Hindu Pastors

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Hindu Pastors

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Hindus and Their Christian Bible

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R.S. Sugirtharajah shows how at the height of European colonialism whilst the colonizers were studying the sacred texts of Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs and Zoroastrians, the Hindus were themselves scrutinizing the invader's book – the Christian Bible. Sugirtharajah examines how these Hindus transformed the Bible into what they deemed fit for and suited to their contexts. The result was that the Bible acquired a totally different form and lost its authority as the Book of the Empire. Sugirtharajah shows how the resistant, subversive and at times antagonistic readings of the Hindus went beyond what the colonizer had intended. Sadly what these Hindus made of the Bible went largely unnoticed and was ignored by Western scholarship. This volume seeks to rectify this regrettable omission and to place both the Hindu reformers and nationalists attitude to the Bible in their own specific context and to allow them to speak on their own terms rather than reading them with Christian preconception. The Hindu reformers covered include figures such as Raja Rammohun Roy, Arumuga Navalar, Keshub Chunder Sen, Swami Vivekananda, Ponnambalam Ramanathan, M. K. Gandhi and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and nationalists such as Dhirendranath Chowdhary, Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup. The book contains the interpretative context; the textual negotiation that went on between these Hindus and the missionaries and orientalists; examples of their Hinduization of the Bible; and the hermeneutical impact on mainstream biblical interpretation.

Pilgrims at the Crossroads

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Christians Meeting Hindus

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With rare exceptions, serious intentional, reflective and sustained interfaith encounter is a novel and recent enterprise. This book looks in detail at one such encounter--the intentional recent Hindu-Christian dialog in India--and asks why and how the practice of dialog came to replace previous attitudes of confrontation and monologue (especially on the part of Christians). Part I sets the encounter in its global context. Part II offers a comprehensive and critical analysis of the actual encounter. Part III draws on aspects of the Christian tradition as it critically examines the ways in which the dialog has been justified in Christological categories. A final chapter discusses the future of the encounter. Unlike many other works in the area of interfaith studies, this work combines both descriptive detail of the actual encounter and critical theological analysis of the strengths and weakness of the dialog model.

Sharing Jesus with Hindus

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Building Authentic Relationships with Hindus Indians make up the world’s largest diaspora community, and most of them are Hindus of diverse backgrounds, languages, and cultures. Millions of Hindus have migrated abroad in recent decades and are well-settled in different countries while many more are expected to be dispersed far and wide in the coming years. Many of them are highly educated and skilled, professionally successful, culturally adaptive, and very religious in their outlook. Sharing Jesus with Hindus is the collective wisdom of many seasoned ministry leaders and practitioners about how to minister effectively to contemporary global Hindus. The contributors are situated in different parts of the world, and some come from Hindu backgrounds themselves. Emerging from an international conference on mission to and among Hindus worldwide, this book provides practical ministry strategies and scholarly reflections drawn from decades of insight. The authors have experience in diasporic living and ministering to Hindus in diverse contexts. Learn how to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with your new neighbors from the Indian subcontinent. Avoid common mistakes and be an effective Christian witness to Hindus globally. Here is an essential resource in the toolkit of every church and Christian ministry worldwide.

Christians in South Indian Villages, 1959-2009

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This book revisits South Indian Christian communities that were studied in 1959 and written about in Village Christians and Hindu Culture (1968). In 1959 the future of these village congregations was uncertain. Would they grow through conversions or slowly dissolve into the larger Hindu society around them? John Carman and Chilkuri Vasantha Rao s carefully gathered research fifty years later reveals both the decline of many older congregations and the surprising emergence of new Pentecostal and Baptist churches that emphasize the healing power of Christ. Significantly, the new congregations largely cut across caste lines, including both high castes and outcastes (Dalits). Carman and Vasantha Rao pay particular attention to the social, political, and religious environment of these Indian village Christians, including their adaptation of indigenous Hindu practices into their Christian faith and observances.

Preserving Ethnicity through Religion in America

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2012 Honorable Mention Award, Sociology of Religion Section, presented by the American Sociological Association 2011 Honorable Mention for the American Sociological Association International Migration Section's Thomas and Znaniecki Best Book Preserving Ethnicity through Religion in America explores the factors that may lead to greater success in ethnic preservation. Pyong Gap Min compares Indian Americans and Korean Americans, two of the most significant ethnic groups in New York, and examines the different ways in which they preserve their ethnicity through their faith. Does someone feel more “Indian” because they practice Hinduism? Does membership in a Korean Protestant church aid in maintaining ties to Korean culture? Pushing beyond sociological research on religion and ethnicity which has tended to focus on whites or on a single immigrant group or on a single generation, Min also takes actual religious practice and theology seriously, rather than gauging religiosity based primarily on belonging to a congregation. Fascinating and provocative voices of informants from two generations combine with telephone survey data to help readers understand overall patterns of religious practices for each group under consideration. Preserving Ethnicity through Religion in America is remarkable in its scope, its theoretical significance, and its methodological sophistication.

Christian Pluralism in the United States

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Recent immigrant Christians from India are changing the face of American Christianity. They are establishing churches with Orthodox, Protestant and Catholic rites. This book is a comprehensive study of these Christians, their churches and their adaptation. Professor Williams describes migration patterns since 1965, and how the role of Indian Christian nurses in creating immigration opportunities for their families affects gender relations, transition of generations, interpretations of migration, Indian Christian family values, and types of leadership. Contemporary mobility and rapid communication create new transnational religious groups, and Williams reveals some of the reverse effects on churches and institutions in India. He notes some successes and failures of mediating institutions in the United States in responding to new forms of Christianity brought by immigrants.