Higher Education's Looming Collapse

Book Description

Higher education must implement new ways of achieving social justice and performing the business of education to survive the impending shakeout stemming from increasing competition for enrollment, operating costs, and price sensitivity plus decreasing state aid, net tuition, endowment income, and college-bound high school graduates. Universities that survive the shakeout will achieve financial sustainability, educational excellence, and social justice while providing equal educational opportunity and resource equity by implementing the book’s best practices, strategies, and holistic budgeting model.

Intro to Failure

Book Description

The American higher education system is broken. Colleges and universities are shifting far from their roots as centers for academic scholarship into pools of adult infants who barely mature and are provoked by the slightest non-conforming opinions. Their inefficiency is setting students up to fail, wasting students' time and providing little in return. These institutions are now the hub for propagating modern indentured servitude by bestowing the youth thousands of dollars in unscrupulous student loan debt. Instead of an atmosphere of intellectual curiosity, the campus culture is saturated with promiscuity, binge drinking, and partying. Increasingly common, college students experience depression, anxiety, and physical abasement as a result of this environment. A majority of incoming freshmen are now going to college to prolong adolescence rather than to progress upright into adulthood. American higher education is a crumbling spectacle where the level of education, the value of the degree, and the overall prestige are quickly deteriorating. Arguably, the university system is now doing more harm than good. Those who enter the supposed golden gates of higher education are not getting the positive return on investment of past generations. Why has the higher education system changed so little in such a time of major transformation in the access to information through the internet? How can it cost so much more and take just as long to complete a standard bachelor's degree? What are the main failures plaguing colleges and universities? And, what is the future for coming generations for those aspiring to gain an education? This book sets out to find answers to the aforementioned questions. William Pacwa graduated from a four-year university in only two years at the age of 19 during the spring of 2020. Throughout this time in university, he witnessed structural flaws in the American higher education system. The goal of his book is to clearly articulate those problems and give concise solutions to rectify the inadequacies for the betterment of future generations. And, for those who still want or are required to attend university, he uncovers the factors that allow students to complete their degree with speed and efficiency, saving incoming students time and money.

Lowering Higher Education

Book Description

What happens to the liberal arts and science education when universities attempt to sell it as a form of job training? In Lowering Higher Education, a follow-up to their provocative 2007 book Ivory Tower Blues, James E. Côté and Anton L. Allahar explore the subverted 'idea of the university' and the forces that have set adrift the mission of these institutions. Côté and Allahar connect the corporatization of universities to a range of contentious issues within higher education, from lowered standards and inflated grades to the overall decline of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences instruction. Lowering Higher Education points to a fundamental disconnect between policymakers, who may rarely set foot in contemporary classrooms, and the teachers who must implement their educational policies—which the authors argue are poorly informed—on a daily basis. Côté and Allahar expose stakeholder misconceptions surrounding the current culture of academic disengagement and supposed power of new technologies to motivate students. While outlining what makes the status quo dysfunctional, Lowering Higher Education also offers recommendations that have the potential to reinvigorate liberal education.

The New Balancing Act in the Business of Higher Education

Book Description

. . . the stature of the authors, who include prominent university presidents and chancellors as well as leading researchers on the business of higher education, makes this a worthwhile read. Not to be missed are the chapters on how three Virginia universities are redefining what it means to be a public university, and an interesting and provocative look at the looming financial crisis in higher education and how it can best be addressed. Highly recommended. F. Galloway, Choice The New Balancing Act in the Business of Higher Education is a must read for higher education leaders. It captures the major challenges of balancing enhancement of revenues to sustain mission and core values with containing costs to keep tuition for students affordable. At the same time, given the changing nature of the faculty, colleges and universities must respond by developing more flexibility within faculty careers. And presidents must lead their institutions through transformative changes that require trust and credibility among the stakeholders. Now is the time for strong, collaborative and decisive leadership. Claire Van Ummersen, Vice President and Director, American Council on Education, US This volume is an important read for those responsible for working through an environment in which change is the one true constant. Richard D. Legon, President, State Higher Education Executive Officers, US The New Balancing Act in the Business of Higher Education clearly indicates the world s finest system of higher education (as we have so long claimed) is undergoing an identity crisis. Stan Ikenberry begins by pointing with alarm to an eroding social compact , the once well-understood reciprocal responsibilities between higher education and society. Then other leaders, in a series of thoughtful essays, outline the dimensions of our situation. They warn of the risks of pursuing new revenues without a firm grasp on core values, and explore the challenges of rebuilding trust, the centrality (and growing marginalization) of faculty academic leadership, the pernicious effects of inertia, the urgency of innovation and change, and the evidence of successful leadership and adaptation. Global forces have made success in higher education indispensable to almost all of the American people. Without compromising on quality, the nation needs substantially more widespread educational attainment. We are in a crisis; business as usual is entirely unacceptable. The New Balancing Act in the Business of Higher Education is a step beyond denial, toward essential change. Paul E. Lingenfelter, State Higher Education Executive Officers, US The nation s leadership in higher education is on the line, and colleges and universities need tools and insights to remain competitive. The New Balancing Act in the Business of Higher Education should be part of their toolkit. Travis Reindl, Director of State Policy Analysis and Assistant to the President, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, US In The New Balancing Act in the Business of Higher Education, senior insiders and noted scholars assess the economic conditions facing America s universities and colleges in the 21st century. The picture they paint is not bright. In forthright and unflinching but far from despondent language, the authors consider many important issues that must be addressed even as they are often (wishfully) overlooked: stagnating college enrollment rates; the need for cost containment and systemic reorganization; institutional inertia; contingent and contract faculty; and the decline in state funding. This volume is full of useful insights and clear interpretations to aid policymakers and scholars in shaping a more optimistic future for higher education in the US. Clive R. Belfield, Queens College, City University of New York, US This volume, part of the TIAA-CREF Institute Series on Higher Education, is based on a national conference, The New Balancing Act in the Business of Hig

American Higher Education in Crisis?

Book Description

Disinvestment by states has driven up tuition prices, and student debt has reached an all-time high. Americans are questioning the worth of a college education, even as studies show how important it is to economic and social mobility

The Great Mistake

Book Description

A powerful, hopeful critique of the unnecessary death spiral of higher education, The Great Mistake is essential reading for those who wonder why students have been paying more to get less and for everyone who cares about the role the higher education system plays in improving the lives of average Americans.

Decline and Revival in Higher Education

Book Description

This is an analysis of higher education in the past half century, a period of dramatic change and democratization. But it is more than that. The author has been a participant in the struggle to stem the decline in higher education, as it moved from an emphasis on classical liberal values toward relativism and ideological extremism. This volume reflects an awareness of what has been lost, but sees hope for a revival of traditional values as technological change and awareness of failure forces institutions to examine their premise. Herbert I. London has provided here fuel for fundamental redirection in American college and university affairs. Decline and Revival in Higher Education is uncompromising in its concerns, but points the way toward a future linked to the best of the past. The work follows the personal evolution of the author, while at the same time, describes the devolution of university standards in such institutions as Columbia, Duke, the University of California at Berkeley, and New York University. While seeing optimistic trends in oases of traditional programming that can serve as a counterweight to campus orthodoxies, London argues that the dramatic transformation of the academy cannot be denied. The social sciences and humanities in particular have become isolated from mainstream requirements in the nation. London deals with concrete concerns, such as the collapse of classic book programs in the contemporary curriculum, the decline and even vigilante raids on opposition in campus publications, the collapse of moral judgment in favor of pure relativism, the transformation of many museums into a storage houses of debris, and the confusion of coarse language with democratization. These developments lead the author to write this book, for if the culture wars are over, the American people may be the losers.

Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education

Book Description

"The economics of American higher education are driven by one key factor--the availability of students willing to pay tuition--and many related factors that determine what schools they attend. By digging into the data, economist Nathan Grawe has created probability models for predicting college attendance. What he sees are alarming events on the horizon that every college and university needs to understand. Overall, he spots demographic patterns that are tilting the US population toward the Hispanic southwest. Moreover, since 2007, fertility rates have fallen by 12 percent. Higher education analysts recognize the destabilizing potential of these trends. However, existing work fails to adjust headcounts for college attendance probabilities and makes no systematic attempt to distinguish demand by institution type. This book analyzes demand forecasts by institution type and rank, disaggregating by demographic groups. Its findings often contradict the dominant narrative: while many schools face painful contractions, demand for elite schools is expected to grow by 15+ percent. Geographic and racial profiles will shift only slightly--and attendance by Asians, not Hispanics, will grow most. Grawe also use the model to consider possible changes in institutional recruitment strategies and government policies. These "what if" analyses show that even aggressive innovation is unlikely to overcome trends toward larger gaps across racial, family income, and parent education groups. Aimed at administrators and trustees with responsibility for decisions ranging from admissions to student support to tenure practices to facilities construction, this book offers data to inform decision-making--decisions that will determine institutional success in meeting demographic challenges"--

The Inevitable Collapse of the College School System

Book Description

This collapse will slap you in the face if you're not ready for it. Your job, your future, and your education are dangling by a thread. Any uninformed decision you make now will haunt you for the rest of your life. Why is nobody talking about this and how it affects you? Don't be ignorant, don't gamble your future on a riged game, get the book, get informed, save your future.

Fail U.

Book Description

The cost of a college degree has increased by 1,125% since 1978—four times the rate of inflation. Total student debt has surpassed $1.3 trillion. Nearly two thirds of all college students must borrow to study, and the average student graduates with more than $30,000 in debt. Many college graduates under twenty-five years old are unemployed or underemployed. And professors—remember them?—rarely teach undergraduates at many major universities, instead handing off their lecture halls to cheaper teaching assistants. So, is it worth it? That’s the question Charles J. Sykes attempts to answer in Fail U., exploring the staggering costs of a college education, the sharp decline in tenured faculty and teaching loads, the explosion of administrative jobs, the grandiose building plans, and the utter lack of preparedness for the real world that many now graduates face. Fail U. offers a different vision of higher education; one that is affordable, more productive, and better-suited to meet the needs of a diverse range of students—and one that will actually be useful in their future careers and lives.