High Temperatures - High Pressures

Book Description

An international refereed journal devoted to the experimental and theoretical study of the thermophysical properties of matter.

Equations of State for Solids at High Pressures and Temperatures

Book Description

We started our work on theoretical methods in the phys ics of high pressures (in connec tion with geophysical applications) in 1956, and we immediately encountered many problems. Naturally, we searched the published Iiterature for solutions to these problems but whenever we failed to find a solution or when the solution did not satisfy us, we attempted to solve the problern ourselves. We realized that other investigators working in the physics of high pres sures would probably encounter the same problems and doubts. Therefore, we decided to write this book in order to save our colleagues time and effort. Apart from the descriptions of ex perimental methods, the book deals only with those problems which we encountered in our own work. Allproblems in high-pressure physics have, at present, only approximate solutions, which are very rough. Therefore, it is not surprising that different investigators approach the same problems in different ways. Our approach does not prejudge the issue and we are fully aware that there are other points of view. Our aim was always to solve a glven problern on a physical basis. For example, the concept of the Grüneisenparameter needs further develop ment but it is based on reliable physical ideas. On the other hand, Simon's equation for the melting curve has, in our opinion, no clear physical basis and is purely empirical. Equations of this type are useful in systematic presentation of the experimental material but they are un suitable for any major extrapolation.

Carbon at High Temperatures

Book Description

This book deals with the properties and behavior of carbon at high temperatures. It presents new methods and new ways to obtain the liquid phase of carbon. Melting of graphite and the properties of liquid carbon are presented under stationary heat and pulse methods. Metal like properties of molten graphite at high initial density are indicated. A new possible transition of liquid carbon from metal to nonmetal behavior much above the melting point is mentioned. Methodical questions of pulse heating, in particular the role of pinch-pressure in receiving a liquid state of carbon, are discussed. The reader finds evidence about the necessity of applying high pressure (higher than 100 bar) to melt graphite (melting temperature 4800±100 K). The reader can verify the advantage of volume pulse electrical heating before surface laser heating to study the physical properties of carbon, including enthalpy, heat capacity, electrical resistivity and temperature. The advantages of fast heating of graphite by pulsed electric current during a few microseconds are shown. The data obtained for the heat capacity of liquid carbon under constant pressure and constant volume were used to estimate the behavior at temperatures much higher 5000 K.

High-Temperature and High Pressure Crystal Chemistry

Book Description

Volume 41 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry introduces to the field of high-temperature and high-pressure crystal chemistry, both as a guide to the dramatically improved techniques and as a summary of the voluminous crystal chemical literature on minerals at high temperature and pressure. The three parts of the book introduces crystal chemical considerations of special relevance to non-ambient crystallographic studies, reviews the temperature- and pressure-variation of structures in major mineral groups and presents experimental techniques for high-temperature and high-pressure studies of single crystals and polycrystalline samples as well as special considerations relating to diffractometry on samples at non-ambient conditions.

The Physics and Physical Chemistry of Water

Book Description

to arrive at some temporary consensus model or models; and to present reliable physical data pertaining to water under a range of conditions, i.e., "Dorsey revisited," albeit on a less ambitious scale. I should like to acknowledge a debt of gratitude to several of my col leagues, to Prof. D. J. G. Ives and Prof. Robert L. Kay for valuable guidance and active encouragement, to the contributors to this volume for their willing cooperation, and to my wife and daughters for the understanding shown to a husband and father who hid in his study for many an evening. My very special thanks go to Mrs. Joyce Johnson, who did all the cor respondence and much of the arduous editorial work with her usual cheerful efficiency. F. FRANKS Biophysics Division Unilever Research Laboratory ColworthjWelwyn Colworth House, Sharnbrook, Bedford March 1972 Contents Chapter 1 Introduction-Water, the Unique Chemical F. Franks I. lntroduction ........................................ . 2. The Occurrence and Distribution of Water on the Earth 2 3. Water and Life ...................................... 4 4. The Scientific Study of Water-A Short History ........ 8 5. The Place of Water among Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . Chapter 2 The Water Moleeule C. W. Kern and M. Karplus 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . . 2. Principles of Structure and Spectra: The Born-Oppenheimer Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. The Electronic Motion ............................... 26 3.1. The Ground Electronic State of Water ............ 31 3.2. The Excited Electronic States of Water ........... 50 4. The Nuclear Motion ................................. 52 5. External-Field Effects ................................. 70 5.1. Perturbed Hartree-Fock Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 . . .

Research Techniques for High Pressure and High Temperature

Book Description

Within the last two decades, the experimental technology for the study of high temperature solid-vapor and liquid-vapor equilibria has mushroomed so fast that· both academic and industrial research ers desirous of working in this field -- be they physical chemists, metallurgists, ceramists, petrologists, crystal chemists, or mem bers of any of the several branches of materials science -- find themselves in the situation that in order to learn the art of the latest techniques, a period of apprenticeship or residency needs be spent at an institution or laboratory currently engaged in this type of solid-vapor or liquid-vapor research. The tech niques for control of the vapor phase at total pressures of one atmosphere or greater have not been well defined in the literature. Therefore, the purpose of this volume will be to serve as a labora tory manual for the control, calibration, and measurement of high temperature-high pressure equilibria. The avowed aims of this treatment of experimental techniques are: (1) to give, in terms understandable at the graduate student level, the laboratory procedures necessary to the design and utilization of good experimental technique, (2) to list the limitations, dangers, and technical pitfalls inherent or intrinsic to the described techniques, (3) to give theory and specific data only where they are essential to the experimental design, (4) to give with each chapter references that are extensive enough to serve as a bibliography of the state-of-the-art of technique development within the last decade.

Aqueous Systems at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures

Book Description

The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) has produced this book in order to provide an accessible, up-to-date overview of important aspects of the physical chemistry of aqueous systems at high temperatures and pressures. These systems are central to many areas of scientific study and industrial application, including electric power generation, industrial steam systems, hydrothermal processing of materials, geochemistry, and environmental applications. The authors’ goal is to present the material at a level that serves both the graduate student seeking to learn the state of the art, and also the industrial engineer or chemist seeking to develop additional expertise or to find the data needed to solve a specific problem. The wide range of people for whom this topic is important provides a challenge. Advanced work in this area is distributed among physical chemists, chemical engineers, geochemists, and other specialists, who may not be aware of parallel work by those outside their own specialty. The particular aspects of high-temperature aqueous physical chemistry of interest to one industry may be irrelevant to another; yet another industry might need the same basic information but in a very different form. To serve all these constituencies, the book includes several chapters that cover the foundational thermophysical properties (such as gas solubility, phase behavior, thermodynamic properties of solutes, and transport properties) that are of interest across numerous applications. The presentation of these topics is intended to be accessible to readers from a variety of backgrounds. Other chapters address fundamental areas of more specialized interest, such as critical phenomena and molecular-level solution structure. Several chapters are more application-oriented, addressing areas such as power-cycle chemistry and hydrothermal synthesis. As befits the variety of interests addressed, some chapters provide more theoretical guidance while others, such as those on acid/base equilibria and the solubilities of metal oxides and hydroxides, emphasize experimental techniques and data analysis. - Covers both the theory and applications of all Hydrothermal solutions - Provides an accessible, up-to-date overview of important aspects of the physical chemistry of aqueous systems at high temperatures and pressures - The presentation of the book is understandable to readers from a variety of backgrounds