Hilbert Modular Forms: mod $p$ and $p$-Adic Aspects

Book Description

We study Hilbert modular forms in characteristic $p$ and over $p$-adic rings. In the characteristic $p$ theory we describe the kernel and image of the $q$-expansion map and prove the existence of filtration for Hilbert modular forms; we define operators $U$, $V$ and $\Theta_\chi$ and study the variation of the filtration under these operators. Our methods are geometric - comparing holomorphic Hilbert modular forms with rational functions on a moduli scheme with level-$p$ structure, whose poles are supported on the non-ordinary locus.In the $p$-adic theory we study congruences between Hilbert modular forms. This applies to the study of congruences between special values of zeta functions of totally real fields. It also allows us to define $p$-adic Hilbert modular forms 'a la Serre' as $p$-adic uniform limit of classical modular forms, and compare them with $p$-adic modular forms 'a la Katz' that are regular functions on a certain formal moduli scheme. We show that the two notions agree for cusp forms and for a suitable class of weights containing all the classical ones. We extend the operators $V$ and $\Theta_\chi$ to the $p$-adic setting.

P-adic Aspects Of Modular Forms

Book Description

The aim of this book is to give a systematic exposition of results in some important cases where p-adic families and p-adic L-functions are studied. We first look at p-adic families in the following cases: general linear groups, symplectic groups and definite unitary groups. We also look at applications of this theory to modularity lifting problems. We finally consider p-adic L-functions for GL(2), the p-adic adjoint L-functions and some cases of higher GL(n).

Lectures on Hilbert Modular Varieties and Modular Forms

Book Description

This book is devoted to certain aspects of the theory of $p$-adic Hilbert modular forms and moduli spaces of abelian varieties with real multiplication. The theory of $p$-adic modular forms is presented first in the elliptic case, introducing the reader to key ideas of N. M. Katz and J.-P. Serre. It is re-interpreted from a geometric point of view, which is developed to present the rudiments of a similar theory for Hilbert modular forms. The theory of moduli spaces of abelianvarieties with real multiplication is presented first very explicitly over the complex numbers. Aspects of the general theory are then exposed, in particular, local deformation theory of abelian varieties in positive characteristic. The arithmetic of $p$-adic Hilbert modular forms and the geometry ofmoduli spaces of abelian varieties are related. This relation is used to study $q$-expansions of Hilbert modular forms, on the one hand, and stratifications of moduli spaces on the other hand. The book is addressed to graduate students and non-experts. It attempts to provide the necessary background to all concepts exposed in it. It may serve as a textbook for an advanced graduate course.

Hilbert Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory

Book Description

The 1995 work of Wiles and Taylor-Wiles opened up a whole new technique in algebraic number theory and, a decade on, the waves caused by this incredibly important work are still being felt. This book, authored by a leading researcher, describes the striking applications that have been found for this technique. In the book, the deformation theoretic techniques of Wiles-Taylor are first generalized to Hilbert modular forms (following Fujiwara's treatment), and some applications found by the author are then discussed. With many exercises and open questions given, this text is ideal for researchers and graduate students entering this research area.

Geometric Aspects of Dwork Theory

Book Description

Automorphic Forms and Related Geometry: Assessing the Legacy of I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the conference Automorphic Forms and Related Geometry: Assessing the Legacy of I.I. Piatetski-Shapiro, held from April 23-27, 2012, at Yale University, New Haven, CT. Ilya I. Piatetski-Shapiro, who passed away on 21 February 2009, was a leading figure in the theory of automorphic forms. The conference attempted both to summarize and consolidate the progress that was made during Piatetski-Shapiro's lifetime by him and a substantial group of his co-workers, and to promote future work by identifying fruitful directions of further investigation. It was organized around several themes that reflected Piatetski-Shapiro's main foci of work and that have promise for future development: functoriality and converse theorems; local and global -functions and their periods; -adic -functions and arithmetic geometry; complex geometry; and analytic number theory. In each area, there were talks to review the current state of affairs with special attention to Piatetski-Shapiro's contributions, and other talks to report on current work and to outline promising avenues for continued progress. The contents of this volume reflect most of the talks that were presented at the conference as well as a few additional contributions. They all represent various aspects of the legacy of Piatetski-Shapiro.

Hilbert Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory

Book Description

Describing the applications found for the Wiles and Taylor technique, this book generalizes the deformation theoretic techniques of Wiles-Taylor to Hilbert modular forms (following Fujiwara's treatment), and also discusses applications found by the author.

Hilbert Modular Surfaces

Book Description

Over the last 15 years important results have been achieved in the field of Hilbert Modular Varieties. Though the main emphasis of this book is on the geometry of Hilbert modular surfaces, both geometric and arithmetic aspects are treated. An abundance of examples - in fact a whole chapter - completes this competent presentation of the subject. This Ergebnisbericht will soon become an indispensible tool for graduate students and researchers in this field.

Flat Level Set Regularity of $p$-Laplace Phase Transitions

Book Description

We prove a Harnack inequality for level sets of $p$-Laplace phase transition minimizers. In particular, if a level set is included in a flat cylinder, then, in the interior, it is included in a flatter one. The extension of a result conjectured by De Giorgi and recently proven by the third author for $p=2$ follows.

The Calculus of One-Sided $M$-Ideals and Multipliers in Operator Spaces

Book Description

The theory of one-sided $M$-ideals and multipliers of operator spaces is simultaneously a generalization of classical $M$-ideals, ideals in operator algebras, and aspects of the theory of Hilbert $C*$-modules and their maps. Here we give a systematic exposition of this theory. The main part of this memoir consists of a 'calculus' for one-sided $M$-ideals and multipliers, i.e. a collection of the properties of one-sided $M$-ideals and multipliers with respect to the basic constructions met in functional analysis. This is intended to be a reference tool for 'noncommutative functional analysts' who may encounter a one-sided $M$-ideal or multiplier in their work.