math ematical physics, which are far simpler than the initial statements. Thus, the decomposition (or reduction to problems ofless dimensions) is obtained. The algorithm constructs a sequence of so-called disaggregated solutions that are feasible for the main problern and converge to its optimal solutionunder certain assumptions ( e.g., under strict convexity of the input functions). Thus, we bridge the gap between two disciplines: optimization theory of large-scale systems and mathematical physics. The first motivation was a special model of branch planning, where the final product obeys a preset assortment relation. The ratio coefficient is maximized. Constraints are given in the form of linear inequalities with block diagonal structure of the part of a matrix that corresponds to subsystems. The central coordinator assem bles the final production from the components produced by the subsystems.

Hierarchical Optimization and Mathematical Physics

Book Description

This book should be considered as an introduction to a special dass of hierarchical systems of optimal control, where subsystems are described by partial differential equations of various types. Optimization is carried out by means of a two-level scheme, where the center optimizes coordination for the upper level and subsystems find the optimal solutions for independent local problems. The main algorithm is a method of iterative aggregation. The coordinator solves the problern with macrovariables, whose number is less than the number of initial variables. This problern is often very simple. On the lower level, we have the usual optimal control problems of math ematical physics, which are far simpler than the initial statements. Thus, the decomposition (or reduction to problems ofless dimensions) is obtained. The algorithm constructs a sequence of so-called disaggregated solutions that are feasible for the main problern and converge to its optimal solutionunder certain assumptions ( e.g., under strict convexity of the input functions). Thus, we bridge the gap between two disciplines: optimization theory of large-scale systems and mathematical physics. The first motivation was a special model of branch planning, where the final product obeys a preset assortment relation. The ratio coefficient is maximized. Constraints are given in the form of linear inequalities with block diagonal structure of the part of a matrix that corresponds to subsystems. The central coordinator assem bles the final production from the components produced by the subsystems.

Hierarchical Optimization and Mathematical Physics

Book Description

This book should be considered as an introduction to a special dass of hierarchical systems of optimal control, where subsystems are described by partial differential equations of various types. Optimization is carried out by means of a two-level scheme, where the center optimizes coordination for the upper level and subsystems find the optimal solutions for independent local problems. The main algorithm is a method of iterative aggregation. The coordinator solves the problern with macrovariables, whose number is less than the number of initial variables. This problern is often very simple. On the lower level, we have the usual optimal control problems of math ematical physics, which are far simpler than the initial statements. Thus, the decomposition (or reduction to problems ofless dimensions) is obtained. The algorithm constructs a sequence of so-called disaggregated solutions that are feasible for the main problern and converge to its optimal solutionunder certain assumptions ( e.g., under strict convexity of the input functions). Thus, we bridge the gap between two disciplines: optimization theory of large-scale systems and mathematical physics. The first motivation was a special model of branch planning, where the final product obeys a preset assortment relation. The ratio coefficient is maximized. Constraints are given in the form of linear inequalities with block diagonal structure of the part of a matrix that corresponds to subsystems. The central coordinator assem bles the final production from the components produced by the subsystems.

Transportation Planning

Book Description

This book collects selected presentations of the Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, which took place at the Department of Ma- ematics at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg (or, Gothenburg), Sweden, September 9–11, 1998. [The EURO Working Group on Transpor- tion was founded at the end of the 7th EURO Summer Institute on Urban Traffic Management, which took place in Cetraro, Italy, June 21–July, 1991. There were around 30 founding members of the Working Group, a number which now has grown to around 150. Meetings since then include Paris (1993), Barcelona (1994), and Newcastle (1996). ] About 100 participants were present, enjoying healthy rain and a memorable conference dinner in the Feskekôrka. The total number of presentations at the conference was about 60, coming from quite diverse areas within the field of operations research in transportation, and covering all modes of transport: Deterministic traffic equilibrium models (6 papers) Stochastic traffic equilibrium models (5 papers) Combined traffic models (3 papers) Dynamic traffic models (7 papers) Simulation models (4 papers) Origin–destination matrix estimation (2 papers) Urban public transport models (8 papers) Aircraft scheduling (1 paper) Ship routing (2 papers) Railway planning and scheduling (6 papers) Vehicle routing (3 papers) Traffic management (3 papers) Signal control models (3 papers) Transportation systems analysis (5 papers) ix x TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Among these papers, 14 were eventually selected to be included in this volume.


Book Description

The preservation of biodiversity is an essential part of the global concept for sustainable development. Ecologically and socially acceptable management of biodiversity is a prerequisite for the preservation of the wealth and productivity of natural ecological systems, and maintainance of the cultural differences in the relationship between man and nature. The Agenda 21 adopted at the Rio Summit in 1992 calls for concerted action by governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and the scientific community for the preservation of biodiversity.

Financial Engineering, E-commerce and Supply Chain

Book Description

One of the fast growing elements of the Internet is electronic commerce, which refers to the use of electronic means to conduct business transactions within or across business entities. Nearly 80 percent of all Fortune 500 companies have been doing their core business through the Internet. Many issues, and societal implications of electronic commerce, are the subjects of recent research. A supply chain consists of all the entities and activities that enable the production, distribution, and delivery of products and services to consumers. Research in designing and managing supply chains has rapidly expanded during the last decade. In addition, increased and accessible computing power and modeling capabilities have spurred this growth, enabling researchers to simultaneously consider the many interrelated variables and decisions of a supply chain in a single tractable model.

Intelligent Control Systems

Book Description

Intelligent control is a rapidly developing, complex and challenging field with great practical importance and potential. Because of the rapidly developing and interdisciplinary nature of the subject, there are only a few edited volumes consisting of research papers on intelligent control systems but little is known and published about the fundamentals and the general know-how in designing, implementing and operating intelligent control systems. Intelligent control system emerged from artificial intelligence and computer controlled systems as an interdisciplinary field. Therefore the book summarizes the fundamentals of knowledge representation, reasoning, expert systems and real-time control systems and then discusses the design, implementation verification and operation of real-time expert systems using G2 as an example. Special tools and techniques applied in intelligent control are also described including qualitative modelling, Petri nets and fuzzy controllers. The material is illlustrated with simple examples taken from the field of intelligent process control.

Stable Parametric Programming

Book Description

Optimality and stability are two important notions in applied mathematics. This book is a study of these notions and their relationship in linear and convex parametric programming models. It begins with a survey of basic optimality conditions in nonlinear programming. Then new results in convex programming, using LFS functions, for single-objective, multi-objective, differentiable and non-smooth programs are introduced. Parametric programming models are studied using basic tools of point-to-set topology. Stability of the models is introduced, essentially, as continuity of the feasible set of decision variables under continuous perturbations of the parameters. Perturbations that preserve this continuity are regions of stability. It is shown how these regions can be identified. The main results on stability are characterizations of locally and globally optimal parameters for stable and also for unstable perturbations. The results are straightened for linear models and bi-level programs. Some of the results are extended to abstract spaces after considering parameters as `controls'. Illustrations from diverse fields, such as data envelopment analysis, management, von Stackelberg games of market economy, and navigation problems are given and several case studies are solved by finding optimal parameters. The book has been written in an analytic spirit. Many results appear here for the first time in book form. Audience: The book is written at the level of a first-year graduate course in optimization for students with varied backgrounds interested in modeling of real-life problems. It is expected that the reader has been exposed to a prior elementary course in optimization, such as linear or non-linear programming. The last section of the book requires some knowledge of functional analysis.

Non-Connected Convexities and Applications

Book Description

Lectori salutem! The kind reader opens the book that its authors would have liked to read it themselves, but it was not written yet. Then, their only choice was to write this book, to fill a gap in the mathematicalliterature. The idea of convexity has appeared in the human mind since the antiquity and its fertility has led to a huge diversity of notions and of applications. A student intending a thoroughgoing study of convexity has the sensation of swimming into an ocean. It is due to two reasons: the first one is the great number of properties and applications of the classical convexity and second one is the great number of generalisations for various purposes. As a consequence, a tendency of writing huge books guiding the reader in convexity appeared during the last twenty years (for example, the books of P. M. Gruber and J. M. Willis (1993) and R. J. Webster (1994)). Another last years' tendency is to order, from some point of view, as many convexity notions as possible (for example, the book of I. Singer (1997)). These approaches to the domain of convexity follow the previous point of view of axiomatizing it (A. Ghika (1955), W. Prenowitz (1961), D. Voiculescu (1967), V. W. Bryant and R. J. Webster (1969)). Following this last tendency, our book proposes to the reader two classifications of convexity properties for sets, both of them starting from the internal mechanism of defining them.

Estimating Output-Specific Efficiencies

Book Description

The present book is the offspring of my Habilitation, which is the key to academic tenure in Austria. Legal requirements demand that a Ha bilitation be published and so only seeing it in print marks the real end of this biographical landmark project. From a scientific perspective I may hope to finally reach a broader audience with this book for a criti cal appraisal of the research done. Aside from objectives the book is a reflection of many years of research preceding Habilitation proper in the field of efficiency measurement. Regarding the subject matter the main intention was to fill an important remaining gap in the efficiency analysis literature. Hitherto no technique was available to estimate output-specific efficiencies in a statistically convincing way. This book closes this gap, although some desirable improvements and generalizations of the proposed estimation technique may yet be required, before it will eventually establish as standard tool for efficiency analysis. The likely audience for this book includes professional researchers, who want to enrich their tool set for applied efficiency analysis, as well as students of economics, management science or operations research, in tending to learn more about the potentials of rigorously understood efficiency analysis. But also managers or public officials potentially or dering efficiency studies should benefit from the book by learning about the extended capabilities of efficiency analysis. Just reading the intro duction may change their perception of value for money when it comes to comparative performance measurement.