Advanced Multiphasing Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converters

Book Description

This book gives a detailed analysis of switched-capacitor DC-DC converters that are entirely integrated on a single chip and establishes that these converters are mainly limited by the large parasitic coupling, the low capacitor energy density, and the fact that switched-capacitor converter topologies only have a fixed voltage conversion ratio. The authors introduce the concept of Advanced Multiphasing as a way to circumvent these limitations by having multiple out-of-phase parallel converter cores interact with each other to minimize capacitor charging losses, leading to several techniques that demonstrate record efficiency and power-density, and even a fundamentally new type of switched-capacitor topology that has a continuously-scalable conversion ratio. Provides single-source reference to the recently-developed Advanced Multiphasing concept; Enables greatly improved performance and capabilities in fully integrated switched-capacitor converters; Enables readers to design DC-DC converters, where multiple converter cores are put in parallel and actively interact with each other over several phases to improve their capabilities.

Reconfigurable Switched-Capacitor Power Converters

Book Description

This book provides readers specializing in ultra-low power supply design for self-powered applications an invaluable reference on reconfigurable switched capacitor power converters. Readers will benefit from a comprehensive introduction to the design of robust power supplies for energy harvesting and self-power applications, focusing on the use of reconfigurable switched capacitor based DC-DC converters, which is ideal for such applications. Coverage includes all aspects of switched capacitor power supply designs, from fundamentals, to reconfigurable power stages, and sophisticated controller designs.

Integrated High-Vin Multi-MHz Converters

Book Description

This book provides readers with guidelines for designing integrated multi-MHz-switching converters for input voltages/system supplies up to 50V or higher. Coverage includes converter theory, converter architectures, circuit design, efficiency, sizing of passives, technology aspects, etc. The author discusses new circuit designs, new architectures and new switching concepts, including dead-time control and soft-switching techniques that overcome current limitations of these converters. The discussion includes technology related issues and helps readers to choose the right technology for fast-switching converters. This book discusses benefits and drawbacks in terms of integration, size and cost, efficiency and complexity, and enables readers to make trade-offs in design, given different converter parameters. Describes a study for increasing switching frequencies up to 30 MHz at input voltages up to 50V or higher in the scaling of the size of switching converter passives; Analyzes various buck converter implementations and shows that a preference due to higher efficiency depends on the operating point, on the available switch technologies, and on the implementation of the high-side supply generation; Describes an efficiency model based on a four-phase model, which enables separation of loss causes and loss locations.

Integrated Hybrid Resonant DCDC Converters

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive, single-source on resonant switched-capacitor converters. It is written in the style of a handbook, with systematic guidelines, and includes implementation examples. The authors explore integrated hybrid resonant DCDC converters in order to achieve highly compact, energy efficient and cost-effective power management solutions in the growing fields of wearables and internet-of-things applications. They provide an introduction into hybrid converters as a new and promising converter class, which merges capacitive and inductive conversion concepts into one. Coverage ranges from fundamentals to implementation details, including topics such as power stage design, gate drive schemes, different control mechanisms for resonant operation and integrated passives. Introduces a new, multi-ratio resonant converter architecture, which enables lower switching frequencies and better passive component utilization; Discusses circuit block design for high efficiency of the power stage; Explores implementation details and concepts for integrated passives; Derives models, implements and compares to each other different control mechanisms.

Switched-capacitor DC-DC Converters for Near-threshold Design

Book Description

With the increasing power and thermal limits in the computing industry, energy-efficient computing has become an urging necessity. Therefore, a surge of interest has been recently given to the concept of Near-Threshold Computing (NTC) as a potential candidate to realize energy-efficiency in computations. By operating at supply voltages near the transistor’s threshold voltage, NTC promises significant energy savings with moderate performance loss, which can be compensated for through parallelism. However, NTC faces a few challenges that hinder its wide adoption. On top of these challenges are the harsh specifications required for the power management and delivery units. Specifically, a power converter in an NTC system is required to achieve high efficiency at high current densities and low output voltages while seamlessly integrated on-chip, which are all contradicting specifications. To tackle the problem of energy-efficient computing, this research work addresses the challenges of NTC, with focus on power delivery. To do so, first, the target application of NTC is investigated to acquire the basic understanding of its challenges, opening doors for innovations and solutions for these challenges. Based on this understanding, which reveals the importance of power delivery for NTC and defines the requirements on power converters, most of the work in this thesis will focus on Switched-Capacitor (SC) power converters, which are found to be the most suitable type of converters for NTC. Therefore, a detailed study and literature review of SC converters is carried out. This study provides an in-depth understanding of SC converters operation, mechanisms, and challenges. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the most advantageous characteristic of SC converters is their compatibility with CMOS integration, while the most challenging aspect is their limited current density. Consequently, this thesis sets forth to address this challenge and proposes two solutions to boost the current density of SC converters, and thus, offering feasible power converter architectures for NTC. The first solution proposed in this thesis focuses on the control loop of SC converters. Unlike regular control loops, which often utilize frequency, capacitance, or conductance modulation, the proposed technique combines all three control knobs. The combination of these parameters allows for ripple reduction without sacrificing current density, and thus, effectively increases the converter’s density. Furthermore, this combination of parameters maintains the efficiency near its peak across a wide range of load currents, which is another relevant feature for NTC. The second solution introduces the concept of resonant gate drivers to SC converters, increasing the converter efficiency with no impact on current density. This solution is implemented in 45 nm SOI technology and fabricated for validation. The measurement results demonstrate a 70% efficiency at 1 A/mm2 current density and 0.4 V output voltage, which is a new efficiency/current-density record in the near-threshold range. In summary, as a potential solution to the problem of energy-efficiency in computations, NTC and its challenges are investigated. To address its most critical challenge of power delivery, SC converters are studied and circuit techniques are proposed to boost their current density and offer a feasible power delivery for NTC applications.

Design of Area- and Power-efficient Dual-output Switched-capacitor DC-DC Converters

Book Description

Power management integrated circuits have found wide applications in all battery-powered electronic systems like smartphones, wireless sensors, etc., to convert a time-varying unregulated battery voltage to constant regulated DC output voltages for different internal functional blocks of the system. With the increase in the complexity of today’s electronic systems, a multiple-output power management system is desired to optimize the power consumption of each loading block such that the power dissipation of the whole system can be minimized to extend the battery run-time. Driven by the demands for high power efficiency and high area efficiency in generating multiple outputs for energy-harvesting and portable applications, the multiple-output switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter is becoming a popular candidate as it does not require any costly and bulky inductor for energy storage, thereby minimizing the overall converter volume and EMI noise. Moreover, flying capacitors as energy-storage components and power transistors as energy-transfer paths in the multiple-output SC DC-DC converters can be shared by different outputs such that the number of required flying capacitors and power transistors can be minimized to optimize both area efficiency and energy density. In the first part of this research, a reconfigurable step-up dual-output SC DC-DC regulator is introduced, analyzed and verified for low power energy-harvesting applications. A sub-harmonic adaptive-on-time (SHAOT) control scheme is proposed to improve the light-load power efficiency under different load currents, maintain low output ripples under different input voltages, provide predictable output noise spectrum, and minimize output cross regulation between both outputs in the SC DC-DC regulator. In the second part of this research, a battery-connected reconfigurable step-down dual-output SC DC-DC regulator is developed to deliver a maximum load of 1.2A for portable applications. With flying-capacitor sharing and an all-nMOS power stage, the proposed dual-output SC power stage is efficient in both chip and board areas. A switch-resistance-modulation (SRM) control scheme is also proposed to provide small output voltage ripples with a small load capacitance under 100s-of-mA load and to minimize output cross regulation between two outputs under large load-step variations.