Hijacking America's Mind On 9/11

Book Description

An international researcher of long date and an expert in international law and human rights, the author''s approach to the questions of 9/11 is essentially forensic. The book is narrative in style yet is highly factual and heavily annotated.

Pentagon 9/11

Book Description

The most comprehensive account to date of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon and aftermath, this volume includes unprecedented details on the impact on the Pentagon building and personnel and the scope of the rescue, recovery, and caregiving effort. It features 32 pages of photographs and more than a dozen diagrams and illustrations not previously available.

The Skies Belong to Us

Book Description

The true stroy of the longest-distance hijacking in American history. In an America torn apart by the Vietnam War and the demise of '60s idealism, airplane hijackings were astonishingly routine. Over a five-year period starting in 1968, the desperate and disillusioned seized commercial jets nearly once a week, using guns, bombs, and jars of acid. Some hijackers wished to escape to foreign lands; others aimed to swap hostages for sacks of cash. Their criminal exploits mesmerized the country, never more so than when shattered Army veteran Roger Holder and mischievous party girl Cathy Kerkow managred to comandeer Western Airlines Flight 701 and flee across an ocean with a half-million dollars in ransom—a heist that remains the longest-distance hijacking in American history. More than just an enthralling story about a spectacular crime and its bittersweet, decades-long aftermath, The Skies Belong to Us is also a psychological portrait of America at its most turbulent and a testament to the madness that can grip a nation when politics fail.

Hijacked by Your Brain

Book Description

What do you do when stress takes over your life, and nothing you do to feel better seems to work? When you... Melt down over the smallest things Get angry at the people you love Choke under pressure Feel tense and worried all the time Procrastinate or give up in the face of a crucial deadline Use food, alcohol, gambling, or other addictions to cope Dwell on the past when you just want to move on Hijacked by Your Brain is the first book to explain how stress changes your brain and what you can do about it. Stress is not the enemy. In order to reduce stress, you have to understand why your brain causes you to feel stress and how you can take advantage of it to handle the high-stress people and situations in your life. This groundbreaking book reveals the step missing in most stress reduction guides. We can't stop stress, but we can control the effect stress has on us. Hijacked by Your Brain is the user's manual for your brain that shows you how to free yourself when stress takes over.

Planes Without Passengers

Book Description

Were planes really hijacked on 9/11? What is the credible evidence that any planes were overtaken by anyone? Were there any planes with passengers associated with the attacks? The "evidence" given to the public of hijackings came through the phone calls made by "passengers" supposedly at elevations higher than a cell phone can be used. You will read further that many of the "conversations" have internal contradictions and contradict each other. Furthermore, no credible videotape of any of the so-called "hijackers" at any of the airports in question has ever surfaced. A tape released in 2004 that was purportedly of hijackers at Dulles Airport on 9/11 has been challenged widely for its lack of date and time of recording. Nor has any independent authority ever established the finding of the remains of any of the "passengers" at the crime scenes. And there is no record of any pilot taking a few seconds to punch in the emergency code that pilots are taught to use in hijackings! Instead, the plotters spread the phony story of nineteen hijackers to scare the public into believing that a group of Muslims, acting under orders from radicals who hate the United States, committed an unspeakable atrocity on our soil. The official story needed scapegoats and a motive for them to act against us. The use of hijacker names and pictures in the mainstream media shortly after the event also began to lock up a verdict of guilty against Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda and all other "terrorists" in the public mind without a trial by reasoned inquiry. But the clinching blow was the selling of the story of hijackings by people who do not look typical to the majority of those in the United States, terrified passengers calling loved ones on cell phones and their horrifying deaths in New York, the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. There has been recent corroboration of a key part of Planes without Passengers. Pilots for 9/11 Truth, an organization dedicated to uncovering what happened on 9/11, has confirmed that United 175 received a message at least twenty minutes after it allegedly crashed into the World Trade Center. This proves that the flight never smashed into the Center but instead flew for some time that day, a point advanced in this book! Read Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11 to find out why the official story is not at all true and how we can continue to find the truth of what took place that day.

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Book Description

9/11 Hijacking The World - an american plan.

First 109 Minutes: 9/11 And The U.S. Air Force.

Book Description

Tuesday, Sep. 11, 2001, dawned cool and clear, with sunny skies all along the eastern seaboard. For Air Force aviators like Lt. Col. Timothy "Duff" Duffy of the 102d Fighter Wing at Otis Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts, the day held the promise of perfect flying weather, at a time when the U.S. civil aviation system was enjoying a period of relative peace, despite concerns about a growing terrorist threat. More than ten years had passed since the last hijacking or bombing of a U.S. air carrier. That morning, however, the country came under a shocking, coordinated aerial assault by nineteen al Qaeda hijackers...The attack plan carried out by the suicide operatives had been years in the making. It was intended to cause mass, indiscriminate casualties and to destroy or damage the nation’s financial, military, and political centers, four high value U.S. targets selected by bin Laden, independent operator Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and al Qaeda operations chief Mohammed Atef... By the time 1 World Trade Center, North Tower, collapsed at 10:28 a.m. EDT, almost three thousand people had been killed or were dying; the financial center of the U.S. had been reduced to burning, toxic rubble; the iconic symbol of the military strength of the country had been severely damaged; the tranquility of a field in Pennsylvania had been shattered; U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard fighter aircraft had set up combat air patrols over Washington, D.C., and New York City; and the administration of President George W. Bush and the Department of Defense (DOD) had begun shifting major resources of the federal government and military services to a new national priority, homeland defense.

Miles To Go Before I Sleep

Book Description

Jackie Nink Pflug's gripping true story of her experience during the terrorist hijacking, and how she recuperated from this devastating trauma. " ... her memoir is an inspirational chronicle of personal tragedy surmounted by raw courage" - Publishers Weekly Jackie Nink Pflug's gripping true story of courage and inspiration, told from a survivor's perspective, with a new preface written by the author. Ms. Pflug, who was shot and thrown onto the tarmac during the hijacking of EgyptAir Flight 648, tells her story and the lessons learned as she recuperated from this devastating trauma.

America's Betrayal Confirmed

Book Description

The book exposes and confirms the betrayal of the American people by its leaders in relation to the attacks of 11 September 2001. It constitutes a thorough, compact and state-of-the-art reference guide to this crime against humanity, its political purpose, its cover-up and the failure of bringing its authors to justice. The approach is forensic and fact-oriented. The book is the result of over 18 years of research. It is modular in structure and backed-up by nearly 1,000 notes that refer solely to open official and mainstream sources. Readers are provided a one-click access to most sources. The book is designed to serve as a solid informational basis for committed citizens, teachers, journalists, lawyers, graduate students, academics and decision-makers.

The Mind of the Market

Book Description

Bestselling author and psychologist Shermer explains how evolution has shaped the modern economy--and why people are so irrational about money. Drawing on the new field of neuroeconomics, Shermer investigates what brain scans reveal about bargaining, snap purchases, and establishing trust in business.