Hinduism: Challenges | Interaction with Buddhism, Jainism and The Greeks

Book Description

. Embark on a journey tracing Hinduism's evolution from Vedic rituals to modern practices, revealing a seamless continuity despite apparent change. . Witness ancient mantras echoing in contemporary ceremonies, bridging the gap between millennia. . Explore the etymology of "Hindu" and its alignment with "Sanatana Dharma," encapsulating timeless principles of righteous living. . Discover Hinduism's encounters with Jainism, Buddhism, and the influence of Alexander the Great, shaping its diverse identity. Marvel at Hinduism's adaptability, absorbing and assimilating diverse ideologies over centuries. . Beyond a religion, Hinduism embodies Dharma—the righteous path to spiritual liberation. In this dynamic interplay of cultures and beliefs, Hinduism emerges as a beacon of inclusivity and adaptation.

The Religion and Beliefs of Ancient India

Book Description

India is home to the world’s oldest religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as Jainism. All three evolved from shared beliefs and traditions, such as reincarnation, karma, and liberation and achieving nirvana. These beliefs and traditions evolved in the Indus River Valley around 3500 BCE. This volume explores the religions of ancient India, including rituals practiced and deities worshipped, to provide students with an understanding of the beliefs of the peoples of ancient India. With engaging text, rich and colorful illustrations, and an enhanced e-book option, this title is a valuable resource for reports.


Book Description

Jainism is a tradition which dates back thousands of years, which is unbelievably rich and profound, and which has certain unmistakable signs of identity. Contrary to what some might think, it is not in any sense a poor relation of Buddhism, nor is a strange, atheistic and ascetic sect within Hinduism. Jainism is, above all, the religion of non-violence (ahimsa), an ideal which all other religions of India were subsequently to make theirs and which was made universal by Gandhi in the 20th century. Like Buddhism, Jainism is a religion without God which paradoxically opens to the truly sacred in the deepest reaches of all living beings in the cosmos. And it is also the religion of non-absolutism (anekantavada), a particular form of philosophical pluralism, which seems astonishingly modern.

Indian Philosophy and Religion

Book Description

In ancient Indian philosophy, philosophy and religion cannot be separated, primarily because of the cultural integration of religious practices and mystical pursuits. For example, ceremonies celebrating birth, marriage, and death, performed with recitations of Vedic verses (mantras), were important for bonding within ancient Indian societies. Later different social practices developed. Thus, the orthodox classical schools of thought are distinguished from nonorthodox classical schools by their allegiance to established forms of social practice rather than to the doctrines of the Veda. Buddhism, for example, constitutes much more of a break with Vedic practices than with the ideas developed in Vedic traditions of thought. In fact, the Upanishads, mystical treatises continuous with the Vedas, foretell many Buddhist teachings. In ancient India, religion did not entail dogma, but rather a way of life that permitted a wide range of philosophic positions and inquiry. Mysticism, the claim that ultimate truth is only obtainable through spiritual experience, dominates much ancient Indian philosophy. This book has been intended as a manual for students of this subject. Contents: • Truth and Validity • Laws of Thought • Truth-Functions and Propositional Logic • Hinduism • Buddhism • Jainism • Sikhism

The Two Traditions of Meditation in Ancient India

Book Description

This book elucidates the early Buddhist teachings and beliefs concerning meditaions and its role in the process to liberation. In a number of cases, the Buddhist canonical texts reject practices which they accept elsewhere. When these practices-sometimes rejected, sometimes accepted-correspond to what is known about non-Buddhist practices, the conculsion in then proposed that they are non-Buddhist practices which have somehow found their way into the Buddhist texts. A similar procedure enables one to choose between conflicting beliefs.

The Religion of India by Max Weber

Book Description

Max Weber's early twentieth-century study of the religions and civilization of India is a great pioneering adventure in the sociology of ancient India. Weber's insight and analysis - especially his application of the sociological perspective to the work of classical Indologists and the religious texts available to him - were to add much to the store of the social scientist. Later, historians and archaeologists were to confirm a surprising number of Weber's theories. The central concern of this and other of Weber's studies of countries we today describe as "developing" was with the obstacles to industrialization and modernization. Weber anticipated by several decades a problem that has come to occupy the post-World War II world. Why had these countries failed to display the full consequence of these rationalizing tendencies which, to Weber's mind had so powerful an affinity with the scientific technical transformation of the West. He isolated religious institutions and the key social strata which mediate them to wider society as crucial for the original formation of social-psychological orientations to the practical concerns of life and, hence, for receptivity or resistance to industrialization.

Buddhism and Jainism

Book Description

This volume focuses on Buddhism and Jainism, two religions which, together with Hinduism, constitute the three pillars of Indic religious tradition in its classical formulation. It explores their history and relates how the Vedic period in the history of Hinduism drew to a close around the sixth century BCE and how its gradual etiolation gave rise to a number of religious movements. While some of these remained within the fold of the Vedic traditions, others arose in a context of a more ambiguous relationship between the two. Two of these have survived to the present day as Buddhism and Jainism. The volume describes the major role Buddhism played in the history not only of India but of Asia, and now the world as well, and the more confined role of Jainism in India until relatively recent times. It examines the followers of these religions and their influence on the Indian religious landscape. In addition, it depicts the transformative effect on existing traditions of the encounter of Hinduism with these two religions, as well as the fertile interaction between the three. The book shows how Buddhism and Jainism share the basic concepts of karma, rebirth, and liberation with Hinduism while giving them their own hue, and how they differ from the Hindu tradition in their understanding of the role of the Vedas, the “caste system,” and ritualism in religious life. The volume contributes to the debate on whether the proper way of describing the relationship between the three major components of the classical Indic tradition is to treat them as siblings (sometimes as even exhibiting sibling rivalry), or as friends (sometimes even exhibiting schadenfreude), or as radical alternatives to one another, or all of these at different points in time.

The Religions of India

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