Materials for Tomorrow's Infrastructure

Book Description

This executive report presents a high-level, policy-oriented summary of the High-Performance CONstruction MATerials (CONMAT) implementation plan.

High-performance Construction Materials: Science And Applications

Book Description

This book describes a number of high-performance construction materials, including concrete, steel, fiber-reinforced cement, fiber-reinforced plastics, polymeric materials, geosynthetics, masonry materials and coatings. It discusses the scientific bases for the manufacture and use of these high-performance materials. Testing and application examples are also included, in particular the application of relatively new high-performance construction materials to design practice.Most books dealing with construction materials typically address traditional materials only rather than high-performance materials and, as a consequence, do not satisfy the increasing demands of today's society. On the other hand, books dealing with materials science are not engineering-oriented, with limited coverage of the application to engineering practice. This book is thus unique in reflecting the great advances made on high-performance construction materials in recent years.This book is appropriate for use as a textbook for courses in engineering materials, structural materials and civil engineering materials at the senior undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also suitable for use by practice engineers, including construction, materials, mechanical and civil engineers.

Construction Industry Research Prospectuses for the 21st Century

Book Description

Presented at Engineering and Construction for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, held in Washington, D.C., February 4-8, 1996. Sponsored by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. This report presents 38 prospectuses developed by industry experts from more than 25 countries as part of an international collaborative agenda for the construction industry to advance innovation in support of sustainable development. The prospectuses, or proposed collaborative projects, identify challenges facing the engineering and construction industry and the problems associated with implementing innovative technologies. The prospectuses also recommend solutions to these challenges; detail the benefits of these solutions; identify proposed collaborative partners; and estimate the cost and schedule associated with implementing these projects.

Action Plan

Book Description

Prepared by the Partnership for Building Innovation of CERF. Sponsored by CERF; National Institute of Standards and Technology; U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; U.S. Department of Energy; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This report presents the results of a planning effort to enhance the entry of building innovation into the marketplace and outlines an action plan for an enhanced national evaluation process. This enhanced evaluation process to identify new building technology should have these characteristics: uses the best expertise targeted to the specific technology being evaluated; evaluates technology to other than code requirements; is recognized by the international community; uses advanced information technology; is utilized by public and private building owners; and can evaluate all types of technologies and systems.

Evaluation Findings for Scougal Rubber Corporation High Damping Rubber Bearings

Book Description

Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC), a CERF Service Center. This report summarizes the results of a detailedØevaluation of high-damping rubber bearings,Ømanufactured by Scougal Rubber Corporation. The report is part of a program to test the performance of 11 seismic isolators and dampers produced by several manufacturers. The devicesØwere tested for stability, response during earthquake simulations, and fatigue and weathering effects.

Evaluation of the CON/SPAN Wingwall System

Book Description

This report describes a HITEC evaluation designed to determine the basic capabilities and limitations of CON/SPAN Wingwalls for use as a precast retaining wall system. The evaluation was conducted based on design, construction, performances, and quality assurance information outlined in the HITEC Protocol.

Summary of Evaluation Findings for the Testing of Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipating Devices

Book Description

Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC), a CERF Service Center. his report summarizes the results of an evaluation that was designed to test the performance of 11 seismic isolators and dampers. The devices were tested for stability, response during earthquake simulations, and fatigue and weathering effects.

International Sourcebook for Construction Industry Product Assessment

Book Description

Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation This report presents a summary of some of the key characteristics of 27 leading construction industry technical approval/evaluation organizations in the world. The report is based on a survey of 37 different approval/evaluation organizations. A summary analysis for each organization includes tabular presentations showing key organization characteristics and two-page profiles. The discussion includes types of product or services, types of evaluation, reporting mechanisms, international relationships, responsibility/liability issues, and evaluation processes.

Environmental Technology Verification Report for the Plasma Enhanced Melter

Book Description

Prepared by the Environmental Technology Evaluation Center (EvTEC), a service center of CERF/IIEC. This Technology Verification report describes the nature and scope of the environmental evaluation of the performance of the Plasma Enhanced Melter? (PEM?) system for waste treatment. The evaluation was conducted through a cooperative program established in 1998 between the Washington State Department of Ecology, Integrated Environmental Technology Inc., Allied Technology Group, and the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. The goal of this report is to provide potential users and purchasers of the PEM? system with information they need to make more informed decisions regarding the performance of PEM? as an equivalent or alternative to incineration for treating hazardous waste.