Highly Conducting One-Dimensional Solids

Book Description

Although the problem of a metal in one dimension has long been known to solid-state physicists, it was not until the synthesis of real one-dimensional or quasi-one-dimensional systems that this subject began to attract considerable attention. This has been due in part to the search for high temperature superconductivity and the possibility of reaching this goal with quasi-one-dimensional substances. A period of intense activity began in 1973 with the report of a measurement of an apparently divergent conduc tivity peak in TfF-TCNQ. Since then a great deal has been learned about quasi-one-dimensional conductors. The emphasis now has shifted from trying to find materials of very high conductivity to the many interesting problems of physics and chemistry involved. But many questions remain open and are still under active investigation. This book gives a review of the experimental as well as theoretical progress made in this field over the last years. All the chapters have been written by scientists who have established themselves as experts in theoreti cal and experimental solid-state physics. The book is intended to be of use both to students and researchers entering the field as well as to more advanced physicists. The wealth of ideas and information it contains ought to be useful to anyone interested in quasi-one-dimensional systems, organic solids, or the search for novel conduction and superconduction mechanisms. The editors are very grateful to the authors for their collaboration in this book.

Polymers, Liquid Crystals, and Low-Dimensional Solids

Book Description

This book deals with three related areas having both fundamental and technological interest. In the first part, the objective is to provide a bird's eye view on structure in polymeric solids. This is then complemented by a chapter, directly technological in its emphasis, dealing with the influence of processing on polymeric materials. In spite of the technological interest, this leads to some of the current fundamental theory. Part II, concerned with liquid crystals, starts with a discussion of the physics of the various types of material, and concludes with a treatment of optical applications. Again, aspects of the theory are stressed though this part is basically phenomenological in character. In Part III, an account is given first of the use of chemical-bonding arguments in understanding the electronic structure of low-dimensional solids, followed by a comprehensive treatment of the influence of dimen sionality on phase transitions. A brief summary of dielectric screening in low-dimensional solids follows. Space-charge layers are then treated, including semiconductor inversion layers. Effects of limited dimensionality on superconductivity are also emphasized. Part IV concludes the volume with two specialized topics: electronic structure of biopolymers, and topological defects and disordered systems. The Editors wish to acknowledge that this book had its origins in the material presented at a course organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste.

The Physics and Chemistry of Low Dimensional Solids

Book Description

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Tomar, Portugal, August 26-September 7, 1979

Low-Dimensional Electronic Properties of Molybdenum Bronzes and Oxides

Book Description

The history of low dimensional conductors goes back to the prediction, more than forty years ago, by Peierls, of the instability of a one dimensional metallic chain, leading to what is known now as the charge density wave state. At the same time, Frohlich suggested that an "ideal" conductivity could be associated to the sliding of this charge density wave. Since then, several classes of compounds, including layered transition metal dichalcogenides, quasi one-dimensional organic conduc tors and transition metal tri- and tretrachalcogenides have been extensively studied. The molybdenum bronzes or oxides have been discovered or rediscovered as low dimensional conductors in this last decade. A considerable amount of work has now been performed on this subject and it was time to collect some review papers in a single book. Although this book is focused on the molybdenum bronzes and oxides, it has a far more general interest in the field of low dimensional conductors, since several of the molybdenum compounds provide, from our point of view, model systems. This is the case for the quasi one-dimensional blue bronze, especially due to the availability of good quality large single crystals. This book is intended for scientists belonging to the fields of solid state physics and chemistry as well as materials science. It should especially be useful to many graduate students involved in low dimensional oxides. It has been written by recognized specialists of low dimensional systems.

One-Dimensional Conductors

Book Description

This volume deals with physical properties of electrically one-dimensional conductors. It includes both a description of basic concepts and a review of recent progress in research. One-dimensional conductors are those materials in which an electric current flows easily in one specific crystal direction while the resistivity is very high in transverse directions. It was about 1973 when much attention began to be focussed on them and investigations started in earnest. The research was stimulated by the successful growth of crystals of the organic conductor TTF-TCNQ and of the inorganic conductor KCP. New concepts, characteristic of one dimension, were established in the in vestigations of their properties. Many new one-dimensional conductors were also found and synthesized. This field of research is attractive because of the discovery of new ma terials, phenomena and concepts which have only recently found a place in the framework of traditional solid-state physics and materials science. The relation of this topic to the wider field of solid-state sciences is therefore still uncertain. This situation is clearly reflected in the wide distribution of the fields of specialization of researchers. Due to this, and also to the rapid progress of research, no introductory book has been available which covers most of the important fields of research on one-dimensional conductors.

One-Dimensional Metals

Book Description

Low-dimensional solids are of fundamental interest in materials science due to their anisotropic properties. Written not only for experts in the field, this book explains the important concepts behind their physics and surveys the most interesting one-dimensional systems and discusses their present and emerging applications in molecular scale electronics. The second edition of this successful book has been completely revised to include the remarkable achievements of the last ten years of research and applications. Chemists, polymer and materials scientists as well as students will find this book a very readable introduction to the solid-state physics of electronic materials.

Density Waves In Solids

Book Description

?Density Waves in Solids is written for graduate students and scientists interested in solid-state sciences. It discusses the theoretical and experimental state of affairs of two novel types of broken symmetry ground states of metals, charge, and spin density waves. These states arise as the consequence of electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions in low-dimensional metals.Some fundamental aspects of the one-dimensional electron gas, and of the materials with anisotropic properties, are discussed first. This is followed by the mean field theory of the phases transitions?discussed using second quantized formalism?together with the various experimental observations on the transition and on the ground states. Fluctuation effects and the collective excitations are reviewed next, using the Ginzburg-Landau formalism, followed by the review of the interaction of these states with the underlying lattice and with impurities. The final chapters are devoted to the response of the ground states to external perturbations.

High Magnetic Fields

Book Description

This book is addressed to all scientists interested in the use of high magnetic ?elds and in the use of high-?eld facilities around the world. In particular it will help young scientists and newcomers to the topic to gain a better understanding in areas such as condensed matter physics, in which the magnetic ?eld plays a key role either as a parameter controlling the Hamiltonian, or as an experimental tool to probe the underlying mechanism. This concerns mostly strongly correlated and (or) low dimensional systems. Rather than covering all these subjects in detail, the philosophy here is to give essential physical concepts in some of the most active ?elds, which have been quickly growing in the last ten to twenty years. Besides its role as a physical parameter in condensed matter physics, a large magnetic ?eld is essential to Electron Paramagentic Resonance (EPR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopies. The state of art of high resolution NMRin liquids and solids and high frequency EPRapplied to ?elds like chemistry and biology are also reviewed in this volume. The ?rst series of chapters is devoted to the integer and the Fractional Qu- tum Hall E?ects (FQHE) in two-dimensional electron systems. C. Glattli brushes an historical background and a comprehensive review of transport phenomena in these systems, including recent developments on the mesoscopic electronic transport at the edges of quantum Hall samples, chiral Luttinger liquids and fractional excitations. R.

Semiconductors and Semimetals

Book Description

Semiconductors and Semimetals